
標題: 『每日軍事武器鑑賞』- F-4幽靈式戰鬥機 [列印本頁]

作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-1-28 11:29
標題: 『每日軍事武器鑑賞』- F-4幽靈式戰鬥機
F-4 Phantom II
F-4G Advanced Wild Weasel

The F-4 Phantom II was a twin-engine, all-weather, fighter-bomber. The aircraft could perform three tactical air roles — air superiority, interdiction and close air support — as it did in southeast Asia. First flown in May 1958, the Phantom II originally was developed for U.S. Navy fleet defense and entered service in 1961. The USAF evaluated it for close air support, interdiction, and counter-air operations and, in 1962, approved a USAF version. The USAF's Phantom II, designated F-4C, made its first flight on May 27, 1963. Production deliveries began in November 1963. In its air-to-ground role the F-4 could carry twice the normal bomb load of a WW II B-17. USAF F-4s also flew reconnaissance and "Wild Weasel" anti-aircraft missile suppression missions. Phantom II production ended in 1979 after over 5,000 had been built--more than 2,600 for the USAF, about 1,200 for the Navy and Marine Corps, and the rest for friendly foreign nations, including to Israel, Iran, Greece, Spain, Turkey, South Korea, West Germany, Australia, Japan, and Great Britain. Used extensively in the Vietnam War, later versions of the aircraft were still active in the U. S. Air Force inventory well into the 1990s. F-4s are no longer in the USAF inventory but are still flown by foreign nations.

The F-4C first flew for the Air Force in May 1963 and the Air National Guard began flying the F-4C in January 1972. The Air Force Reserve received its first Phantom II in June 1978. The F-4D model, with major changes that increase accuracy in weapons delivery, was delivered to the Air Force in March 1966, to the Air National Guard in 1977, and to the Air Force Reserve in 1980.

The first F-4E was delivered to the Air Force in October 1967. The Air National Guard received its first F-4E in 1985, the Air Force Reserve in 1987. This model, with an additional fuselage fuel tank, leading-edge slats for increased maneuverability, and an improved engine, also has an internally mounted 20mm multibarrel gun with improved fire-control system.

Starting in 1973, F-4E's were fitted with target-identification systems for long-range visual identification of airborne or ground targets. Each system is basically a television camera with a zoom lens to aid in positive identification, and a system called Pave Tack, which provided day and night all-weather capability to acquire, track and designate ground targets for laser, infrared and electro-optically guided weapons. Another change was a digital intercept computer that includes launch computations for all AIM-9 Sidewinder and AIM-7 Sparrow air-to-air missiles. Additionally, on F-4E/G models, the digital ARN-101 navigation system replaced the LN-12 inertial navigation system.

With the introduction of newer, more capable weapons systems, the F-4 mission narrowed to specializing in the suppression of enemy air defense. Following their 90-day deployment supporting Operation Provide Comfort 15 December 1995, the F-4G Phantoms assigned to the Idaho Air National Guard's 190th Fighter Squadron retired to the Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Center, otherwise known as the "boneyard," at Davis-Monthan AFB, Ariz.
作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-1-28 11:30
F-4G Advanced Wild Weasel

The F-4G "Advanced Wild Weasel," was the last model still in the active Air Force inventory, until it was replaced by the F-16CJ/DJ in the role of increasing the survivability of tactical strike forces by seeking out and suppressing or destroying enemy radar-directed anti-aircraft artillery batteries and surface-to-air missile sites. F-4G's were E models modified with sophisticated electronic warfare equipment in place of the internally mounted 20mm gun. The F-4G could carry more weapons than previous Wild Weasel aircraft and a greater variety of missiles as well as conventional bombs. The primary weapon of the F-4G, however, was the AGM-88 HARM (high speed anti-radiation missile). Other munitions included cluster bombs, and AIM-65 Maverick and air-to-air missiles.

The F-4G "Advanced Wild Weasel," which inherited most of the features of the F-4E, was capable of passing real-time target information to the aircraft's missiles prior to launch. Working in “hunter-killer” teams of two aircraft, such as F-4G and F-16C, the F-4G “hunter” could detect, identify, and locate enemy radars then direct weapons that will ensure destruction or suppression of the radars. The technique was effectively used during Operation Desert Storm against enemy surface-to-air missile batteries. Primary armament included HARM (AGM-88) and Maverick (AGM-65). F-4G's deployed to Saudi Arabia also were equipped with ALQ-131 and ALQ-184 electronic countermeasures pods.
作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-1-28 11:31
Primary FunctionAll-weather fighter-bomber.
ContractorMcDonnell Aircraft Co., McDonnell Corporation.
Power PlantTwo General Electric turbojet engines with afterburners.
Thrust17,900 pounds (8,055 kilograms).
Length62 feet, 11 inches (19.1 meters).
Height16 feet, 5 inches (5 meters).
Wingspan38 feet, 11 inches (11.8 meters).
SpeedMore than 1,600 mph (Mach 2).
Ceiling60,000 feet (18,182 meters).
Maximum Takeoff Weight62,000 pounds (27,900 kilograms).
Range1,300 miles (1,130 nautical miles).
ArmamentFour AIM-7 Sparrow and four AIM-9M Sidewinder missiles, AGM-65 Maverick missiles, AGM-88 HARM missile capability, and one fuselage centerline bomb rack and four pylon bomb racks capable of carrying 12,500 pounds (5,625 kilograms) of general purpose bombs. 15 CBU-52
15 CBU-58
15 CBU-71
15 CBU-87
15 CBU-89
12 MK-20
  6 BL-755
SystemsAPQ-120 fire-control radar [Hughes] AJB-7 bombing system ASQ-91 weapon release system, ASX-1 TISEO (Target Identification System Electro-Optical) Northrup ASN-63 INS APR-36 RWR ALQ-87 FM barrage jammer ALQ-101 ECM pod Westinghouse noise/deception jammer ALQ-119 ECM pod Westinghouse noise/deception jammer (covering three bands) ALQ-130 ECM pod ALQ-131 ECM pod ALQ-140 IR countermeasures system [Sanders]
Cost$18.4 million.
CrewF-4G -- Two (pilot and electronic warfare officer).
Date DeployedMay 1963.
InventoryNone - retired December 1995
[formerly F-4G -- Active force, 24; ANG, 24; Reserve, 0.]
VRML 3-D Model
F-4 Phantom 2
VRML by Soji Yamakawa
F-4EJ Phantom2
VRML by Soji Yamakawa
作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-1-28 11:33

