
標題: 『每日軍事武器鑑賞』- F-16 戰隼戰鬥機 [列印本頁]

作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-2-2 18:23
標題: 『每日軍事武器鑑賞』- F-16 戰隼戰鬥機
F-16 Fighting Falcon

Genesis of the successful F-16 fighter/attack aircraft lies in reaction to severe deficiencies in US fighter design revealed by the Vietnam War.

Following the success of the small, highly maneuverable F-86 day fighter in the Korean War, US fighter design changed to emphasize maximum speed, altitude, and radar capability at the expense of maneuverability, pilot vision, and other attributes needed for close combat. This trend reached its extremity in the McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom, which was the principal fighter for both the US Air Force and Navy during the latter part of the Vietnam War.

The F-4 was originally designed as an interceptor for defense of the fleet against air attack - a mission neither it nor any other jet has ever executed, because no US fleet has come under air attack since the beginning of the jet age. Be that as it may, the F-4 interceptor was designed to meet the fleet defense mission by using rapid climb to high altitude, high supersonic speed, and radar-guided missiles to shoot down threat aircraft at long distance.

Used as a fighter rather than as an interceptor in Vietnam, the F-4 was severely miscast. Against very inferior North Vietnamese pilots flying small, highly maneuverable MiG-21s, the air-to-air kill ratio sometimes dropped as low as 2 to 1, where it had been 13 to 1 in Korea. As the Vietnam War drew to a close, it was generally agreed that the F-4 had prohibitive deficiencies including:

LARGENESS. F-4 pilots to frequently found themselves fighting at separation distances at which they could not see the smaller MiG-21s, but the MiG-21 pilots could see them.
POOR PILOT VISION. In order to minimize high-speed drag, the F-4, and all combat aircraft before the F-14, does not have a bubble canopy. It is designed for a pilot to look straight ahead. Vision down and to the sides is poor; vision to the rear is nonexistent.
MANEUVERABILITY. While the F-4 can pull 7G in turns, which was acceptable for that time, it can only do so by rapidly bleeding off energy (losing speed and/or altitude).
TRANSIENT PERFORMANCE. Ability of the F-4 to change its maneuver (that is, to roll rapidly while pulling high Gs) was poor.
COST. The large F-4 was an expensive aircraft to procure and maintain. This meant that, compared to the MiG-21, fewer aircraft could be bought with a given budget.
NO GUN. The F-4 was designed without a gun, and was thus not capable of very close combat.
COMBAT PERSISTENCE. While the ferry range of the F-4 was acceptable, its ability to engage in sustained hard maneuvering without running out of fuel was a significant problem.
These various sacrifices were rationalized by the belief that visual dogfighting was obsolete, and that in the supersonic age, air combat would be fought beyond visual range (BVR) using radar-guided missiles. This concept failed in Vietnam for two reasons: First, radar could detect and track aircraft but not identify them. Operating beyond visual range created an unacceptable risk of shooting down one's own aircraft. Pilots were therefore required to close to visually identify the target before shooting; this eliminated the theoretical range advantage of radar-guided missiles. Second, the performance of the Sparrow radar-guided missile in Vietnam was poor, generally yielding less than 10% kill per shot.

Dissatisfaction with these deficiencies led to the US Air Force F-15 and US Navy F-14 designs. On this page we discuss only the Air Force programs.

The original F-15 had excellent pilot vision, including being able to see 360 degrees in the horizontal plane. It had strong high-speed maneuverability and a 20mm cannon. In addition to rectifying some of the F-4's deficiencies, it could fly higher and faster than the F-4, and had dramatically better climb and acceleration.

It also had a powerful radar with advanced look-down shoot-down capability, and relied on the Sparrow missile as its principal weapon.

Nevertheless, an informal but influential group called the "Fighter Mafia" objected to the F-15 as moving in the wrong direction. (The most prominent Fighter Mafia spokesmen were systems analyst Pierre Sprey, test pilot Charles E. Meyers, and legendary fighter pilot John Boyd.)

The F-15, the Fighter Mafia objected, was even larger and more expensive than the F-4. Much of that money went into creating high maximum speed (Mach 2.5) and altitude (65,000 feet) and to serving as a launcher, under BVR conditions which couldn't be used in real combat,. for the Sparrow missile which didn't work While recognizing that the F-15 had phenomenal supersonic climb and maneuverability (it could sustain 6Gs at Mach 1.6), at such speeds it could not fight because its turn radius was so large that it could not keep the enemy in sight.
作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-2-2 18:23
What the Air Force needed, the Mafia argued, was a successor to the WWII P-51 Mustang and the Korean War F-86 Saber: an all-new small fighter that would be cheap enough to buy in large numbers. (The F-104 was not considered a predecessor aircraft because, while it had excellent climb and acceleration, its wings were too small, leaving it deficient in range and maneuverability.) The new fighter would have revolutionary maneuverability, transient performance, acceleration, and climb at the subsonic and transonic speeds at which air combat is actually fought. It would have a gun and its primary armament would be the infra-red guided Sidewinder missile that had proven highly effective in Vietnam.

While Sidewinder's range was limited to about three miles, the Mafia argued that air combat beyond that range was fantasy in any case. Some members of the Mafia even suggested that the ideal small fighter would have no radar at all, although this was a minority view.

