
標題: 『每日軍事武器鑑賞』- RC135『鉚釘連接』電子偵聽飛機 [列印本頁]

作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-4-8 12:41
標題: 『每日軍事武器鑑賞』- RC135『鉚釘連接』電子偵聽飛機
Rivet Joint

The USAF RC-135V/W RIVET JOINT surveillance aircraft are equipped with an extensive array of sophisticated intelligence gathering equipment enabling military specialists to monitor the electronic activity of adversaries. Also known as "RJ", the aircraft are sometimes called "hogs" due to the extended "hog nose" and "hog cheeks". RIVET JOINT has been widely used in the 1990's -- during Desert Storm, the occupation of Haiti, and most recently over Bosnia. Using automated and manual equipment, electronic and intelligence specialists can precisely locate, record and analyse much of what is being done in the electromagnetic spectrum. The fleet of 14 RIVET JOINT aircraft increased to 15 in late 1999 with the addition of a converted C-135B. The jet's conversion cost about $90 million.

Basic roles include:

providing indications about the location and intentions of enemyforces and warnings of threatening activity
broadcasting a variety of direct voice communications. Of highest priority are combat advisory broadcasts and imminent threat warnings that can be sent direct to aircraft in danger
operating both data and voice links to provide target info to US ground based air defenses
作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-4-8 12:41
The RIVET JOINT aircraft operated by the 55th Wing, Offutt Air Force Base, Neb., provide direct, near real-time reconnaissance information and electronic warfare support to theater commanders and combat forces. In support of the 55th, the 95th Reconnaissance Squadron operates out of Mildenhall and provides pilots and navigators to fly the aircraft. The 488th Intelligence Squadron provides the intelligence personnel who work in the back of the plane. Since the beginning of Operation Joint Endeavor December 21, 1995 through May 1996 the 95th and 488th flew 625 hours and 72 sorties together in support of the peacekeeping operation in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

RIVET JOINT (RC-135V/W) is an air refuelable theater asset with a nationally tasked priority. It collects, analyzes, reports, and exploits enemy BM/C4I. During most contingencies, it deploys to the theater of operations with the airborne elements of TACS (AWACS, ABCCC, Joint STARS, etc.) and is connected to the aircraft via datalinks and voice as required. The aircraft has secure UHF, VHF, HF, and SATCOM communications. Refined intelligence data can be transferred from Rivet Joint to AWACS through the Tactical Digital Information Link TADIL/A or into intelligence channels via satellite and the TACTICAL INFORMATION BROADCAST SERVICE (TIBS), which is a nearly real-time theater information broadcast.


The Tactical Common Data Link (TCDL) is developing a family of CDL-compatible, low-cost, light weight, digital data links for initial application to unmanned aerial vehicles. Normally the data returns with the collecting aircraft to be downloaded and processed at base. A long-standing need remains to provide the theater CINC and/or the National Command Authority (NCA) with the ELINT environment in real-time. In the future TCDL design is expected to be extended to additional manned and unmanned applications, including RIVET JOINT. The TCDL will operate in Ku band and will be interoperable with the existing CDL at the 200 Kbps forward link and 10.71 Mbps return link data rates and is expected to interface to the Tactical Control System (TCS).

On February 12, 1997 Sanders, a Lockheed Martin Company, was selected by the Joint Airborne Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) Program Office for development and demonstration of the Joint SIGINT Avionics Family (JSAF) Low Band Subsystem (LBSS). Major subcontractors include: Radix Technologies, Inc. of Mountain View, Calif.; Applied Signal Technologies (APSG) of Sunnyvale,

Calif.; and TRW System Integration Group, also of Sunnyvale. Radix will provide radio frequency (RF) and digital signal processing subsystems; APSG will develop special signal processing subsystems; and TRW will be responsible for high speed networking and computing subsystems. The JSAF low band subsystem is a platform-independent, modular, reconfigurable suite of hardware and software that can address multiple mission scenarios aboard a variety of aircraft. It will significantly enhance the ability of reconnaissance platforms to detect and locate modern enemy communications systems and provide real time intelligence on enemy intentions and capabilities to the warfighter. Initially, JSAF LBSS will be deployed on U.S. Air Force RC-135 Rivet Joint aircraft and other special Air Force platforms as well as the U.S. Army's RC-7 (Airborne Reconnaissance Low) and the U.S. Navy's EP-3 aircraft. JSAF LBSS will also be capable of deployment on unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) in the future.