作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-1-28 11:35
F-4G Advanced Wild Weasel


作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-1-28 11:37

全    長:19.2公尺      
全    寬:11.76公尺
全    高: 4.99公尺      
引    擎:J79-GE-17
推    力:軍用:5380公斤 X 2  
         最大:7570公斤 X 2

武    裝:AIM-9(響尾蛇), AIM-120(先進中程空對空飛彈),M61A1(20mm火神機炮)
作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-1-28 11:37
F-4 Phantom II 幽靈式戰鬥機


  F-4是美國第二代戰鬥機的典型代表,各方面的性能都比較好,不但空戰性能好,對地攻擊能力也很強,是美國空、海軍六、七十年代的主力戰鬥機,參加過越南戰爭和中東戰爭,也曾經是美國空軍的“雷鳥”飛行表演隊的表演用機。F-4採用外翼上反、帶犬齒前緣、大根梢比、小展弦比的後掠式低單翼,機頭為大型雷達罩,垂尾與下反的平尾之間形成120度的夾角。這些經大量風洞試驗選定的特殊外形特徵,加上採用了噴氣襟翼等措施,使飛機著陸速度低、低速飛行時不易翼尖失速。該機採用兩側進氣的氣動佈局,採用了帶附面層控制板的側面進氣口,發動機為兩台J79-GB-17渦噴發動機,單臺最大推力為5385千克力,加力推力為8120千克力。其主要機載設備包括AN/AJB-7全高度轟炸系統,AN/APQ-120火控雷達, AN/ASA-32自動火力控制系統,AN/ASQ-91武器投放系統,AN/ASG-26前置角計算光學瞄準具,AN/APR-36、37雷達尋的和警戒系統等。F-4的缺點是大迎角機動性能欠佳,高空和超低空性能略差,起降時對跑道要求較高。

  F-4是六十年代以來美國生產數量最多的戰鬥機,型別眾多,其主要型別有:A型,艦隊防空型,生產49架;B型,海軍全天候型,共生產696架;RF -4B,B型的偵察型,生產46架;C型,空軍戰術型,共生產583架;RF-C,偵察型,共生產493架;D型,空軍的戰鬥轟炸型,共生產825架;E 型,空軍制空型,共生產846架;F-4EJ,日本仿製型,共生產109架;RF-4E,西德等國使用的偵察型,共生產102架;F型,西德定購的單座型,共生產175架;J型,海軍艦隊防空型,共生產518架;K、M型,英國海軍和空軍的使用型,共生產174架;S型,J型的改進型;G型,空軍的反雷達攻擊型。至1981年全部停產,共生產5195架,使用國家包括美國、英國、日本、西德、伊朗、希臘、埃及、西班牙、以色列以及韓國等。目前仍有少數的 F-4現役。以下內容適合F-4E。

武器裝備:  一門M61Al六管機炮。可挂6枚“麻雀”II或4枚“麻雀”II和4枚“響尾蛇”空空導彈,也可挂AGM-12“小鬥犬”空地導彈,AGM-62A “白星眼”電視炸彈,AGM-65A“幼畜”電視炸彈,AGM-45、AGM-78B反輻射導彈以及各種常規炸彈和核彈等。最大載彈量7250千克。

尺寸數據:  翼展11.7米,機長19.20米,機高5.02米,機翼面積49.24平方米,機翼後掠角(1/4弦線處)45度,展弦此2.82,機翼平均相對厚度5.1%,主輪距5.46米,前主輪距5.92米。

重量數據:  空重13760千克,作戰起飛重量18820千克,最大起飛重量28030千克,最大著陸重量20870千克,機內燃油量7760千克。

性能數據:  最大平飛速度(高空)M2.27/2410千米/小時,(海平面)M1.1/1350千米/小時,巡航速度960千米/小時,爬升率(高度9000米)110米/秒,實用升限18000米,作戰半徑(挂副油箱,4枚導彈)1200千米,轉場航程3200千米。

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