標題: 『每日軍事武器鑑賞』- VC-137B/C(1958年) - 空軍一號 [列印本頁]
作者: 克里斯Chris 時間: 07-3-16 20:08
標題: 『每日軍事武器鑑賞』- VC-137B/C(1958年) - 空軍一號
VC-137B/C Stratoliner
The VC-137 provides transportation for the vice president, cabinet and congressional members, and other high-ranking U.S. and foreign officials. It also serves as a backup for Air Force One, the presidential aircraft.
The VC-137B/C Stratoliner is a modified version of the Boeing 707 commercial intercontinental airliner that, for many years, was the presidential aircraft. Today, the president's aircraft, is the VC-25A. The VC-137B/C body is identical to that of the Boeing 707, but has different interior furnishings and electronic equipment. The passenger cabin is divided into three sections:
The forward area has a communications center, galley, lavatory and an eight-seat compartment.
The center section is designed as an airborne headquarters with conference tables, swivel chairs, projection screen for films and two convertible sofa-bunks.
The rear section of the cabin contains double reclining passenger seats, tables, galley, two lavatories and closets. Partitions may be placed throughout the cabin for added privacy.
In 1962, the first jet aircraft to be specifically purchased for use as "Air Force One," a VC-137B, entered service with the tail number 26000. It is perhaps the most widely known and has the most historical significance of the presidential aircraft. Tail number 26000 is the aircraft that carried President John F. Kennedy to Dallas, Nov. 22, 1963, and in which his body was returned to Washington, D.C., following his assassination. Lyndon B. Johnson was sworn into office as the 36th president of the United States on board 26000 at Love Field in Dallas. This fateful aircraft also was used to return President Johnson's body to Texas following his state funeral on Jan. 24, 1973. In 1972, President Richard M. Nixon made historic visits aboard 26000 to the People's Republic of China in February and to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in May.
Tail number 27000, a G model VC-137, replaced 26000 and carved its place in history when it was used to fly former Presidents Nixon, Ford and Carter to Cairo, Egypt, Oct. 19, 1981, to represent the United States at the funeral of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat.
C-137 aircraft are modified B-707 aircraft with 1950's airframe technology that do not comply with FAA Stage 3 restrictions. Additionally, the FAA mandated aging aircraft inspections requirements negatively affect the maintainability and availability of the C-137 fleet. These aircraft are already expensive to fly, needing fuel stops and ground support equipment, and the resultant additional security and time required. A Statement of Need and Operational Requirements Document has been validated for replacing the C-137 with a VC-X aircraft. Therefore the 89th Airlift Wing will receive four new Boeing 757-200 aircraft in 1998 to be designated C-32As and two Gulfstream V aircraft to be designated C-37A.
作者: 克里斯Chris 時間: 07-3-16 20:08
[ 本文最後由 jacklf2004 於 07-3-16 08:10 PM 編輯 ]
作者: 克里斯Chris 時間: 07-3-16 20:11
空軍一號(Air Force One)是對搭載美國總統的任何美國空軍飛機的稱呼,被美國人認為是世界上最安全的飛機。
目前美國總統最常用的是兩架VC-25A飛機,尾號28000和SAM 29000。兩架飛機是改裝過的波音747-2G4B民航機。在28000和SAM 29000於1990年開始服役之前,空軍一號是兩架波音707-320B飛機(VC-137-1),尾號26000和27000,這兩架飛機從1958年起就開始服役了。
空軍一號的所有飛行都屬於空軍的軍事行動,由位於馬里蘭州的安德魯空軍基地的總統飛行組負責。從白宮到安德魯空軍基地總統一般先要搭乘美國海軍陸戰隊的專用直升機海軍陸戰隊一號。同樣的,搭承總統的陸軍交通工具稱為陸軍一號,搭承總統的海軍交通工具稱為海軍一號,而搭載總統的民航飛機則被稱為執行一號(Executive One)。
將總統的飛機稱為「空軍一號」是在艾森豪總統時代開始的,主要是為了安全原因。當年有一個擁有與總統飛機同樣代號的民航飛機(代號:8610)正好與總統專機(代號:Air Force 8610)一起進入同一個空域,從此之後總統的飛機就有了一個特殊的名字,藉以和其他航班區別。
1963年11月,詹森在空軍一號的機艙內宣誓繼任美國總統「空軍一號」已經成為總統權力的象徵,她伴隨美國總統多次執行外交任務,並見證了許多歷史性時刻:1963年11月22日,空軍一號SAM 26000將總統約翰·甘迺迪帶到了達拉斯,甘迺迪卻不幸被暗殺(參見甘迺迪遇刺),副總統詹森就是在空軍一號上宣誓繼任美國總統的;1971年,空軍一號又陪伴了尼克森總統完成了歷史性的中國之行;2004年及2006年,在高度保密的狀態下,空軍一號搭載喬治·沃克·布希總統到伊拉克首都巴格達國際機場探望駐紮當地的美軍部隊。
作者: 克里斯Chris 時間: 07-3-16 20:13
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