
標題: CGA大戰 [列印本頁]

作者: peri    時間: 05-2-26 22:05
標題: CGA大戰
peri: Kanon的劇場版共有兩集 , 分別為 [ 風花 ] 以及 [ 雪月 ] .
peri: 分享公開的日子是........

peri: ......................

peri : 提早公開實在抱歉啊,我沒想到銀河天使隊是這麼的不受歡迎啊~~!

? :

peri :

< 未完待續 >

Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Type 2 Diabetes

Maintenance of normal blood glucose levels depends on a complex interplay between
the insulin responsiveness of skeletal muscle and liver and glucose-stimulated
insulin secretion by pancreatic b cells. Defects in the former are responsible for insulin

resistance, and defects in the latter are responsible for progression to hyperglycemia.

Emerging evidence supports the potentially unifying hypothesis that both of these

prominent features of type 2 diabetes are caused by mitochondrial dysfunction.

Type 2 diabetes is the most common metabolic disease in the world. In the United States,
it is the leading cause of blindness, end-stage renal disease, and nontraumatic loss of limb,
with associated health care costs estimated to exceed $130 billion per year (1). Of even
greater concern, type 2 diabetes is rapidly becoming a global pandemic and is projected
to afflict more than 300 million individuals worldwide by the year 2025, with most of
the increase occurring in India and Asia (2). Although the primary cause of this disease
unknown, it is clear that insulin resistance plays an early role in its pathogenesis and
that defects in insulin secretion by pancreatic b cells are instrumental in the progression to
hyperglycemia. Here, we explore the potentially unifying hypothesis that these two prominent
features of type 2 diabetes are both attributable to defects in mitochondria, the organelles
that provide energy to the cell.

Role of Intracellular Fatty Acid

Metabolites in Insulin Resistance

Several lines of evidence indicate that insulin resistance is an early feature of type 2
diabetes. First, virtually all patients with type 2 diabetes are insulin-resistant, and prospective
studies have shown that this insulinresistant state develops 1 to 2 decades before
the onset of the disease (3–5). Second, insulin resistance in the offspring of parents
with type 2 diabetes is the best predictor for later development of the disease . Lastly,
perturbations that reduce insulin resistance prevent the development of diabetes .
作者: play0219    時間: 05-2-26 22:18
標題: 回覆: CGA大戰
要在這裡發嗎??那我來搶第一ˊ0ˋ 加入我的最愛當中...
作者: dryade64752    時間: 05-2-26 22:46
標題: 回覆: CGA大戰
作者: lilyrital    時間: 05-2-26 23:35
標題: 回覆: CGA大戰
挺難猜的 改天問你= ="
作者: peri    時間: 05-2-27 02:23
標題: 回覆: CGA大戰
Skeletal muscle and liver are the two key insulin-responsive organs responsible for maintaining

normal glucose homeostasis, and their transition to an insulin-resistant state accounts

for most of the alterations in glucose metabolism seen in patients with type 2 diabetes.

Before considering whether mitochondrial dysfunction contributes to the development of insulin

resistance in these organs, it is first important to understand the cellular mechanisms responsible

for insulin resistance. As discussed by Lazar , there is growing evidence that circulating

cytokines secreted by fat tissue can modulate the insulin responsiveness of liver

and muscle. However, fatty acids and/or intracellular fatty acid metabolites such as

fatty acyl coenzyme As (fatty acyl CoAs)

, diacylglycerol , or ceramides are also thought to play a critical role.

Over 40 years ago, Randle et al. demonstrated that fatty acids caused insulin resistance

in an in vitro rat muscle preparation, and they hypothesized that this occurred by a

substrate competition mechanism . According to his model, increased oxidation of

muscle fatty acids would produce increased levels of intracellular acetyl CoA and citrate,

which in turn would inhibit, respectively, two enzymes involved in glucose utilization,

pyruvate dehydrogenase and phosphofructokinase.

Inhibition of the glycolytic pathway at these steps would increase intracellular

glucose and glucose-6-phosphate concentrations, ultimately resulting in reduced insulinstimulated

glucose uptake.

More recent studies using 13C and 31P

magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) have

shown that this mechanism for fatty acid–

induced insulin resistance is untenable in human

skeletal muscle ; rather, fatty acids

appear to cause insulin resistance by directly

inhibiting insulin-stimulated glucose transport

activity . This inhibition is likely because

of the accumulation of intracellular

fatty acyl CoAs and diacylglycerol, which then

activate critical signal transduction pathways

that ultimately lead to suppression of insulin

signaling . One might therefore predict

that any metabolic perturbation that promotes

the accumulation of fatty acids in liver

and/or muscle and/or any defect in the ability

of these organs to metabolize fatty acids might

result in insulin resistance . Indeed, defects

in adipocyte metabolism, which occur

in conditions such as severe lipodystrophy

, can result in the former, and it has become

increasingly evident that defects in mitochondrial

fatty acid oxidation can result in the

latter and may be responsible for the more

common forms of insulin resistance.


