標題: please come in [列印本頁] 作者: 風.馳 時間: 05-4-18 22:52 標題: please come in I'm in Florida now, I wonder can I play Lineage2 in USA. I just finish downloading, but it say file creat failure, can some one tell me what can I do next, or I can't play in USA.(sorry I can't type chinese in US)
please help me, thank you?.?作者: k945 時間: 05-4-18 23:05 標題: 回覆: please come in 是在美國想玩台灣伺服器嗎?
注音文 請注意....謝謝!!作者: 風.馳 時間: 05-4-18 23:29 標題: 回覆: please come in but I want to play with the people here= =作者: 墮夜 時間: 05-4-19 01:02 標題: 回覆: please come in 只能掛台灣的PROXY作者: 風.馳 時間: 05-4-19 10:09 標題: 回覆: please come in what is PROXY= = can you tell me作者: BOKY1111 時間: 05-4-19 10:53 標題: 回覆: please come in 我記得有代理伺服器的相關文章,何不試著去搜尋看看呢?
繼續下潛....噗嚕嚕嚕嚕....作者: 墮夜 時間: 05-4-19 10:56 標題: 回覆: please come in [QUOTE=風.馳]what is PROXY= = can you tell me[/QUOTE]
另外你可以去台灣微軟下載新注音作者: k945 時間: 05-4-19 15:03 標題: 回覆: please come in [QUOTE=k945]是在美國想玩台灣伺服器嗎?