In any case, the Air Force establishment wanted no part of a new small fighter, with or without radar. It was regarded as a threat to the F-15, which was USAF's highest priority program. But the Fighter Mafia gained considerable resonance in Congress and within the Office of the Secretary of Defense. In 1971 Deputy Secretary of Defense David Packard began a Lightweight Fighter (LWF) program to explore the concept.

The LWF was to be about 20,000 pounds, or half the weight of the F-15, and was to stress low cost, small size, and very high performance at speed below Mach 1.6 and altitude below 40,000 feet. Two competing designs would be chosen for prototyping.

Industry recognized, correctly, that regardless of USAF hostility, LWF variants had great potential for profitable foreign military sales, including replacing the F-104. Single-engine designs were put forward by Boeing, General Dynamics, LTV, Northrop, and Rockwell. Northrop also proposed on a twin-engine design, in effect using Air Force money to develop a replacement for its F-5 export fighter.

The Boeing and General Dynamics designs were the clear leaders from the beginning, with the Northrop twin-engine design clearly the weakest of the six.

But midway through this stage of the competition, some potential foreign buyers expressed concern over buying a new single-engine fighter. The previous single-engine supersonic export fighter, the F-104, had a troublesome safety record that some buyers were disinclined to repeat.

USAF, therefore, decided that one of the two down-selectees had to have two engines. Since the last-place Northrop design was the only twin-engine contender, it became a down-selection winner by default.

When the General Dynamics design was chosen the other selectee on merit, Boeing was no doubt a bit miffed that its loss was caused by USAF changing the rules in mid-competition. But it did not protest the decision.

Of the two surviving designs, now designated the General Dynamics YF-16 and the Northrop YF-17., the YF-17 was a relatively conventional design, to some extent an outgrowth of the F-5, while the YF-16 was an all-new design incorporating highly innovative technologies that in many respects reached beyond those of the more expensive F-15. These included -
作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-2-2 18:24
FLY BY WIRE. From the outset, the YF-16 had no direct connection between the pilot's controls and the aircraft's control surfaces. Instead, the stick and rudder controls were connected to quadruple-redundant computers, which then told the elevators, ailerons, and rudder what to do. This had several large advantages over previous systems. It was quicker responding, automatically correcting for gusts and thermals with no effort from the pilot. It could be programmed to compensate for aerodynamic problems and fly like an ideal airplane. Most importantly, it enabled, with full safety, a highly efficient unstable design.
NEGATIVE STABILITY. All previous aircraft designs had been aerodynamically stable. That is, the center of gravity was well in front of the center of lift and the center of pressure (drag).
To illustrate the difference between stable and unstable designs, take a shirt cardboard and, holding it by the leading edge, pull it rapidly through the air. It will stretch out behind your hand in a stable manner. This is a stable design Now take it by the trailing edge push forward from there. It will immediately flip up or down uncontrollably. That is an unstable design.
The downside of aerodynamic stability is that the aircraft is nose-heavy and always trying to nose down. The elevator must therefore push the tail down to level the airplane. But in addition to rotating the airplane from nose-down to level, the elevator is exerting negative lift; that is, it is pushing the airplane down. In order to counteract this negative lift, the wing needs to be made larger to create more positive lift. This increases both weight and drag, decreasing aircraft performance. In pitch-up situations including hard turns which are the bread and butter of aerial combat, this negative effect is greatly magnified.
The YF-16 became the world's first aircraft to be aerodynamically unstable by design. With its rearward center of gravity, its natural tendency is to nose up rather than down. So level flight is created by the elevator pushing the tail up rather than down, and therefore pushing the entire aircraft up. With the elevator working with the wing rather than against it, wing area, weight, and drag are reduced. The airplane was constantly on the verge of flipping up or down totally out of control,. and this tendency was being constantly caught and corrected by the fly-by-wire control system so quickly that neither the pilot nor an outside observer could know anything was happening. If the control system were to fail, the aircraft would instantly disintegrate; however, this has never happened.
HIGH G LOADS. Previous fighters were designed to take 7Gs, mainly because it was believed that the human pilot, even with a G-suit, could not handle more. The YF-16 seatback was reclined 30 degrees, rather than the usual 13 degrees. This was to increase the ability of the pilot to achieve 9Gs by reducing the vertical distance between head and heart. Additionally, the traditional center control stick was replaced by a stick on the right side, with an armrest to relieve the pilot of the need to support his arm when it weighed nine times normal.
PILOT VISION. In addition to allowing full-circle horizontal vision and unprecedented vision over the sides, the YF-16 canopy was designed without bows in the forward hemisphere.

GROWTH PREVENTION. Traditionally, room for growth has been considered an asset. Fighter aircraft have averaged weight gain of about one pound per day as new capabilities are added, cost increases, and performance declines. The F-15, for example, was designed with about 15 cubic feet of empty space to allow for future installation of additional equipment.. In a radical departure, the YF-16 was intentionally designed with very little empty space, (about two cubic feet)., with the explicit intention of preventing growth. One member of the House Armed Services Committee actually wrote to the Secretary of the Air Force asking that the F-16's empty space be filled with Styrofoam to insure that "gold-plated junk" was not added to the design.
COMBAT RADIUS AND PERSISTENCE. General Dynamics chose a single turbofan engine, essentially the same engine as one of the two that powered the F-15. Use of a single engine helped minimize weight and drag; use of a turbofan rather than a pure jet engine gave high fuel efficiency. Additionally, the YF-16 designers used a "blended body" design in which the wing gradually thickened at the root and blended into the body contours without the usual visible joint. The space thus created was filled with fuel. With such a high fuel fraction and a fuel-efficient engine, the YF-16 was able to break the presumption that small aircraft were necessarily short-ranged.

