原文由artifact 於 06-12-4 06:56 AM 發表
be4 = before
sorz = sorry
tomoro/2mr = tomorrow
pld = well played (Not quite sure though...) or pleased
kno = know (I think more people are using kno than no? well... i dunno)
And this one is my own creation... ;P
nomb = None of My Business
原文由Katliang 於 06-12-9 12:42 AM 發表
ok it's b4 not be4
sry not sorz
2moro not 2mr~cuz it juz doesnt sound rite (right)
plz is please and i donnu the other one >"<
we use no more often
nomb is actually~used quite often
o and ...
原文由大頭小松松 於 06-12-9 02:55 AM 發表
PAW: Parents are watching...:無辜
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