[size=+2]The Sleeping Beauty, [size=+2]Story Origins
A wedding brings many a fairy tale to a successful, if open ended, conclusion and such is the case of the ballet The Sleeping Beauty. However, looking back at the original Charles Perrault version of the tale on which the ballet is based, and versions prior to that, the meeting of the Prince and Beauty is but the halfway mark of the story. Details even before that point have changed over the course of time.
Perrault published La Belle au bois dormant (The Sleeping Beauty) in Paris, in January 1697, as the first of eight stories in a book titled Histoires ou Contes du temps passé. Avec de Moralitez. As with many of his other tales, he owes a great deal to a collection of fairy tales published by the Italian Giambattista Basile sixty years earlier. In the case of The Sleeping Beauty, they both tell variations of the 1528 romance Perceforest and can trace roots in the story of Brynhild in the Volsunga Saga.
When Brynhild was banished to the earth, to marry as a human, her greatest fear was that she would wed a coward. To protect her against this, Odin placed her in a castle surrounded by a barrier of flames. He then preserved Brynhild's youthful beauty by touching her with a thorn that put her in a deep sleep. Once a man was brave enough to pass through the flame and enter the castle he would remove her armor and fall instantly in love with her. This would cause her to awaken and fall in love with him, which indeed happened when Sigurd braved the flames.
The Perceforest storyis entitled Histoire de Troylus et de Zellandine. The deities Venus, Lucina and Themis are invited to a feast to honor the birth of the king's daughter, Zellandine. Themis is upset because she is not given a knife like the other guests and thus curses the child. The curse is of an unknown nature so no attempt can be made to mitigate it. A flax splinter causes the young princess to fall to sleep. Many years later Prince Troylus happens upon Zellandine in her tower, and when he can not rouse her he acts in an unrestrained manner with her sleeping body. As a result they have a child.
Giambattista Basile, born in Naples about 1575, was a much traveled poet, soldier and administrator. He died in 1632 while serving as Governor of the Giugliano district near Naples. Some 50 of his tales were published posthumously and became known in the 1674 edition as The Pentamerone. His version of The Sleeping Beauty is tale five from Day Five. In addition The Pentamerone includes original versions of Cinderella, Snow White, Beauty and the Beast and Puss in Boots.
In Basile's version, a great king commands the wise men of his country to confer about the destiny of his daughter, Talia. They conclude she will meet her peril from a splinter of flax. The king therefore bans flax from his castle. However, when the young princess sees an old woman spinning, she is intrigued as she has never seen such a thing before. On touching the yarn she gets a splinter of flax under her nail and falls dead. Grief stricken, her father places her in a velvet chair, locks her in the castle and abandons it. An unspecified time later, another king who is already married to another woman is out hunting. He comes upon the sleeping princess, Talia. However much he tries, she will not awaken and so, in Basile's words, he "plucked from her the fruits of love," thus fathering two children, Sole and Luna. He then departs and returns to his wife, the queen. In trying to suckle the breast of the comatose mother, one of the children instead sucks on her finger, thereby removing the splinter of flax that had enchanted her and allowing Talia to awaken. The king returns to the forest one day and discovers his forgotten second family awake. Suspicious of her husband, the queen summons Sole and Luna to the court and orders the cook to butcher them and serve them to their father as delicacies. The cook cannot bring himself to do this, hides the children and instead prepares two goat kids. The king finds the food delicious and his wife encourages him saying "Eat up, you're eating what's your very own." He replies "I know very well I'm eating what's my own, because you have brought nothing to this house."
The wife, now furious, summons Talia to the court and prepares to burn her on a pyre. Talia protests that she was asleep during the whole episode and therefore blameless. Partially in response to Talia's wishes and mostly to gain her rival's fine clothes, the queen allows Talia to undress, which she does slowly, playing for time and screaming all the while. As she gets down to her last garment, the king finally responds to her cries. He demands the whereabouts of his children, and when told that he has eaten them he throws the queen into the fire. As the cook is about to meet a similar fate for complicity, he tells where he has hidden the children. The family is reunited, Talia and the king marry, and the cook is promoted.
