標題: 【情報】天堂3預估2007年會完成 [列印本頁] 作者: pkddm111 時間: 06-5-6 21:24 標題: 【情報】天堂3預估2007年會完成 NC Soft President Kim Taejin has announced that starting this yr, he will start development for Lineage 3, sparking interest amongst gamers.
His reasons for announcing this is that starting from Chronicle 3, the original team that developed L2, will change and that they will start laying the groundwork for L3.
Since L2 was developed by the same people who developed Lineage 1 and by 2007, L2 will be complete with all the episodes out Kim Tae Jin thought it was the proper time to announce L3. Mr. Kim will not divulge into L3's content, story but did mention that since L2 deals with Lineage's past, L3 will deal withs it future.
One NC Soft person said "That since there are so many ideas being produced and so many technical problems to deal with, we dont have any framework of how it (L3) will be." However at a 2003 Korean Game Developer Award Ceremony, Mr. Kim said in a interview that he was estimating a release date for L3 in 2007 and besides that has 12 other projects going on."