Now here is the question , what's the word of " MRS " ? Please write down the primitive vocabulary in English . --> AIR 的心眼提示!!

Answer : magneticresonancespectroscopy
作者: peri    時間: 05-2-27 02:25
標題: 回覆: CGA大戰
tom: 這是什?
peri : 這次的分享啊~~
tom: 什麼 !!
作者: peri    時間: 05-2-27 02:45
標題: 回覆: CGA大戰
這篇裡面有 :
銀河天使第一部6 , 7 兩集
AIR ( 天空之雲 ) 第8集 Summer 篇 ( Key公司 )
CANVAS ( 又叫campus ) 第1集 ( Key公司 )

祝各位尋寶成功!! XDD
作者: HinoFox    時間: 05-2-27 02:59
標題: 回覆: CGA大戰
作者: 高雄銀行ACG金庫    時間: 05-2-27 03:05
標題: 回覆: CGA大戰
作者: WilsonJJ    時間: 05-2-27 03:07
標題: 回覆: CGA大戰
作者: peri    時間: 05-2-27 08:54
標題: 回覆: CGA大戰
作者: asdfgab    時間: 05-2-27 09:31
標題: 回覆: CGA大戰
[QUOTE=peri]這篇裡面有 :
銀河天使第一部6 , 7 兩集
AIR ( 天空之雲 ) 第8集 Summer 篇 ( Key公司 )
CANVAS ( 又叫campus ) 第1集 ( Key公司 )

祝各位尋寶成功!! XDD[/QUOTE]
作者: garyfish    時間: 05-2-27 09:38
標題: 回覆: CGA大戰
全英文嗎......看的頭好痛~~~但是...為了AIR    拼死也要找出來  (=.=+

太期待拉~~~    感謝分享...
作者: dowbama    時間: 05-2-27 10:30
標題: 回覆: CGA大戰
作者: WilsonJJ    時間: 05-2-27 11:06
標題: 回覆: CGA大戰
好棒的心眼和貼文方式= =...我喜歡...
作者: kkman12    時間: 05-2-27 11:34
標題: 回覆: CGA大戰
.................找....找不到 -_________-|||
作者: keilleng    時間: 05-2-27 13:55
標題: 回覆: CGA大戰
作者: 永恆之淚    時間: 05-2-27 19:50
標題: 回覆: CGA大戰
作者: play0219    時間: 05-2-27 20:24
標題: 回覆: CGA大戰
天啊 大大...要吃大大的東西每次都要下相當的功夫啊~
不過還真有挑戰性...希望改進的~就算想藏 也整理一下咩~
都不敢確定自己下的東西正不正確說XD 在推上去!~推推推
作者: 恆靜    時間: 05-2-28 00:48
標題: 回覆: CGA大戰
心眼?...英文.....我輸了= =||.......好多阿...被壓死
作者: asdfgab    時間: 05-2-28 05:12
標題: 回覆: CGA大戰
作者: buzala    時間: 05-3-5 14:30
標題: 回覆: CGA大戰
看標題完全不知道是GA第六集出了QQ   還好想說1~5已經出好久了 應該有6了
所以去搜尋一下兔子大的文章才找到   不過抓動畫還可以順便讀DM  真的是太炫了一點@@
ps  GA第一部完結了嗎??
作者: peri    時間: 05-3-5 14:57
標題: 回覆: CGA大戰
[QUOTE=buzala]看標題完全不知道是GA第六集出了QQ 還好想說1~5已經出好久了 應該有6了
所以去搜尋一下兔子大的文章才找到 不過抓動畫還可以順便讀DM 真的是太炫了一點@@
ps GA第一部完結了嗎??[/QUOTE]

還沒哩~~ 我才發不到一半哩~~
作者: buzala    時間: 05-3-5 15:36
標題: 回覆: CGA大戰
[QUOTE=peri]還沒哩~~ 我才發不到一半哩~~[/QUOTE]

呵呵 剛剛去查了一下 原來有26集 (我是看到兔子文章一開始說什麼"提早公開..."那句  還以為不發GA第一部了^^)

另外  下次心眼該不會設這次文章的內容吧(type 2 DM是怎麼引起之類的@@)
作者: ddrmars    時間: 05-3-6 02:09
標題: 回覆: CGA大戰


作者: 青空之翼    時間: 05-3-6 17:04
標題: 回覆: CGA大戰
無法解壓縮= =
作者: 豪~~~    時間: 05-3-11 21:32
標題: 回覆: CGA大戰

歡迎光臨 鐵之狂傲 (https://gamez.com.tw/)