Charles Perrault (1628 - 1703) was a retired civil servant and member of the Académie française. He begins his version of the story by telling us, in detail, the difficulties Beauty's parents had in conceiving a child. The old fairy arrives at the party, but she is upset by not receiving the same gold cutlery the other fairies received. She therefore delivers her curse. Now Beauty pricks her finger on the spindle to be caste into her sleep. Perrault turns the vengeful wife into the Prince's mother who, as Perrault puts it, "is of the Ogre race, a group known for eating the meat of young children." The story follows as in Basile's, the children are now Aurora and Jour. The mother is somewhat more of a gourmand and demands that Aurora be prepared with a Sauce Robert. Again the cook spares the children and substitutes goat and lamb. The mother now wishes to eat the once sleeping beauty, who meekly agrees to her fate believing that her children have already perished. The cook once again intervenes and serves up a deer in her place. When the ogress finds out, she is furious and prepares a cauldron of toads, eels, vipers and snakes for all to be disposed into. The Prince, who has been absent at war, arrives in the nick of time to save his young family. His mother dives into the cauldron and is "immediately devoured by the horrible creatures she had put into it."
Since Perrault, the Grimm brothers (Jacob & Wilhelm), who were avid fans of fairy tales, published their collection of stories in three volumes, in 1812, 1815 and 1822. They presented The Sleeping Beauty as the less macabre but more romantic Dornröschen (Little Briar Rose). Here the Prince awakens sleeping Beauty with a kiss (which is sometimes omitted), they are married and live happily ever after.作者: 笨笨Toro 時間: 05-9-1 01:15 標題: 回覆: 誰來救救我...(倒) [QUOTE=亞之兒]Orz
The Sleeping Beauty, Story Origins
A wedding brings many a fairy tale to a successful, if open ended, conclusion and such is the case of the ballet The Sleeping Beauty. However, looking back at the original Charles Perrault version of the tale on which the ballet is based, and versions ...『刪除過多引言』[/QUOTE]
未考古過這一段歷史 =口=!作者: Peropero 時間: 05-9-1 01:29 標題: 回覆: 誰來救救我...(倒) [QUOTE=笨笨Toro]姆??未考古過這一段歷史 =口=![/QUOTE]
The earliest recorded version of the Cinderella tale comes from China. It was written down by Tuan Ch'eng-shih in the middle of the ninth century A.D (850-60 Common Era). From the way it was written, it is thought that readers were already familiar with the story and that this version was the first to be written down. In the Chinese story the heroine is called Yeh-shen and there is no fairy godmother. Instead, there is a magical fish who helps Yeh-shen. A golden shoe leads the prince to her and they marry.
[left]The next written down version came from a Frenchman, Charles Perrault. He wrote the version in 1697 and introduced the fairy godmother. This story also included the pumpkin carriage, the animal servants, and the glass slippers. Perrault was told this story by storytellers and added these extra things for effect. Some people think that he confused "vair" (French for fur) with "verre" (French for glass) which would explain how the slipper came to be made of glass! Also in his version, Cinderella finds husbands for her sisters at the end.[/left]
[left] [/left]
[left]第二位是一位法國人 Charies Perrault 寫的[/left]作者: Peropero 時間: 05-9-1 01:38 標題: 回覆: 誰來救救我...(倒) Cinderella's stepmother was Lady Tremaine. Her stepsisters were Anastasia and Drizella.
The Prince's name is Prince Charming!作者: kiac00090 時間: 05-9-1 01:42 標題: 回覆: 誰來救救我...(倒) Tuan ㄉㄨㄢ
Cheng ㄓㄣ OR ㄔㄣ
Shih ㄒ一ㄣ OR ㄒ一ㄥ
發一聲到四聲都有可能(外國人沒那麼多聲)= =
例如..段正興之類的=O=段正興不是天龍八部的人物= =作者: kiac00090 時間: 05-9-1 01:46 標題: 回覆: 誰來救救我...(倒) [QUOTE=Peropero]Cinderella's stepmother was Lady Tremaine. Her stepsisters were Anastasia and Drizella.