
標題: 義大利式英文(附上翻譯) [列印本頁]

作者: 路.里美亞克    時間: 06-12-8 20:43
標題: 義大利式英文(附上翻譯)





Flash: http://grm.cdn.hinet.net/xuite/6/3/c/4/15838629/blog_499341/dv/9177462/9177462.swf


one day I gonna to Malta to a big hotel,(一天,我去了Malta的一間大酒店)
in the morning I go down to eat a breakfast.(早上,我下樓吃早餐)
I tell the waitress that I want two pieces of toast .(我叫服務生給我兩片吐司)
she brings me only one piece. (她只給我一片)
I tell her "I wanna two pieces".(我對她說:"我要兩片")
She say "Go to the toilet". (她說:"你去廁所吧")
I say "you don t understand, I wanna two pieces on my plate". (我說:"你不明白,我想要我的盤中有兩片吐司)
She say to me: "you better not piss on the plate, you sonnawabitch".(她對我說:"你最好不要小便在你的盤子裡,你這大混蛋"
I do not even know this lady and she call me a sonnawabitch!!(我從不認識她但她說我是大混蛋!!"

Later I go to eat at a bigger restaurant.(接住我去了一間比較大的餐廳)
The waiter bringsme a spoon and a knief but no fock.(服務生給我湯匙和刀但沒有叉子)
I tell her "I wanna a fock" and she tella me : "everyone wanna fuck".(我對她說:"我要一個叉子"但她對我說:"所有人都想做愛")
I tella her " you don t undertsand me...I wanna fock on the table".(我對她說:"我不明白我的意思...我要叉子在我的桌上")
She say : "you better not fuck on the table you sonnawabitch.("她說:"你最好不要在桌子上做愛,你這大混蛋" )

So I go back to my room in my hotel and there is no sheets on the bed.(於是我回到我的房間但是沒有枕頭)
I call the manager and tell him "I wanna a sheet".(我對經理說:我想要一個枕頭")" he tell me to Go the toilet.(他叫我去廁所)
I say "you don t understand I wanna a sheet on my bed".(我說:"你不明白,我想要一個枕頭在我的床上"
He say:"you better not shit on the bed, you sonnawabitch".(他說:"你最好不要在床上大便,你這個大混蛋")

I go to the Check out and the man at the desk said " peace on you".(我去了登記離開酒店,大堂經理說:"請你平靜點"
and I say : " Piss on you too, you sonnawabicth".(我說:"我一樣小便在你身上,你這大混蛋")
I gonna back to Italy!(我回去義大利去!)

[ 本文最後由 路.里美亞克 於 06-12-9 10:32 AM 編輯 ]
作者: saharet    時間: 06-12-9 14:53




還有peace on you是稍微口語化的"再見"的意思

不過他轉的有點硬= =

作者: aesir    時間: 06-12-9 20:13
作者: poemsbook    時間: 06-12-9 20:14

歡迎光臨 鐵之狂傲 (https://gamez.com.tw/)