RADAR INTEGRATION. Because the YF-16 carried no radar-guided missiles, it could only fight within visual range. Moreover, the small weight and space available limited the range of its radar. Nevertheless, it was given a technologically advanced small radar, with excellent look-down capability. Most importantly, the radar was integrated with the visual combat mode. That is, the radar projected an image of the target aircraft onto the Head Up Display so that, by looking at that image, the pilot was looking exactly where the target would become visible as he approached it.
作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-2-2 18:24
FLY BY WIRE has been a clear success. It is now used in essentially all military fixed wing aircraft and on many commercial aircraft.

NEGATIVE STABILITY, or at least reduced positive stability, has worked without a failure - no F-16s have disintegrated in air from control system failure - and is coming into increasing use.
HIGH G LOADS. The 9G standard pioneered by the F-16 is now universal for new fighter designs, although it is achieved more by pilot training than by hardware. Benefit of the 30-degree reclining seat back has not been clearly established, and many pilots find it increases the difficult of checking their six o'clock position while in hard maneuvers. So more recent designs have not copied the F-16 seat. Similarly, the side stick has worked well but has not proven as essential as its designers originally expected. One enduring controversy is whether control systems should, as is the case with the F-16 be programmed to unconditionally limit the aircraft to 9gs, or whether higher loads should be permitted in emergencies. One eminent General Dynamics test pilot, a "super pilot" who in his fifties was still able to sustain 9Gs for 45 seconds, published an article on the subject in "Code One", the General Dynamics house organ, arguing that there was not enough useful benefit in being able to exceed 9 Gs to justify the strain on the airframe, particularly since few pilots could retain functionality above 9Gs. Tragically and ironically, this pilot was killed when his plane, pulling 9Gs in a hard maneuver, was unable to pull up enough to avoid the impacting the ground. This outstanding pilot might have been able to function with a brief application of 10, 11, or even 12Gs. Could that have saved him and his aircraft? Could it save others in the future?

PILOT VISION. Pilots like the F-16 canopy without front bows for its quietness as well as its vision. One drawback is that in order to avoid optical distortion in the bowless design, the conventional use of thick polycarbonate on the front to protect against birdstrike, and thinner polycarbonate for the rest of the canopy, cannot be used. Because the F-16 canopy uses thick polycarbonate throughout, it is not possible to eject by using the seat to puncture through the canopy. The canopy must first be blown off by small rockets, prolonging the ejection sequence slightly. On balance, the F-16 canopy concept is considered successful and it is continued in the F-22. On the other hand, neither Joint Strike Fighter candidate used full-circle vision, much less a bowless canopy.

GROWTH PREVENTION. The original concept of a small day ait-to-air fighter was lost before the first production aircraft. The fuselage was extended so that the single-seat versions became as long as the two-seat version, and air-to-ground capability was added. As its life progressed, the F-16 became progressively larger and heavier as more capability, including the AMRAAM radar-guided missile, chaff and flare dispensers, and more hard points were added. Still, weight gain has been only about half the traditional pound per day, so the determination of the original designers has not been in vain.
COMBAT RADIUS AND PERSISTENCE. The F-16 blended body has worked well, but has not been emulated in most newer designs.
RADAR INTEGRATION. Integration of radar with visual systems has been fully successful and is now standard fighter design.
作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-2-2 18:24
In January 1972, the Lightweight Fighter Program solicited design specifications from several American manufacturers. Participants were told to tailor their specifications toward the goal of developing a true air superiority lightweight fighter. General Dynamics and Northrop were asked to build prototypes, which could be evaluated with no promise of a follow-on production contract. These were to be strictly technology demonstrators. The two contractors were given creative freedom to build their own vision of a lightweight air superiority fighter, with only a limited number of specified performance goals. Northrop produced the twin-engine YF-17, using breakthrough aerodynamic technologies and two high-thrust engines. General Dynamics countered with the compact YF-16, built around a single F100 engine.

When the Lightweight Fighter competition was completed early in 1975, both the YF-16 and the YF-17 showed great promise. The two prototypes performed so well, in fact, that both were selected for military service. On 13 January 1975 the Air Force announced that the YF-16's performance had made it the winner of its Air Combat Fighter (ACF) competition. This marked a shift from the original intention to use the two airplanes strictly as technology demonstrators. General Dynamics' YF-16 had generally shown superior performance over its rival from Northrop. At the same time, the shark-like fighter was judged to have production costs lower than expected, both for initial procurement and over the life cycle of the plane. At the same time, the YF-16 had proved the usefulness not only of fly-by-wire flight controls, but also such innovations as reclined seat backs and transparent head-up display (HUD) panels to facilitate high-G maneuvering, and the use of high profile, one-piece canopies to give pilots greater visibility. Thus, the Air Force had its lightweight fighter, the F-16.

The original F-16 was designed as a lightweight air-to-air day fighter. Air-to-ground responsibilities transformed the first production F-16s into multirole fighters. The empty weight of the Block 10 F-16A is 15,600 pounds. The empty weight of the Block 50 is 19,200 pounds. The A in F-16A refers to a Block 1 through 20 single-seat aircraft. The B in F-16B refers to the two-seat version. The letters C and D were substituted for A and B, respectively, beginning with Block 25. Block is an important term in tracing the F-16's evolution. Basically, a block is a numerical milestone. The block number increases whenever a new production configuration for the F-16 is established. Not all F-16s within a given block are the same. They fall into a number of block subsets called miniblocks. These sub-block sets are denoted by capital letters following the block number (Block 15S, for example). From Block 30/32 on, a major block designation ending in 0 signifies a General Electric engine; one ending in 2 signifies a Pratt & Whitney engine.

