Specifications | |
Contractor | Ling-Temco-Vought (Prime, now Northrop Grumman Corp.) |
Power Plant | Single Allison/Rolls Royce TF41-A-400 non-afterburning turbofan engine with a static thrust rating of 15,000 pounds |
Accommodations | A-7E Pilot only TA-7C Two seats |
Performance (A-7E/TA/7C) | Maximum speed at 20,000 feet Mach .94 Range greater than 1,900 nautical miles |
Avionics & Countermeasures | APQ-126 multi-mode nav/attack radar [Texas Instruments] AVQ-7 raster HUD ASN-91 INS, ASN-190 Doppler navigation system ASU-99 projected map display ALR-45 RWR ALR-50 SAM warning system [Magnavox] ALQ-126 ECM [ Sanders] APR-43 tactical radar warning system [Loral] ALQ-119 ECM [Westinghouse] ALQ-131 ECM [Westinghouse] ALQ-123 IR countermeasures [Xerox] ALQ-126 DECM [Sanders] ALQ-162 tactical communications jammer [Eaton AIL] ALQ-162 radar jammer Northrup |
Armament (A-7E/TA-7C) | One internally mounted M61A1 20 mm six barrel cannon Six wing pylons Two fuselage launch stations Pylons can carry a large single weapon, multiple racks capable of six weapons per rack, or triple racks with three weapons per rack. Can carry 15,000 pounds of payload Compatible with practically all first line ordnance used by the U.S./USAF/NATO. |
Mission and Capabilities | Modern, sophisticated, integrated, highly versatile airborne weapon system platform Capable of performing a variety of search, surveillance, and attack missions Can carry four externally wing-mounted 300 gallon fuel tanks, coupled with a variety of ordnance on remaining stations. Can conduct in-flight refueling operations Capable of transferring more than 12,000 pounds of fuel Fully integrated digital navigation/weapon delivery system is common to all current USN/USAF attack aircraft. Avionics system—which is based on state-of-the-art electronics, digital computing techniques, and an automation philosophy—provides unparalleled mission effectiveness and flexibility. The Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR) capability means the A-7's night attack accuracy is equivalent to day attack accuracy. Consistently capable of delivering bombs with an accuracy of less than 10 mils Circular Error Probable (CEP) and guns at less than 5 mils CEP. During Desert Storm, demonstrated more than 95% operational readiness and did not miss a single combat sortie. Has flown more than 120,000 combat sorties and provided unprecedented response in Vietnam, Libya, Grenada, Panama, and Desert Storm. Survivability is enhanced via armor plating in critical areas and a state-of-the art DECM. Modernized with a new solid-state rate gyro assembly in the Automatic Flight Control System and a wing enhancement program that virtually eliminates flight hours as a constraint for measuring aircraft service life. Average scheduled/unscheduled direct maintenance man hours per flight hour is 11. |
External Dimensions:
| Areas:
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Weights and Loadings:
| Performance (At Maximum Takeoff Weight of 19,050kg):
[size=+2]美國A-7“海盜”攻擊機 | |
A-7是美國凌﹒科姆特﹒沃特公司研制的亞音速攻擊機,1965年9月27日第一架A-7原型機首飛,到1983年停產時共生產了1545架各型A-7。 包括基本形A-7A﹔換裝TF30-P-8發動機的A-7B﹔裝TF-41A-2發動機的A-7C﹔由A-7B和A-7C改裝的雙座教練型TA-7C﹔空軍用陸基型A-7D﹔裝TF-30-P-8發動機的海軍型A-7E和其雙座教練型YA-7E﹔計划出口到瑞士的A-7G﹔A-7E的陸基型A-7H﹔希臘空軍的雙座型TA-7H﹔空軍A-7D的雙座型A-7K﹔葡萄牙空軍的A-7A改進型A-7P﹔美國國民警衛隊加裝低空夜間攻擊系統的A-7LANA﹔全天候型A-7FLIR﹔改裝F100-PW-220或F110-GE-100發動機的A-7plus等。 A-7現在已經全部從美國海軍中退役,起作用由F/A-18戰鬥/攻擊機取代. |
飛 機 型 別 | A-7A/B | A-7D | A-7E(A-7C) |
固定式機炮(備彈量) | 2×20mmMK.12 (2×340rds) | 1×20mmM61 6管炮(1000rds) | 1×20mmM61 6管炮(1280rds) |
外掛架(最大載彈量) | 6個(4550kg) | 8個(6805kg) | 8個(6805kg) |
瞄準具或平視顯示器 | 光學瞄準具 | AN/AVQ-7(V) 平視顯示器 | AN/AVQ-7(V) 平視顯示器 |
火力控制雷達 | AN/APQ-116 | AN/APQ-126(V) | AN/APQ-126(V) |
多普勒雷達 | AN/APN-190 | AN/APN-190 | AN/APN-190 |
武器/導航計算機 | AN/ASN-51(導航) CP-741/A(轟炸) | AN/ASN-91(V) | AN/ASN-91(V) |
無線電高度表 | AN/APN-141(V) | AN/APN-141(V) | AN/APN-141(V) |
大氣數據計算機 | / | CP-953/AJQ | CP-953/AJQ |
飛機武器投放裝置 | AN/AWE-1 | AN/AWE-1 | AN/AWE-1 |
「小斗犬」導彈控制器 | AN/AWR-77 | AN/AWR-77 | AN/AWR-77 |
數據傳輸裝置 | AN/ASW-25 | 無 | AN/ASW-25 |
慣性導航裝置 | 無 | AN/ASN-90 | AN/ASN-90 |
投影地圖顯示器 | AN/ASN-67 | AN/ASN-99A | AN/ASN-99A |
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