
標題: 急徵英文高手~翻譯文章! [列印本頁]

作者: milk小P    時間: 06-12-20 21:30
標題: 急徵英文高手~翻譯文章!
   每個國家都有自己的特色和風俗習慣,比較特殊的像是: 在馬來西亞,以食指指人是一件不禮貌的事,最好以姆指代替…...
   我喜歡的國家是日本,日本是一個相當多禮的國家,有許多特殊的禮儀和禁忌,例如: 日本人大多信奉佛教,他們不喜歡紫色,認爲紫色是悲傷的色調;最忌諱綠色,認爲綠色是不祥之色。日本是一個科技很發達的國家,由許多知名的品牌,更可以知道日本人做事情的細心.態度,和對自己嚴格的要求,這也是許多人欣賞日本的原因之一吧!

作者: artifact    時間: 06-12-21 08:31
原文由milk小P 於 06-12-20 09:30 PM 發表
   每個國家都有自己的特色和風俗習慣,比較特殊的像是: 在馬來西亞,以食指指人是一件不禮貌的事,最好以姆指代替…...等
   我喜歡的國家是日本,日本是一個相當多禮的國家,有許多特殊的禮儀和禁忌,例如: 日本人大多信奉佛教 ...

Here is some of the translation I've done (but not perfect and complete)...

All country has its own custom and culture, some of them are quite special, says in Malaysia, pointing at others with index finger is impolite, people should use their thumbs instead.

My favourite country is Japan, Japan is a courteous country and it has a lot of etiquette and taboo, for example, most of the Japanese believes Buddhism, they don't like purple color, because it represents sorrow; they dislike green, as green will bring them unfortune. Japan is a technology advanced country, from all those well-known brands... (I am not sure how to translate the rest... *crap* Sorry~)

*whisper* Calling Katliang ~ *over*
作者: starstar07    時間: 06-12-22 01:02

Japan is an advanced and technological country.
there are a  wide variety of brand name products,
japanese is attentive to do everything .
they requests strictly to themeselves ,
this is one of the reason which i appreciate japan
作者: milk小P    時間: 06-12-25 19:00

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