The F-16A, a single-seat model, first flew in December 1976. The first operational F-16A was delivered in January 1979 to the 388th Tactical Fighter Wing at Hill Air Force Base, Utah. The F-16B, a two-seat model, has tandem cockpits that are about the same size as the one in the A model. Its bubble canopy extends to cover the second cockpit. To make room for the second cockpit, the forward fuselage fuel tank and avionics growth space were reduced. During training, the forward cockpit is used by a student pilot with an instructor pilot in the rear cockpit.

Block 1 and Block 5 F-16s were manufactured through 1981 for USAF and for four European air forces. Most Blocks 1 and 5 aircraft were upgraded to a Block 10 standard in a program called Pacer Loft in 1982.
Block 10 aircraft (312 total) were built through 1980. The differences between these early F-16 versions are relatively minor.
Block 15 aircraft represent the most numerous version of the more than 3,600 F-16s manufactured to date. The transition from Block 10 to Block 15 resulted in two hardpoints added to the chin of the inlet. The larger horizontal tails, which grew in area by about thirty percent are the most noticeable difference between Block 15 and previous F-16 versions.
作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-2-2 18:25
The F-16C and F-16D aircraft, which are the single- and two-place counterparts to the F-16A/B, incorporate the latest cockpit control and display technology. All F-16s delivered since November 1981 have built-in structural and wiring provisions and systems architecture that permit expansion of the multirole flexibility to perform precision strike, night attack and beyond-visual-range interception missions. All active units and many Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve units have converted to the F-16C/D, which is deployed in a number of Block variants.

Block 25 added the ability to carry AMRAAM to the F-16 as well as night/precision ground-attack capabilities, as well as an improved radar, the Westinghouse (now Northrop-Grumman) AN/APG-68, with increased range, better resolution, and more operating modes.

Block 30/32 added two new engines -- Block 30 designates a General Electric F110-GE-100 engine, and Block 32 designates a Pratt & Whitney F100-PW-220 engine. Block 30/32 can carry the AGM-45 Shrike and the AGM-88A HARM, and like the Block 25, it can carry the AGM-65 Maverick.

Block 40/42 - F-16CG/DG - gained capabilities for navigation and precision attack in all weather conditions and at night with the LANTIRN pods and more extensive air-to-ground loads, including the GBU-10, GBU-12, GBU-24 Paveway laser-guided bombs and the GBU-15. Block 40/42 production began in 1988 and ran through 1995. Currently, the Block 40s are being upgraded with several Block 50 systems: ALR-56M threat warning system, the ALE-47 advanced chaff/flare dispenser, an improved performance battery, and Falcon UP structural upgrade.

Block 50/52 Equipped with a Northrop Grumman APG-68(V)7 radar and a General Electric F110-GE-129 Increased Performance Engine, the aircraft are also capable of using the Lockheed Martin low-altitude navigation and targeting for night (LANTIRN) system. Technology enhancements include color multifunctional displays and programmable display generator, a new Modular Mission Computer, a Digital Terrain System, a new color video camera and color triple-deck video recorder to record the pilot's head-up display view, and an upgraded data transfer unit. In May 2000, the Air Force certitified Block 50/52 [aka Block 50 Plus] F-16s to carry the CBU-103/104/105 Wind-Corrected Munitions Dispenser, the AGM-154 Joint Stand-Off Weapon, the GBU-31/32 Joint Direct Attack Munition, and the Theater Airborne Reconnaissance System. Beginning in mid-2000, Lockheed-Martin began to deliver Block 50/52 variants equipped with an on-board oxygen generation system (OBOGS) designed to replace the obsolete, original LOX system.

Block 50D/52D Wild Weasel F-16CJ (CJ means block 50) comes in C-Model (1 seat) and D-Model (2 seat) versions. It is best recognized for its ability to carry the AGM-88 HARM and the AN/ASQ-213 HARM Targeting System (HTS) in the suppression of enemy air defenses [SEAD] mission. The HTS allows HARM to be employed in the range-known mode providing longer range shots with greater target specificity. This specialized version of the F-16, which can also carry the ALQ-119 Electronic Jamming Pod for self protection, became the sole provider for Air Force SEAD missions when the F-4G Wild Weasel was retired from the Air Force inventory. The lethal SEAD mission now rests solely on the shoulders of the F-16 Harm Targeting System. Although F-18s and EA-6Bs are HARM capable, the F-16 provides the ability to use the HARM in its most effective mode. The original concept called for teaming the F-15 Precision Direction Finding (PDF) and the F-16 HTS. Because this teaming concept is no longer feasible, the current approach calls for the improvement of the HTS capability. The improvement will come from the Joint Emitter Targeting System (JETS), which facilitates the use of HARM's most effective mode when launched from any JETS capable aircraft.

