
標題: Hi~Guys !! [列印本頁]

作者: 無雙演武    時間: 05-5-12 10:35
標題: Hi~Guys !!
Hi,Guys!! Long time no see! I'll be back at next month(12/June) and stay two month.Than return to US. I know that third chater will revised at 18/May. I'll online when I'm back.Hope see you soon....!! Take care !

I'm sorry,there's some problem in my computer,I can't typing chinese.
作者: 五香乖乖    時間: 05-5-12 11:37
標題: 回覆: Hi~Guys !!
[QUOTE=無雙演武]Hi,Guys!! Long time no see! I'll be back at next month(12/June) and stay two month.Than return to US. I know that third chater will revised at 18/May. I'll online when I'm back.Hope see you soon....!! Take care !

I'm sorry,there's some problem in my computer,I can't typing chinese.[/QUOTE]

....你在說啥>"<? 真BLUE 英文沒念好都看不懂~~(泣)
作者: 一黑松沙士一    時間: 05-5-12 23:58
標題: 回覆: Hi~Guys !!
作者: 回教激進分子    時間: 05-5-13 04:36
標題: 回覆: Hi~Guys !!
Hi,Guys!! Long time no see! I'll be back at next month(12/June) and stay 4 two months.Then return to US. I know that the third chapter will be revised on 18/May. I'll be online then.Hope see you soon....!! Take care !

I'm sorry,there's some problem with my computer,I can't type chinese.



作者: 殘兵凰    時間: 05-5-18 16:08
標題: 回覆: Hi~Guys !!
[QUOTE=回教激進分子]Hi,Guys!! Long time no see! I'll be back at next month(12/June) and stay 4 two months.Then return to US. I know that the third chapter will be revised on 18/May. I'll be online then.Hope see you soon....!! Take care !

I'm sorry,there's some problem with my computer,I can't type chinese.



歡迎光臨 鐵之狂傲 (https://gamez.com.tw/)