lol = laugh out loudly (大聲笑出來)
thx = thanks (謝謝)
plz = please (請, 拜託...)
k = ok
brb = be right back (馬上回來)
np = no problem (不客氣)
cya = see ya = see you (再見囉...881)
ciao = 義大利用語的see you
u = you
ur = your
nr=nt = no reply=no thx 沒回訊就是代表不, 謝了
idk = i don't know 我不知道
wtf = what the fuck (搞屁啊...)
fag (英國人罵人男同性戀的用詞, gay是美國人用的喔)
soj = stone of jordon 喬丹之石戒指
wf = windforce 風之力
gf = grandfather 祖父
wt = war traveler 戰旅
ccb = cruel colossus blade 慘忍巨神之刃
ccbq = cruel colossus blade of quickness 慘忍快速之巨神之刃
ccs = cruel colossus sword 慘忍巨神之劍
gc = grand charm 超大型護符
lc = large charm 大型護符
sc = small charm 小護符
mfsc = magic finding small charm 尋寶小符
pdsc = poison damage small charm 小毒符
pdlc = poison damage large charm 中毒符
ammy = amulet 護身符, 掛在脖子上的那一種
ias = increasing attack speed 增加準確率
ar = attack rate 準確率
ed = enhanced damage 增強傷害
ed = enhanced defense 增強防禦
unid = unidentified 未辨識
str = strength 力量
dex = dexterity 敏捷
def = defense 防禦
dam = damage 傷害
res = resistance 抗性
bally = ballista = buriza 弩弓, 渣炮
shaft = shaftstop 謝夫特
gaze = vampire gaze 吸血鬼, 鬼頭
doom = doombringer 冠軍之劍
tal's = tal rasha's 塔拉夏的...
nat's = natalya's 娜塔亞的...
ik = immortal king 不朽之王的...
c-gems = chipped gems 碎寶
p-gems = perfect gems 完寶
p-topazed 鑲黃寶的...
ama = amazon 亞馬
asn = assassin 刺客
sor = sorceress 法師
bar = barbarian 野蠻
pal = paladin 聖騎士
The Disciple 門徒
Telling of Beads-Amulet 述說之珠-護身符
Laying of Hands-Bramble Mitts 手掌的安置-荊棘連指手套
Dark Adherent-Dusk Shroud 黑暗信徒-灰暮壽衣
Rite of Passage-Demonhide Boots 儀式的走道-魔皮靴
Credendum-Mithril Coil 信條-秘銀腰帶
Tal Rasha's Wrappings-Sorceress Set 塔.拉夏的外袍-女法師專屬套裝
Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye-Swirling Crystal 塔.拉夏的判決-渦流水晶
Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest-Death Mask 塔.拉夏的赫拉迪克紋章-死亡面具
Tal Rasha's Guardianship-Lacquered Plate 塔.拉夏的守護-漆甲
Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth-Mesh Belt 塔.拉夏的纖細衣服-織網腰帶
Tal Rasha's Adjudication-Amulet 塔.拉夏的判決-護身符