Block 60 - In May 1998 the UAE announced selection of the Block 60 F-16 to be delivered between 2002-2004. The upgrade package consists of a range of modern systems including conformal fuel tanks for greater range, new cockpit displays, an internal sensor suite, a new mission computer and other advanced features including a new agile beam radar.
作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-2-2 18:28
Primary FunctionMultirole fighter
BuilderLockheed Martin Corp.
Power PlantF-16C/D:
one Pratt and Whitney F100-PW-200/220/229 or
one General Electric F110-GE-100/129
ThrustF-16C/D, 27,000 pounds(12,150 kilograms)
Length49 feet, 5 inches (14.8 meters)
Height16 feet (4.8 meters)
Wingspan32 feet, 8 inches (9.8 meters)
Speed1,500 mph (Mach 2 at altitude)
CeilingAbove 50,000 feet (15 kilometers)
Maximum Takeoff Weight37,500 pounds (16,875 kilograms)
Combat Radius [F-16C]740 nm (1,370 km) w/
2 2,000-lb bombs + 2 AIM-9 + 1,040 US gal external tanks 340 nm (630 km) w/
4 2,000-lb bombs + 2 AIM-9 + 340 US gal external tanks 200 nm (370 km) + 2 hr 10 min patrol
w/ 2 AIM-7 + 2 AIM-9 + 1,040 US gal external tanks
RangeOver 2,100 nm (2,425 mi; 3,900 km)
ArmamentOne M-61A1 20mm multibarrel cannon with 500 rounds; external stations can carry up to six air-to-air missiles, conventional air-to-air and air-to-surface munitions and electronic countermeasure pods.
SystemsAN/APG-66 pulsed-Doppler radar AN/AAQ-13 LANTIRN NAVIGATION POD AN/AAQ-14 LANTIRN/SHARPSHOOTER AN/AAQ-20 PATHFINDER NAVIGATION POD AN/AAS-35 PAVE PENNY LASER SPOT TRACKER POD AN/ASQ-213 HARM TARGETING SYSTEM POD AN/ALQ-119 ECM POD AN/ALQ-131 ECM POD AN/ALQ-178 internal ECM AN/ALQ-184 ECM POD AN/ALR-56M threat warning receiver [F-16C/D Block 50/52] AN/ALR-69 radar warning system (RWR) AN/ALR-74 radar warning system (RWR) [replaces AN/ALR-69] AN/ALE-40 chaff/flare dispenser AN/ALE-47 chaff/flare dispenser
Unit cost $FY98
[Total Program]
F-16C/D, $26.9 million [final order]
CrewF-16C: one; F-16D: one or two
Date DeployedJanuary 1979
Total Production
[for USAF]
F-16 A&C
F-16 B&D
Block 1212243
Block 58927116
Block 1014525170
Block 1540946455
Block 2520935244
Block 3036048408
Block 3256561
Block 4023431265
Block 4215047197
Block 5017528203
Block 52421254
F-16C Block 50 currently in production
Final 3 aircraft ordered in FY1998
15 aircraft to be delivered after 01 Jan 99
Final aircraft of 2216 delivered March 2001
As of Sept. 30, 2001
PAITAIActive Duty638735Air National Guard462576Air Force Reserve5970Totals11591381
Primary Mission Aircraft Inventory
246 Air Combat Command
126 Pacific Air Forces
72 US Air Forces Europe
60 Air Force Reserve
315 Air National Guard
105 Air National Guard Air Defense Force
924 TOTAL Only combat-coded aircraft
Excludes development/ test, attrition reserve, depot maintenance, and training aircraft.

作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-2-2 18:30
F-16 Mission Missile Configurations
F-16 Rail Stores LoadingsRight Wing Center Left Wing
Rail ID 9877a65R55L43a321
Defensive Counterair AMRAAMAMRAAMSidewinder 370g Tank 370g Tank SidewinderAMRAAMAMRAAM
Interdiction 1 AMRAAMGBU24 370g Tank LANTIRN 370g Tank GBU24AMRAAM
Interdiction 2 SidewinderAGM65 370g Tank ECM Pod 370g Tank AGM65Sidewinder
Suppress Enemy Air Defense Sidewinder Harm 370g Tank LANTIRN 370g Tank Harm Sidewinder

VRML 3-D Model
F-16 Fighting Falcon
VRML by Soji Yamakawa
F-16 Fighting Falcon
VRML by Soji Yamakawa
作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-2-2 18:31



作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-2-2 18:32


F-16戰隼(F-16 Fighting Falcon)是美國製造的現代化多功能噴射戰鬥機。原先設計為一款輕型戰鬥機,輔助美國空軍主流派心目中的主力戰機F-15,形成高低配置,後來演化為成功的多功能飛機。F-16 是由通用動力公司所發展。於1993年通用動力公司將他的飛機製造事業出售給洛克西德公司,現在為洛克西德馬丁。F-16戰隼的優異的性能是他在外銷市場成功的原因,現在於24個國家服役中。它是現役西方戰鬥機當中產量最大也可能是最重要的機種,已經製造超過4000 架。儘管美國空軍的訂單已經生產完畢,但是仍然繼續為外銷而生產。

戰隼的原始設計針對越戰的經驗並且強調視距內的纏鬥能力,許多設計像是第一次集中在這架飛機上,包括:側置操縱桿、傾斜座椅以及線傳飛控系統。也是美國第一種有能力進行9g(88 m/s²)過載機動的戰鬥機。 F-16的官方綽號是"戰隼",但飛行員稱之為毒蛇("Viper"),這是早期發展時候通用動力的計畫代號。
作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-2-2 18:32