JSAF collection systems intercept, exploit, and report on modern modulation and low probability of detection communications and radar signals.

It permits the collection of signals in the presence of co-channel interfering signals, and provides interoperability between primary DOD airborne collection platforms, establishing the infrastructure to support near-real-time exchange of information for rapid signal geolocation and targeting. Provide compliance with DOD directed Joint Airborne SIGINT Architecture (JASA). Current aircraft architecture and collection system have insufficient capability to intercept modern modulation and low probability of detection communications and radar signals. System requires improvements to accurately measure signal polarization and angle of arrival to the required accuracy, and to process signals in the presence of co-channel interfering signals. DOD airborne collection platforms do not operate under a common architecture and are limited in their ability to exchange data among platforms for the purpose of rapid signal triangulation for geolocation and targeting. Four aircraft undergo PDM per year.

Current funding in FY01/02 only supports JSAF modification for three of the four aircraft during those years. Result will be 2 different aircraft configurations moving thorugh PDM. The impact includes dual qualified aircrews, split logistics, increased training, increased cost for "out-of-cycle" modification.
作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-4-8 12:42
The RIVET JOINT Joint Airborne SIGINT Architecture (JASA) High Band Sub-System (HBSS) Upgrade procures and installs upgrades to the RIVET JOINT旧 high band antennas, RF distribution network, and software to intercept, exploit, and report on modern modulation and low probability of detection communications and radar signals. It permits the collection of signals in the presence of co-channel interfering signals, and provides interoperability between primary DOD airborne collection platforms, establishing the infrastructure to support near-real-time exchange of information for rapid signal geolocation and targeting. Provide compliance with DOD directed Joint Airborne SIGINT Architecture (JASA). The JSAF CRD (CAF 002-88 Joint CAF -USA,

USN, USMC CAPSTONE Requirements Document for JOINT SIGINT AVIONICS FAMILY) requires all airborne reconnaissance aircraft to migrate to JASA compliance by 2010. Current aircraft architecture and collection system have insufficient capability to intercept modern modulation and low probability of detection communications and radar signals. System requires improvements to accurately measure signal polarization and angle of arrival to the required accuracy, and to process signals in the presence of co-channel interfering signals. DOD airborne collection platforms do not operate under a common architecture and are limited in their ability to exchange data among platforms for the purpose of rapid signal triangulation for geolocation and targeting.

The RIVET JOINT SHF High Gain Steerable Beam Antenna Upgrade I will procure and install a new antenna array in the cheek to provide increased sensitivity and signal separation for selected frequency bands. It provides an increased number of steerable beams in bands that currently have steerable beams, and provides steerable beams in bands not currently steerable beam capable. Increases the number of signals that can be processed simultaneously and increases signal selectivity against co-channel signals. Increasing number of low power signals and increased signal density have decreased the ability to collect tasked targets due to co-channel signal interference. Antenna improvements permit deeper target penetration against low power emitters or increased standoff ranges. The current SHF antenna array does not provide the sensitivity or selectivity required to collect low power or co-channel signals, reducing probability of intercept.

RIVET JOINT SHF High Gain Steerable Beam Antenna Upgrade II procures and installs a new antenna array in the cheek to provide increased sensitivity and signal separation in selected frequency bands. Provides an increased number of steerable beams in bands that currently have steerable beams, and provides steerable beams in bands not currently steerable beam capable. Increases the number of signals that can be processed simultaneously and increases signal selectivity against co-channel signals. Increasing number of low power signals and increased signal density have decreased the ability to collect tasked targets. Antenna improvements permit deeper target penetration against low power emitters or increased standoff ranges. The current SHF antenna array does not provide the sensitivity or selectivity required to collect low power or co-channel signals, reducing probability of intercept.
作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-4-8 12:42
The RIVET JOINT High Frequency (HF) Direction Finding (DF) System procures and installs a ten element HF array antenna on RIVET JOINT to provide HF DF capability. Upgrades the Joint SIGINT Avionics Family (JSAF) LowBand SubSystem (LBSS) receiver to process HF DF. The current RIVET JOINT HF capability is limited to a long wire antenna. This configuration supports signal reception, but not HF DF. The aircraft is tasked to perform search, classification, collection, and DF of all militarily significant signals. This tasking includes signals in the HF band. Without HF DF, the aircraft will continue to have no DF capability in this increasingly significant frequency band. A ten element HF antenna array, and receiver upgrades are needed to perform HF DF operations. Without the installation of a ten element HF antenna array, RIVET JOINT will not be able satisfy the requirement to DF signals in the HF band.

