Diablo II Accounts Closed
Nebu on August 11, 2005
We have just closed more than 36,000 accounts for cheating on Battle.net. More than 28,000 CD keys tied to these accounts have been disabled from Realm play on Battle.net for one month, and more than 3,000 CD keys have been permanently disabled from Realm play due to repeat offenses. Please see the Battle.net FAQ for details on our anti-cheating procedure. As a reminder, the Battle.net news window that Diablo II players see after logging in has had a long-running warning against the use of hacks, clearly indicating that if we detect that cheating is taking place, the offending accounts may be closed without notice and the CD keys tied to these accounts may likewise be disabled without notice. Today account closures reflect our zero-tolerance policy against cheating, as well as our effort to prepare the Realms for the new ladder season. We appreciate the support of the thousands of legitimate Diablo II players in helping us keep Battle.net a secure and fun place to play Blizzard games.
我們(暴風雪公司)已經關閉了超過36000個在Bnet上作弊的帳號,超過28000個和這些帳號有牽連的cdkey一個月內將無法在Bnet上的國度使用,還有超過3000個cdkey由於累犯,已經永久性的無法在Bnet上使用。請參閱Battle.net FAQ上我們反作弊程序的細節。作為提示,在玩家進入Diablo II後看見的一長串反駭客的警告明確的表示,如果我們(暴風雪公司)偵測到作弊,犯罪的帳號可能無預警地被關閉,而有關的cdkey也會無預警地被停用。今天,帳戶關閉反映了我們反作弊的零容忍政策,以及我們努力為國度的新天梯所做的準備。我們(暴風雪公司)感謝數以萬計的合法Diablo II 玩家的支持,在於幫助我們保留B.net一個安全和娛樂的地方來玩暴風雪的遊戲。