新世代的MS當然也可以 , 不過新世代的設定通常比較高
請勿將不同世代的MS及鋼彈拿來比較. 謝謝!!作者: Artofpeach 時間: 05-9-4 16:58 標題: 回覆: 只要有顆好引擎. . . . . . . . . All differnet type of MS has their different use EG in SEED DEstiny abyse has no shield but it doesnt need one because its use under water same as gaia its for ground one on one battle so there is no use for it to fly ... only my opinion作者: 奈落 時間: 05-9-4 18:16 標題: 回覆: 只要有顆好引擎. . . . . . . . . [QUOTE=古泉衣]以MS的發電機出力來評斷它的戰鬥力當然過於武斷[/QUOTE]