The RIVET JOINT 360?Search, Acquisition, and Direction Finding System procures and installs a circular antenna array and receiver system designed to search, acquire and DF emitters over the full. The antenna will be centerline mounted on the aircraft underside. The antenna output will be routed to a new receiver dedicated to 360?intercept. The receiver output would be routed to existing processors for exploitation. The proposed implimentation will retain the high sensitivity and geolocation accuracy of the current system while adding an additional antenna array and receiver specifically for 360?coverage. RIVET JOINT is currently unable to satisfy the long-standing requirement to search, acquire, and DF emitters through the full 360? The current radar acquisition and DF systems have a limited field of view, restricted to 120?on each side of the aircraft. Additionally, the operator can only select one side or the other. The aircraft is often employed in orbits requiring a greater antenna field of view, often from both sides of the aircraft, or from the nose and tail. The crew currently accomplishes this tasking by alternating antenna selection from side to side, and by changing aircraft headings. These tactics provide sequential, not simultaneous looks at the target area, and pose a significant probability of missing short-up-time and low-probability-of-intercept emitters.

RIVET JOINT Wideband Line-of-Sight Data Link procures, installs and integrates a wideband datalink terminal on the aircraft. Datalink would be line-of-sight capable. Datalink will be interoperable with ground-tethered assets for data exchange and exploitation. Permits airborne exploitation of UAV sensors. Provides capability for cooperative direction finding for near instantaneous target geolocation. Allows aircrews to draw on in-theater intelligence center databases and processing capability. Provides for near-real-time interaction between theater assets, increasing probability of intercepting targets, and increasing geolocation accuracy of target locations. Airborne reconnaissance platforms require a wideband datalink for interaction among platforms in order to provide high probability of signal detection, provide accurate and timely target geolocation, draw on theater atabases and processing capability to exploit robust signals, and permit airborne access to UAV sensor data. Without this upgrade, RIVET JOINT aircraft will not be able to exchange data among in-theater reconnaissance platforms and draw on CONUS based national assets to exchange data, cooperatively geolocate targets, and exploit robust targets in near-real-time.
作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-4-8 12:42
RIVET JOINT Wideband SATCOM Data Link/Global Broadcast Service (GBS) procures, installs and integrates a wideband datalink terminal on the aircraft. Datalink would expand the capability of a wideband line-of-sight datalink to add SATCOM capable. Datalink will be interoperable with ground-tethered assets for data exchange and exploitation. Permits airborne exploitation of UAV sensors. Provides capability for cooperative direction finding for near instantaneous target geolocation. Allows aircrews to draw on in-theater intelligence center databases and processing capability, or provide for reach-back to CONUS intelligence center databases and processing capability. Provides for near-real-time interaction between theater and national assets, increasing probability of intercepting targets, and increasing geolocation accuracy of target locations. Terminal will permit receipt of Global Broadcast Service. Airborne reconnaissance platforms require a wideband datalink for interaction among platforms in order to provide high probability of signal detection, provide accurate and timely target geolocation, draw on theater and CONUS databases and processing capability to exploit robust signals, and permit airborne access to UAV sensor data. RIVET JOINT aircraft will not be able to exchange data among in-theater reconnaissance platforms and draw on CONUS based national assets to exchange data, cooperatively geolocate targets, and exploit robust targets in near-real-time.

RIVET JOINT Operator Workstation Upgrade procures and installs high resolution operator displays to improve target detection and signal recognition. Wide band fiber optic base audio distribution network to all operators. Wide band, high capacity COTS audio recorders. High capacity, digital, reprogramable, wideband demodulators and processors. Current display resolution is insufficient to allow accurate signal detection and recognition of modern modulation target signals. Several current target emitters exceed the bandwith of the current audio distribution system, resulting in unintelligible audio output. Several receiver outputs are routed to specific operator positions, limiting flexibility in responding to theater driven dynamic target environments. Bandwidth and capacity of current recorders is exceeded by an emerging class of wideband modern modulation target emitters. Bandwidth and capacity of current signal demodulators is exceeded by an emerging class of wideband modern modulation target emitters. Current demodulators are not reprogramable. It is expensive and time consuming to reconfigure them to process different target emitters.

