標題: 無聊改編的"無限劍製" [列印本頁] 作者: 風‧痕 時間: 05-10-16 23:44 標題: 無聊改編的"無限劍製" 原文:
I am the bone of my sword
Steel is my body
and fire is my blood
I have created over a thousand blades
Unaware of loss
Nor aware of gain
Withstood pain to create weapons
Waiting for one's arrival
I have no regrets
This is the only path
My whole life was "Unlimited Blade Works"
《無限的劍製-UBW路線》【Fate / stay night】
I am the bone of my word
Sentence is my body
and word file is my blood
I have learned off over a hundred words
Unaware of lesson
Nor aware of gnome -→ 格言
Withstood pain to learned off words
Waiting for one's answer
I have no review
This is the only path
My whole life was "Unlimited English Words"
《無限的英文單字-UEW路線》【Fxck / study night】