飛行員: 1 (A/C), 2 (B/D)
機長: 47 呎 8 吋 (14.52 公尺)
翼展: 31 呎 (9.45 公尺)
機高: 16 呎 8 吋 (5.09 公尺)
機翼面積: 300 ft² (27.87 m²)
空重: 18,238 磅 (8,272 公斤)
載重: 26,463 磅 (12,003 公斤)
最大起飛重量: 42,300 磅 (19,187 公斤)
最大速度: 1,350 mph (2,173 km/h)
作戰半徑: 340 英哩 (547 公里)
最大高度: 50,000 英呎 (15,240 公尺)
爬升率: 50,000 ft/min 15,240 m/min
機翼載重: lb/ft² (kg/m²)
機炮: M61 Vulcan 20 mm Gatling gun
火箭吊倉: CRV-7
空對空: AIM-9, AIM-120

空對地: [[AGM-65], AGM-88

反艦: AGM-119

炸彈: CBU-87, CBU-89, CBU-97, Paveway, JDAM, Mk 80 series
作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-2-2 18:33

F-16的誕生始自於1974年美國國防部提出的一份性能要求書。由於F-4在越戰時的空戰表現不佳,特別是在近距離纏鬥的情況下而催生出F-15。有一群相當有影響力的人自稱為戰機黑手黨,其中包括系統分析師皮爾#183; 史百瑞(Pierre Sprey),試飛員查理·E·邁爾斯(Charles E. Meyers)和飛行教官約翰·包伊得(John Boyd)等人,認為F-15的研發方向並不正確。他們批評F-15的體型太大而且成本太高。在設計上F-15是一架高速攔截機,迴轉半徑較大,並不適用於近距離的纏鬥。戰機黑手黨主張應該要研發一種具備極高運動能力的輕型戰鬥機,同時採購成本低廉,能夠大量部署。這些特性也就成為1971年開始進行的輕型戰鬥機計畫(LWF)。


輕型戰鬥機計畫在美國空軍當中遭遇非常大的反對聲浪,主要原因在於它會成為與美國空軍最主要的F-15戰鬥機互打擂臺的計畫。為了減少阻力,這個計畫更名為空戰戰鬥機(Air Combat Fighter,ACF)計畫。美國空軍需要一種比較便宜的輕型戰鬥機對抗冷戰對手蘇聯在數量上的優勢,與昂貴的F-15形成高低檔次配合。在此同時,比利時、丹麥、荷蘭與挪威四個國家在尋找替代F-104星式戰鬥機的新一代戰鬥機,他們共同組成多國戰鬥機計畫集團(Multinational Fighter Program Group,MFPG)以尋找適當的候選機種。參與空戰戰鬥機計畫競標的兩架原型機都被他們列入考慮,同時在名單上的還有法國達梭的幻象F1與瑞典SAAB的維京戰鬥機。美國海軍在這個階段也開始以艦載戰鬥攻擊試驗機(VFAX)計畫為名尋求一款低成本機種,以便輔助F-14雄貓這種和F-15一樣價格不菲的艦載戰鬥機。美國國會指示美國海軍必須與空軍的空戰戰鬥機計畫選擇同一個機種。當艦載戰鬥攻擊試驗機逐漸演變為一款多用途的飛機時,這項需求也被加入空戰戰鬥機的設計規範當中,以避開與F-15計畫的正面衝突,而且華約方面優勢的裝甲集群也需要加強對地攻擊能力。這是與戰鬥機黑手黨的夢想相違背。

在1975年1月13日,美國空軍在空中戰鬥機的競賽中選擇了YF-16,因為它提供更好的效能,而且承諾可以以較便宜的成本製造和維護。它也是用和F-15一樣的F100引擎,而F-16的支持者相信這會幫助他們的計畫。另外也有政治的考量,想要在F-111項目結束後,還能保持與通用動力公司的生意。美國海軍選擇了YF-17的設計發展為 F/A-18,因為它的雙發動機設計符合海軍艦載機的較高可靠性要求。這對海洋上空的作戰是必需的。(海軍航母艦載機在海洋中只有航母作為基地。採用單發動機的戰鬥機,一旦發動機故障。戰機很難保證生存。所以強調要以雙發動機保證可靠性。美國空軍主要在陸地上空作戰,沒有如此要求。)

作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-2-2 18:33

第一代F-16有兩個次型: A (單座) 和 B (雙座)。F-16首次試飛是在1976年12月, 1979年月給首次移交388戰鬥機聯隊服役en:388th Tactical Fighter Wing。在同一個月份,比利時空軍也收到他們訂購的第一架F-16。F-16 是第一個同時被部屬在國內和海外的美國戰機。B 型主要單負訓練任務,以加大的座艙來容納第二名飛行員,同時也減少燃料和航電未來成長的空間。一般而言學生都是坐在後方的駕駛艙。

在 1980年代,F-16A/B 被改善航電與發動機的 F-16C/D 取代。F-16 在他的生產歷史中持續的升級。批次(Block)的改變反應了重大的升級,下面會有介紹。F-16 (F-16A 第10批次) 的機身空重從15,600磅成長到(F-16C 第50批次)的19,200 磅。

由於數量龐大,F-16 參加過眾多的衝突,大部分都是在中東地區。在1981年,8 架以色列 F-16A參加摧毀伊拉克位於巴格達近郊的 奧斯拉克核子反應爐的奇襲。在之後的幾年,在入侵黎巴嫩時,以色列的 F-16 與敘利亞戰機在眾多場合中交戰只有被擊落一架的紀錄(根據以色列單方面的資料)。F-16在之後也用於攻擊在黎巴嫩的地面目標。在1991年的海灣戰爭中,聯軍的F-16也參與了攻擊伊拉克的任務。


