ED1 wind
Cultivate your hunger before you idealize motivate your anger to make them all realize climbing the mountain never coming down break into the contents never falling down my knee is still shaking like I was twelve sneaking out of the classroom by the back door a man railed at me twice though but I didn’t care waiting is wasting for people like me don’t try to live so wise don’t cry cause you’re so right don’t dry with fakes or fears cause you will hate yourself in the end
OP4 GO!!!
We are fighting dreamers 我們向著高處不斷奮鬥 fighting dreamers 我們不拘小節 fighting dreamers 堅持自己的信念 不斷 不斷 不斷奮鬥 Just Go My Way Right here Right now (Bang!) 像子彈一樣穿梭Right here Right now (Bang!) 激烈危險的戰鬥之中 展開戰友的地圖追尋前進的道路 ?過五彩繽紛的烏鴉將其丟棄 讓心眼敞開 去看透世界的真相 (yeah!) 沒有任何遺漏 讓我們同行We are fighting dreamers 我們向著高處不斷奮鬥We are fighting dreamers 我們不拘小節We are fighting dreamers 堅持自己的信念 不斷 不斷 不斷奮鬥 Just Go My Way Right here Right now (Bang!) 像子彈一樣穿梭Right here Right now (Bang!) 一刀兩斷 get the fire Right here Right now (Bang!) 像子彈一樣穿梭Right here Right now (Bang!) 一刀兩斷 get the fire (Bang!)