這些都算了,反正我本來就沒有很高的期望,最慘的還是「速戰速決﹕中共解放軍對台作戰推演狀況」這篇﹗(以下簡稱「解放軍作戰推演」) 全防主編說這文章「不盡成熟」未免太客氣了,這種沒仔細討論守方能力只看攻方裝備的東西能叫推演﹖看到該文所謂 310 枚飛彈及部份內容,我更加懷疑這篇根本是作者大抄蘭德過去的「Dire Strait? Military Aspects of the China-Taiwan Confrontation and Options for U.S. Policy」主旨,再自行刪減不喜歡之處、隨意添加自己的主觀看法。更糟糕的是,此篇連基本想定背景都沒有﹕哪年﹖什麼國際環境下發生戰爭﹖解放軍的具體軍事目標﹖海戰及陸戰的詳細發生情形﹖解放軍的後勤及訓練﹖等等。
想想看,全防這本雜誌定價我加 80 元就等於鐘教授的「爆心零時」,加 200 元左右就等於手上的「戰史入門」及甘乃迪的「13 Days 」。說全防騙錢當然太重了,畢竟軍事雜誌要在台灣這種小眾市場生存並不容易,但我確實覺得花錢去買它不怎麼值得,還不如加錢去買好書。
「The object of an offensive battle can only be to dislodge the enemy or to cut his line, unless it is intended by strategic maneuvers to ruin his army completely. An enemy is dislodged either by overthrowing him at some point of his line, or by outflanking him so as to take him in flank and rear, by using both these methods as once.」
- Another lengthy classic never read by idiot writer of this article: Jomini's "The Art of War"
1 飛彈精度及數量
蘭德在2004 發表的 PRC-Taiwan 戰場模擬報告中指出 "...it would take 25-50 missiles with a 300-meter CEP to close a single runway with 90 percent probability (This is a nearer-term case, as it seems likely that the accuracy of ballistic
missiles will improve given access to GPS and GLONASS). If one follows this path of reasoning, most of China's current SRBM force would be exhausted in an effort to close down - albeit termporarily (i.e, until they can be repaired) - just six runways with a high probability. If air and missile defense capability can be made effective, the salvo requirements are even
larger... The introduction of effective area-denial warheads, including runway penetrators, could lower the number of missiles required to close an airfield."
2004 年美國國防部在解放軍軍力報告中表示﹕「The PLAAF does not appear to have been putting large numbers of aircraft in the air simultaneously, controlling large numbers of engagements, or sustaining high sortie rates for extended periods...」理論上看載台數目,解放軍無疑能以世界數量第三大的空軍進行這麼龐大的兩面作戰。不過考慮到作戰管制及平常演練、妥善率、戰區內機場容度及戰機航程,以及最最最重要的後勤問題,短期內解放軍是否能以超越美國及其聯軍的快速節奏進行台海戰爭﹖ 我留給各位自行判斷。