RIVET JOINT Cockpit Modernization includes the RIVET JOINT in the Air Force PACER CRAG initiative to upgrade the C-135 fleet cockpit, and installs the GATM/FANS avionics required to operate in the evolving civil air structure. PACER CRAG installs new compasses, radar, multi-function displays, and global positioning system/flight management system. New fuel panel, Mode S IFF, TCAS, precision altimeters, and DAMA compliant, 8.333 KHz channel radios are included in this upgrade. The upgrade provides RIVET JOINT and RJ Trainer (TC-135) aircraft commonality with the C-135 fleet for training, logistics, and parts.

Eliminated "vanishing vendor" problems associated with diverging from the KC-135 avionics. Permits aircraft to comply with ICAO navigation and communication standards to operate in the trans-oceanic and European portions of the commercial air structure. Improves safety, reliability, and maintainability of aircraft. Aircraft will be denied access to increasing portions of civil air space without proper navigation/communications equipment. Current avionics systems will become unsupportable as KC-135 migrates to newer equipment. Commonality will be lost with the rest of the C-135 fleet. Common parts supply base will not be available.
作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-4-8 12:42
CFM-56 Re-engining completes re-engining of RC-135 aircraft with CFM-56 engines, and modifies the airframes to support re-engining. The project decreases cost of ownership and increases operational capability by installing new, fuel efficient engines. The upgrade also reduces maintenance manpower and logistics costs; the new engine is more reliable than the current engine, and the engine is common with the AMC KC-135 fleet. This project extends unrefueled range and time-on-station, and permits operations at higher altitudes, increasing airborne sensor field of view and effectiveness. Increased altitude range provides flexibility to airspace planners integrating aircraft into conjested airspace just behind the FEBA. The new engines decrease dependency on tankers for air refueling, and provide a capability to takeoff on shorter runways at increased gross weights. The project facilitates two-level maintenance concept reducing costs by 32%, and supports improved aircraft environmental system prolonging sensitive sensor life. Failure to fund re-engining to completion will leave a logistically split RC-135 fleet, equipped with two completely different engines. Increased cost of ownership due to duplicate spares at each operating location. Current TF-33 engines will become more difficult and costly to support requiring significant increases in future O&M costs (TF-33 parts no longer in production). The RC-135 fleet would lack commonality with re-engined KC-135 fleet, and the GAO validated $1.7B life cycle savings (total RC-135 program) would not be realized if this project was not funded.

RIVET JOINT Air Conditioning (A/C) Environmental Cooling Modifications procures and installs a vapor cycle cooling system. Includes a liquid cooling loop and heat exchangers. The system will provide in excess of 10 tons of additional cooling at all operating altitudes. Permits effective operation of collection systems added to the aircraft over the last decade. Reduces the requirements for auxiliary air conditioning during ground support operations. The heat load of the "mission equipment" has exceeded the capacity of the standard C-135 air-conditioning system. Skin heat exchangers have been installed to effect additional cooling. This system is only effective at altitudes in excess of 25,000 ft and has reached its capacity. To allow future growth in system capabilities, flexibility in operations, and crew comfort, additional capacity must be obtained. Without increased A/C capability, future growth of aircraft mission equipment, operational flexibility, and crew comfort will be curtailed.