F-35 "聯合打擊戰機"(JSF) 是未來要取代 F-16 的機種,擁有稍微改進的效能,最重要的是匿蹤科技,能夠加強在現代戰場上存活能力。
作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-2-2 18:34

F-16各主要改良型是以按照順序的批次數字作代表,這些編號包含所有單雙座的F-16。多國階段性改良計畫(Multinational Staged Improvement Program,MSIP)準備逐步將現役的F-16提升到一個共通標準配備上。

F-16 A/B
F-16 A/B 一開始配備是 Westinghouse AN/APG-66 脈衝都普勒雷達,Pratt & Whitney F100-PW-200渦輪,軍用推力為14,670磅 (64.9 kN), 加上後燃器的最大推力為23,830磅 (106.0 kN)。美國空軍買了674架 F-16A 和121架 F-16B,於1985年3月全數遞交完畢。

早期的批次編號只是彼此間相對較小的差異。大部分的差異在於後來80年代早期時升級到批次10的設定。生產的飛機共計批次1的94架,批次5的97 架與批次10的312 架。

批次15是F-16系列第一次重要改變。改變的部分包括較大的水準安定面,進氣道兩側下方的新增掛架,改良版AN/APG-66雷達,提高機翼下掛架掛載重量上限等等。從這一批次的F-16開始配備Have Quick I型加密超高頻無線電,水準安定面增大30%以抵銷新掛架增加的重量。批次15是F-16系列生產架數最多,共計983架,最後一架於1986年遞交馬來西亞。

從1987年以降,F-16的生產線開始遞交作戰能力提升(Operational Capability Upgrade ,OCU)標準的批次15機型。改良的部分包括改良與新增數位控制介面的F100-PW-220渦輪扇發動機,發射AGM-65、AIM-120與AGM-119企鵝飛彈能力,電子反制系統以及座艙儀表提升,改良版電腦與資料匯流排。最大起飛重量上升至37500磅(17000公斤)。包括批次10在內,總共有214架飛機接受這一批提升。

作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-2-2 18:34
F-16 C/D

批次 25

批次 25 的 F-16C 首度於 1984年6月飛行,於同年9月進入美國空軍服務。這架飛機使用西屋的AN/APG-68雷達,擁有精確的夜晚攻擊能力,配備有Pratt & Whitney F100-PW-220E 渦輪和數位控制介面。美國空軍是這個批次機型唯一的使用者,總共遞交了 209 架。

批次 30/32是第一批在生產線上可以選擇發動機的次型,飛機可選配傳統的普拉特-惠特尼F110發動機或者是新加入的奇異(General Electric)的F110發動機。批次號以0結尾的使用F110,批次號以2結尾的F100發動機。首批批次號30的F-16在1987年進入服務。主要的改良包括使用AGM-45 百舌鳥和AGM-88 高速反輻射飛彈(HARM)。從批次30D開始戰機為推力提升的通用電器發動機搭配較大的進氣口, 批次32並並不需要同樣的修改。733架批次30/32F-16共在6個國家服役。


批次50D/52D 野鼬機是擔任壓制防空系統(SEAD)的新款野鼬機。機上可以攜帶AN/ASQ-213高速反輻射飛彈標定系統(HTS),這套系統允許高速反輻射飛彈採用已知距離模式達到較大的射程與較高的精確度。除此之外還可以攜帶ALQ-119電子干擾筴艙自衛。自從F-4G退役之後,批次50D/52D是現役唯一擔負壓制防空系統的機種。
批次50/52 Plus

F-16 統一配備施行計畫(CCIP)
作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-2-2 18:34
F-16 E/F
以 F-16C/D 為基礎,可以使用適型油箱,搭配改進的雷達和航電系統;這個批次只有出售給阿拉伯聯合大公國。發動機是奇異(General Electric)的 F110-GE-132,這款發動機改良自 F110-GE-129,擁有 32,500磅(144kN)最大推力。與先前的批次主要的差異是諾斯洛普格魯曼公司生產的APG-80主動電子掃描陣列雷達。批次60能夠使用次50/52所有的武器系統,加上AIM-132先進短程空對空飛彈(ASRAAM)和AGM-84E視距外陸攻飛彈(SLAM)。適型油箱提供額外的450美製加崙(2,045公升)的燃料,可以提升航程或者是滯空時間。適型油箱另外的優點是空出原先攜帶副油箱的掛架給武器使用。


F-16/79 - 以F-16A為基礎基礎,使用設計已過時的J79渦輪噴射發動機的外銷版 以回應吉米·卡特總統欲藉著出售性能降低版的武器達到的限縮武力擴張政策。但是這個政策實際上在執行的時候遇到許多困難,也有不少例外的情況。卡特總統在他的任期晚期也放鬆此一政策,最終在雷根總統手上廢除了此一政策,自始至終沒有一架此型機被售出。

F-16/101 - 利用F-16A的機體修改之後,採用改良自B-1A轟炸機預定使用的奇異F101渦輪扇發動機的試驗計畫。通用電子計算把這款發動機改為供戰鬥機使用,然而並未受到F-16採用。

