作者: Artofpeach 時間: 05-9-2 09:04 標題: 回覆: 自畫原創鋼彈 [畫質與大小不佳 不喜或口易出惡言者最好勿入] Look at that its almost perfectly done "實力不怎樣" is not a word to describe it Except the leg I like all the parts that you designed. Another Advice for thepeson who start this Topic Gundams are the same as human their body is abt the siz of 2 head and the botom to leg is abt 5 and a half so if u base on that you might do it perfectly because at the moment the head looks too big there after the size have been shrinked 2 tips on drawin
*before you start set up the size
*stand back and look at your drawing everytime after you finish, you can easily pick problem out from that
*dont press too hard on the pencil when you are drawin especially using 3H above or B above pencil the best pencil to start with are usually H or HB pencil or else you will make smuges over the page which will blure the drawing making it uneasy to see
Howevere those are only my opinins you dont really have to follow the rules because that is how i have done it.作者: =幻神= 時間: 05-9-2 11:51 標題: 回覆: 自畫原創鋼彈 [畫質與大小不佳 不喜或口易出惡言者最好勿入] 好利害....太利害了.....
接受小弟的膜拜....Orz作者: JGHUOBVU 時間: 05-9-2 14:21 標題: 回覆: 自畫原創鋼彈 [畫質與大小不佳 不喜或口易出惡言者最好勿入] 原來以前在機戰論壇看到的就是板大話的阿~
真的是很像EZ8阿⊙▽⊙作者: roye0310 時間: 05-9-2 20:11 標題: 回覆: 自畫原創鋼彈 [畫質與大小不佳 不喜或口易出惡言者最好勿入] 整體上是畫的很不錯 要是在用細一點的筆來畫一次 感覺會更好作者: 緋.紅 時間: 05-9-2 20:27 標題: 回覆: 自畫原創鋼彈 [畫質與大小不佳 不喜或口易出惡言者最好勿入] 擦掉的部份,處理的乾淨依點的話,畫面會看起來更棒作者: 月轟.炎 時間: 05-9-3 20:12 標題: 回覆: 自畫原創鋼彈 [畫質與大小不佳 不喜或口易出惡言者最好勿入] 炭筆阿~
這叫我畫也畫不出來= =+
修改也很少~有陰影會更棒作者: Artofpeach 時間: 05-9-3 20:12 標題: 回覆: 自畫原創鋼彈 [畫質與大小不佳 不喜或口易出惡言者最好勿入] Is it me or the 2 person above just repeated my msh in chinese......but any way 版主 Gambade ....I beilieve you will becom a good designer, you have better ideas than me ..@@ hope you can paste more of your drawings in future so we can all enjoy your design作者: woy 時間: 05-9-3 22:21 標題: 回覆: 自畫原創鋼彈 [畫質與大小不佳 不喜或口易出惡言者最好勿入] 能設計出新的鋼彈就很不錯了
整體看起來很不錯喔作者: chinesam 時間: 05-9-4 14:12 標題: 回覆: 自畫原創鋼彈 [畫質與大小不佳 不喜或口易出惡言者最好勿入] 感覺手部很有力
其他的都不錯作者: jsb 時間: 05-9-4 14:30 標題: 回覆: 自畫原創鋼彈 [畫質與大小不佳 不喜或口易出惡言者最好勿入] 太大張了~~縮小一點才能看全部@@