作者: AMONAMON 時間: 05-8-12 17:30 標題: 回覆: 東方妖妖夢小動畫 3D動畫作的好棒喔,跟音樂太配啦^^。
看完後有點好奇想問冰精堆的雪人,第一關boss不會就是這樣誕生的吧@@?作者: 東方系列 時間: 05-8-12 18:35 標題: 回覆: 東方妖妖夢小動畫 You have requested the file thm3018.rar (9719437 Bytes). This file has been downloaded 22 times already. IMPORTANT: Download-accelerators are only supported with a PREMIUM-Account!
Your IP-address is already downloading a file. You have to wait until it is finished.
Premium-accounts can download many files at the same time. Maybe you want to have a PREMIUM-Account, too?
If you are not downloading anything, you are using a proxy-server. please see our FAQ.
可能沒機會看到了不過還是加你名聲作者: teresahong 時間: 05-8-12 19:04 標題: 回覆: 東方妖妖夢小動畫 [QUOTE=東方系列]You have requested the file thm3018.rar (9719437 Bytes). This file has been downloaded 22 times already.
IMPORTANT: Download-accelerators are only supported with a PREMIUM-Account!
Your IP-address is already downloading a file. You have to wait until it is finished.
應該會變成Your IP-address can't use rapidshare anymore. don't worry, it's not your faught
(之類的...英文不好饒了我吧)作者: AMONAMON 時間: 05-8-12 19:08 標題: 回覆: 東方妖妖夢小動畫 proxy啊,你試看看開IE後注意上面有的微軟的標誌(就是4的被扭曲的正方形,好難形容啊.....)
看那一欄有的"工具"按一下跑出彈跳視窗->找"網際網路選項"給他按下去->這時會跑出一個視窗,選擇"連線"那一選項->下面有的"區域網路設定"不要猶豫了按下去吧->這時會出現有4的能夠打勾勾的地方將proxy伺服器那一欄的勾勾按掉->你的電腦裡 "網址(E)______ 連接埠(T)_____ 進階 "這邊就會黯淡->最後要按"確定"喔,以上做完就代表你成功把proxy關掉了^^。
如果是用KKman的話找"選項(O)"->"WWW設定(I)"之後就跟IE一樣了,試看看吧^^。作者: avgnoyume 時間: 05-8-12 19:14 標題: 回覆: 東方妖妖夢小動畫 [QUOTE=東方系列]You have requested the file thm3018.rar (9719437 Bytes). This file has been downloaded 22 times already.
IMPORTANT: Download-accelerators are only supported with a PREMIUM-Account!
Your IP-address is already downloading a file. You have to wait until it is finished.
點 IE 的 "工具" → "網際網路選項" → "連線"標籤 → "區域網路設定"按鈕
[QUOTE=東方系列]You have requested the file thm3018.rar (9719437 Bytes). This file has been downloaded 22 times already.
IMPORTANT: Download-accelerators are only supported with a PREMIUM-Account!
Your IP-address is already downloading a file. You have to wait until it is finished.
Premium-accounts can download many files at the same time. Maybe you want to have a PREMIUM-Account, too?
If you are not downloading anything, you are using a proxy-server. please see our FAQ...[/QUOTE]