v7.00 changes : - PlugY works for 1.11b version of LoD too. - Add base value for each stat on assign buttons overtext.
- Fix infinity stat bugs during unassignation.
- Fix features which stayed enabled on Battle.net.
- Translation into italian
******** PlugY, The Survival Kit v7.00 is out ! ******** Features list (you can enabled/disabled all features like you want) :
- Infinity storage space in the stash (up to 4,294,967,296 personals pages!)
- Shared storage space in the stash (up to 4,294,967,296 shared pages too!)
- Local World Event and Uber Quest for singleplayer and multiplayer off-realm !
- Unassign assigned skills and stats points.
- Change the selected language.
- Always regenerate maps in SinglePlayer like in MultiPlayer.
- Automatically execute /players X when you launch a new game.
- Add some pages for display more characters stats like %MF.
- Display item level in its popup.
- Launch any number of Diablo II game on the same computers.
- Grow up the stash to 10x10 squares.
- Change the save path directory.
- Change the version text print in the main menu.
- Always display Mana and Life values above the globes.
- D2 can load all files even those openned with Microsoft Excel.
- Localized in English, French, German, italian.
以上轉自boboyu作者: 屬於妳的馬車 時間: 05-11-18 19:36 標題: 回覆: plugY 7.0 (1.11b 單機打三王) 已釋出 大大,那會有1.10新的符文組和1.11的新符文組可測試嗎?作者: Orange Range 時間: 05-11-19 08:55 標題: 回覆: plugY 7.0 (1.11b 單機打三王) 已釋出 可以交一下 下載後怎摸用嗎??作者: 等等喔 時間: 05-11-19 11:50 標題: 回覆: plugY 7.0 (1.11b 單機打三王) 已釋出 [QUOTE=Orange Range]可以交一下 下載後怎摸用嗎??[/QUOTE]
下載壓縮檔後,在解開後,將 PlugY, The Survival Kit v7.00資料夾內的檔案
複製到暗黑資料夾內,再執行PlugY_Install.exe作者: Orange Range 時間: 05-11-19 12:30 標題: 回覆: plugY 7.0 (1.11b 單機打三王) 已釋出 感謝......終於會用了= =作者: jklool 時間: 05-11-19 23:12 標題: 回覆: plugY 7.0 (1.11b 單機打三王) 已釋出 請問....要怎麼下載作者: Orange Range 時間: 05-11-20 00:31 標題: 回覆: plugY 7.0 (1.11b 單機打三王) 已釋出 點上面那個 橘色的字(下載點) 然後就會出先一個新網頁 點裡面的藍色英文字 就會下載哩作者: 可憐童工 時間: 05-11-20 14:40 標題: 回覆: plugY 7.0 (1.11b 單機打三王) 已釋出 開出來的暗黑 暗暗的耶.....而且都不能改作者: 雲 濤 夢 筆 時間: 05-11-20 17:05 標題: 回覆: plugY 7.0 (1.11b 單機打三王) 已釋出 不能安裝???疑問?跑出一堆英文..作者: AMONAMON 時間: 05-11-23 17:40 標題: 回覆: plugY 7.0 (1.11b 單機打三王) 已釋出 好棒阿,真好用的咚咚,狂改技能ing^^