F-16ADF - 從F-16A批次15專門為美國空中國民兵提升性能,執行戰鬥機攔截任務(因此名稱加上空中防衛戰鬥機(Air Defence Fighter,ADF)的縮寫)。自1989年開始,一共有270架經過結構與航電升級,並且在駕駛艙的前下方加裝一具探照燈,提供夜間目標辨識能力。

F-16I - 專門為以色列生產的航電升級版F-16。機上的航電系統大量採用以色列自製的組件,此外還有適形油箱以增加航程。
F-2A/B(FS-X) - 日本三菱重工生產, 以F-16為基礎,與洛克希德馬丁合作設計生產的。在談判階段就有許多爭議,試飛時發現機翼的全複合材料結構有裂縫出現,稍後又傳出日本自行設計生產的主動電子掃描陣列雷達發生有效追蹤距離過短以及目標會消失不見等多項問題。原定生產130架,到2005年時日本宣佈在生產90架之後將終止生產計畫。
F-16XL - 由美國國家航空暨太空總署使用於研究計畫的箭鏃翼版本,稍後加入增強版戰術戰鬥機(Enhanced Tatical Fighter)計畫競標,輸給F-15E。

RF-16C/F-16R - 偵察機版F-16,攜帶ATARS筴艙執行偵查任務。
F-16中期壽命升級(MLU) - 中期壽命升級(Mid Life Update)計畫是為了協助荷蘭皇家空軍、比利時空軍、丹麥皇家空軍、挪威皇家空軍以及葡萄牙空軍提升服役中的F-16A/B。

F-16N - 一共有26架F-16C批次30交給美國海軍做為假想敵訓練機種。這一批飛機稍後因為結構發生裂縫的關係而退役。
KF-16 - 洛克西德馬丁公司於1990年代授權韓國生產180架F-16。其中有2500項零組件與原先的F-16C/D不同。1990年代後期洛克西德馬丁公司與韓國KAI公司合作設計T-50/A-50飛機,這架飛機設計上也源自於F-16。整個計畫耗資2千2百萬美金,南韓政府已經在2004年訂購94架,與其將會有1200架的外銷訂單。
作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-2-2 18:35

美國空軍: 2507 (有些出售給外國)
其他空軍: 2401
巴林空軍: 22
比利時空軍: 160
智利空軍: 10
丹麥空軍: 78
埃及空軍: 220
希臘空軍: 140
約旦皇家空軍: 24
印尼空軍: 10 (包含 6 架封存)
以色列空軍: 382
義大利空軍: 24
荷蘭皇家空軍: 213
挪威皇家空軍: 75
阿曼空軍: 12
巴基斯坦空軍: 32
波蘭空軍: 45
西班牙空軍: 45
新加坡空軍: 71
中華民國空軍: 150
韓國 空軍: 180
泰國皇家空軍: 61
土耳其空軍: 248
阿聯空軍: 80
委內瑞拉空軍: 24
生產總數: 4,426
F-16A/B: 1998 14.6 百萬美金
F-16C/D: 1998 18.8 百萬美金
最新型號: 1998 26.9 百萬美金
作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-2-2 18:35


作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-2-2 18:35

乘員: 1 (A/C), 2 (B/D)
長度: 47 英尺 8 英吋 (14.52 公尺)
翼展: 31 英尺 (9.45 公尺)
高度: 16 英尺 8 英吋 (5.09 公尺)
翼面積: 300 平方英尺 (27.87 平方公尺)
空重: 18,238 磅 (8,272 公斤)
一般起飛重量: 26,463 磅 (12,003 公斤)
最大起飛重量: 42,300 磅 (19,187 公斤)


F-16A/B: 普懷 F100-PW-200 渦輪扇發動機, 軍用推力 14,670 磅(64.9 kN), 最大推力 23,830 磅(106.0 kN)
批次 25/32/42: 普懷 F100-PW-220 渦輪扇發動機, 軍用推力 14,590 磅(64.9 kN), 最大推力 23,770 磅(105.7 kN)
批次 30/40: 通用電子 F110-GE-100 渦輪扇發動機, 軍用推力 17,155 磅(76.3 kN), 最大推力 28,984 磅(128.9 kN)
批次 50: 通用電子 F110-GE-129 渦輪扇發動機, 軍用推力 17,155 磅(76.3 kN), 最大推力 28,984 磅(128.9 kN)
批次 52: 普懷 F100-PW-229 渦輪扇發動機, 軍用推力 17,000 磅(75.6 kN), 最大推力 28,500 磅(127 kN)
F-16E/F: 通用電子 F110-GE-132 渦輪扇發動機, 軍用推力 19,000 磅(84.5 kN), 最大推力 32,500 磅(144.6 kN)

最大速度: 1,350 英里/時 (2,173 公里/時)
飛行半徑: 340 英哩 (547 公里)
最大升限: 50,000 英呎 (15,240 公尺)
爬升率: 50,000 英尺/分 (15,240 公尺/分)
翼負荷: 53磅/平方英尺 (260公斤/平方公尺)
推重比: 0.91:1

機槍: M61 Vulcan 20 mm 火神炮
火箭: CRV-7
空對空: AIM-9響尾蛇, AIM-120先進中程空對空飛彈
空對地: AGM-65 小牛, AGM-88高速反輻射飛彈
反艦: AGM-119 Penguin
炸彈: CBU-87 集束炸彈, CBU-89 gator mine, CBU-97, Paveway, 聯合攻擊彈道, Mk 80 series

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