作者: 歐ㄟ 時間: 05-6-14 23:39 標題: 回覆: 神聖的財寶 我....似乎破關了...="=
我是怎麼破的阿阿阿阿阿~~~~~作者: peazon 時間: 05-6-15 00:16 標題: 回覆: 神聖的財寶 [2]
等裝好後點杯子,男孩去拿起後右邊會出現箭頭,就到[3]了。作者: rocpoon 時間: 05-6-15 00:49 標題: 回覆: 神聖的財寶 [3]
1. There is 2 bottle of beer near the security room.
2. Take the one on the right and pass it to the man who is nearer to you (put the beer into his hand). And he will drink the beer, after that we will went behind the rock to pee.
3. Press yourself when he is behind the rock, and you will go behind the rock and beat him up, and come out with his cloth.
4.Last, press the cammer, and you will move the the forth stage.作者: rocpoon 時間: 05-6-15 00:53 標題: 回覆: 神聖的財寶 [4]
1. There is an scropian at the center of the road.
2. Move it to the right side.
3. Then move your cammer to the position where just now the scropian stand.
4. click yourself.
5. Click the small rock which is on the big rock.
6. jump into the hole.作者: lavamaysp 時間: 05-6-15 05:52 標題: 回覆: 神聖的財寶 3.
拿起酒瓶給衛兵喝 點小男孩 在點駱駝...