原文由 mpragnarok 於 06-9-25 11:04 PM 發表
I started practicing the piano when I was six and it has become my intimate friend ever since whether I feel delighted or depressed.
since和whether可一起用嗎? 總覺得怪怪的...謝謝!
原文由 david123abc 於 06-9-26 12:55 AM 發表
I began to practice playing piano when I was six, and it has become my intimate friend ever since. No matter how delighted or depressed I feel, I always can express my feeling via playing paino.
原文由 喵~網絡亂飛~喵 於 06-9-29 05:32 PM 發表
這個 "the" 是多餘的
原文由 傲月光希 於 06-9-29 09:45 PM 發表
"play the piano""play the guitar"這句話可是我在國中時期學到的一句動詞片語,所以我並不覺得那是多餘的
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