我這邊可以下 - 你要不要再試一試??
一個一個下試試看 - 不要一次全部下.....
嗯! 試試看~......吧!
太可怕了.....我要求救............作者: 蒼夜月影 時間: 06-4-16 13:48 標題: 回覆: 素還真PK覆天殤 You cannot download more than one file at a time. Please finish your current download first or upgrade to sendspace Max™ to enable multiple, fast, top priority downloads.
If you are not already downloading, you are sharing your Internet connection with someone who is. You may be connected by shared IP or by a Proxy. This is common in places of employment, universities and some ISP's. Our free service allows one connection per IP only. You will need to upgrade to sendspace Max™, or try again later.
我跟你拼了= =++作者: 松閣麟居 時間: 06-4-16 22:00 標題: 回覆: 素還真PK覆天殤 [quote=蒼夜月影]You cannot download more than one file at a time. Please finish your current download first or upgrade to sendspace Max™ to enable multiple, fast, top priority downloads.