Welcome to the first public look at vBulletin 3.6!
This is the first of a number of posts we will be making over the coming week introducing you to what's new in this new version of vBulletin.
Take some time to wander around the forums and you'll find new features and useful changes throughout the system. Of course, you won't be able to see everything until you play with it as an administrator and there is far too much to squeeze into a single announcement, so we'll be posting new information daily. Be sure to check back each day for an update!
Let's start with an important change...
System Requirements
vBulletin 3.6 now requires PHP 4.3.3 or later and MySQL 4.0.16 or later. These minimum versions are still several years old, so the vast majority of people should still meet the requirements. Check the main page of your admin control panel if you're not sure what versions of PHP and MySQL are on your server!
Now, let's get into some of the more interesting changes....
Part 1 - Wednesday May 31st
The much-requested multi-quote feature allows users to tag multiple posts that they wish to respond to by clicking a small button on each post. Once the user clicks the reply button, each tagged post is quoted.
To increase usability, by default, only posts within the current thread are automatically quoted. If you wish to quote posts in other threads with multi-quote, you simply need to click a link on the reply page, and the text of those posts will be added without a reload. http://files.vbulletin.com/3.6/multiquote-k.png
Mark Forums Read with AJAX
If you wish to mark a forum read, you can simply click its status icon on the index page and the change will be processed without a reload. You can even mark individual sub-forums as read in the same way.
Quote Tags Link to Quoted Post
When quoting a post, the ID of the post is automatically included with the [quote] tag. When the quoted text is viewed in a thread, a small icon links back to the quoted post.
Originally Posted by Kier
The output generated by the Archive is now buffered before being sent to the client. Plugins for the Archive that generate output must be adapted in order to work correctly.
New Buddy/Ignore List Editor Saves with AJAX
Along with a new interface, your buddy and ignore lists are saved with AJAX to prevent an unnecessary reload. Additionally to make the interface even easier to use, vBulletin searches for matching users as you type their names.
Options Backup and Restore
If you have ever tried to setup a test board before making changes to your real board, you have probably run into the problem of trying to move your option changes from the test board to the live board. Now, you can backup your options to an XML format and restore them to any other board. Options that might cause problems if moved (such as the cookie path and domain) are automatically skipped from the backup/restore process.
Private Message Preview in Notification Emails
If you have elected to receive emails when receiving a new private message, the email will now contain more than just the name of the user who sent you the message. The title and body of the message will be included. Any BB codes in the message will automatically be converted to an equivalent plaintext version using the new plaintext bbcode parser.
Example output might look like this:
Dear Mike,
You have received a new private message at Test Forums from admin, entitled "Demo Private Message".
This is the message that was sent:
This is a demo private message with *bold text*.
---Quote (Originally by Mike)---
Quoted text
---End Quote---
Message previews in thread subscription emails also include the improved plaintext representation.
Auto-Resize Oversized Image Attachments
If a user attaches an image that has dimensions larger than the administrator allows, the image will automatically resized to fit. This is similar to the auto-resizing of avatars that vBulletin 3.5 performed.
‘Reason for Editing’ Available on Quick Edit
You may now include a reason for editing without having to click through to the full editor.
Unique Unsubscribe Link in Emails
Thread and forum subscription emails now include a link for unsubscribing that is unique to each user. When using this link, unsubscribing from a thread or forum no longer requires logging in.
Plugin Manager Sorted by Product
The plugin manager now defaults to sorting its results by product, rather than by hook location as in vBulletin 3.5. You may re-sort the results by hook location if you would prefer the old view.
解析 IP (如 成網名 (如 myhostname.vbulletin.com) 會花費相當多時間,
若您選擇在線上名單中解析 IP,則您可能會發現若論壇忙碌時,該網頁會延遲很久。現在您可以大
幅減少時間,當您點選線上名單中的 IP 時,系統將不會重新整理網頁便直接將該 IP 解析成網名。
[SIZE="4"]Proxy 之 Session 進階處理
在 vBulletin 之前的版本,為了要管理 session,您必須要保持 IP 不變。雖然這相當安全,但在
某些特殊情況下,特別是會員使用 Proxy 時可能造成某些問題,例如 AOL 使用者。vBulletin 3.6
提供一個新選項控制多少 IP 允許符合先前的 session。這可以減少大部分的問題。
[QUOTE=HTML代碼]<version productid=\"x\">1.2.3</version>[/QUOTE]
X 表示產品 ID 名稱,1.2.3 則表示最新版版編號。當使用者在產品管理選擇「檢查版本」,系統