The RIVET JOINT Mission Trainer (RJMT) will provide a high fidelity ground trainer for RC-135 RIVET JOINT reconnaissance compartment personnel, using aircraft hardware and software. The trainer will be equipped with signal generators to create and display a full range of radar and communications signals to the reconnaissance crew. A complex, syncronized signal environment can be presented to the crew, permitting coordinated exploitation of these signal. The trainer will be equipped with Link-11, Link-16, and TIBS datalinks to train aircrew to effectively interact with other battle management assets. The trainer will be Distributed Interactive Simulation capable, permitting RIVET JOINT participation in large scale exercises. The RJMT will provide initial qualification, currency, and upgrade training. RJMT is required to conduct efficient and cost effective initial qualification, continuation/proficiency, and specific mission area training for RC-135 reconnaissance compartment aircrew. Current RC-135 mission training devices are limited to position mock-ups, outdated part-task trainers, PC-based procedural trainers, and audio playback workstations. These devices are supplimented with extensive airborne training flights on mission aircraft. The heavy dependence upon mission aircraft directly impacts training timeliness, continuity, and costs, and this training does not adequately simulate a challenging collection environment. RJMT will relieve the training load in the ops squadron, reduce dependence on aircraft availability for training, and facilitate decreasing the total aircrew TDY rate to 120 days per year (ACC goal). RJMT will provide an improved margin of safety during contingency operations.

The only contingency training available is OJT during actual operations. The simulator will provide a safe controlled environment to practice tactics, develop new procedures, and exploit new capabilities. RJMT will allow RC-135 aircrews to interact, through Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS), with other platforms?simulators. Through electronic exercises, the RJMT will provide aircrew exposure to multiple interoperability issues, tactics, and procedures. RC-135 operational effectiveness is significantly impacted because an integrated training device is not available for the training of crewmembers in Sensitive Reconnaissance Operations (SRO), contingency support, SIOP missions, and exercises. Ops tempo is reduced to support initial training and proficiency requirements. Air crewmember TDY will continue to exceed the stated ACC goal of 120 days per year. Capability to train entire squadrons on aircraft equipment modifications/upgrades is not available. Capability for RC-135 aircrews to electronically exercise with other platform simulators developing new tactics and procedures, performing interoperability issues will not be available.
作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-4-8 12:43
RIVET JOINT AircraftAC #nameordereddeliverednotes62-4125 19961998RC-135W [ex C-135B]62-4127 19961998RC-135W [ex C-135B]62-4129 GreyhoundFeb 8722 Apr 88TC-135W trainer [ex C-135B]62-4130 19961998RC-135W [ex C-135B]1062-4131 Junk Yard DogJun 7909 Mar 81RC-135W [ex RC-135M]1362-4132 Anticipation30 Nov 84RC-135W [ex RC-135M]1262-4134 The Flying W07 Jan 8116 Aug 81RC-135W [ex RC-135M]962-4135Rapture05 Sep 7815 Nov 80RC-135W [ex RC-135M]1162-4138Jungle Assassin09 Jan 80Jul 81RC-135W [ex RC-135M]1462-4139Sniper22 Jan 85RC-135W [ex RC-135M]863-9792 17 Oct 7504 Aug 77RC-135W [ex RC-135U] 764-14841 Red Eye01 Jan 7519 Jan 78RC-135V [ex RC-135C]264-14842 Fair Warning20 Nov 7305 Jan 75RC-135V [ex RC-135C]364-14843Don't Bet on It04 Dec 7305 Feb 75RC-135V [ex RC-135C]464-14844Problem Child08 Jan 7403 Mar 75RC-135V [ex RC-135C]564-14845 Luna Landa01 Oct 7421 Nov 75RC-135V [ex RC-135C]664-14846 22 Jan 7418 Dec 75RC-135V [ex RC-135C]164-14848 01 Dec 7208 Aug 73RC-135V [ex RC-135C]1514 Oct 99RC-135W [ex C-135B]
作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-4-8 12:43
Primary Function: Signals Intelligence Collection
Contractor:RC-135V - LTV
RC-135W - E-Systems
Power Plant: Four JT3D engines
Length:152'11" (46.6 m);
Height:42'6" (12.9 m);
Weight:171,000 pounds (77,565 Kg)-- Empty
155,000 pounds (70,307 Kg)-- Max Fuel
336,000 pounds (152,408 Kg)-- Max Gross
Wingspan: 145'9" (44.4 m);
Speed: .84 Mach
Range:11 hours -- 20 hours with air refueling
Unit Cost:
Crew:Flight crew of 4 plus mission crew (mission crew size varies according to mission)
Date Deployed: 1996
Inventory: Active force, 14 (3 more to be delivered by 1998); ANG, 0; Reserve, 0

作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-4-8 12:44

作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-4-8 12:45

一、 C-135的歷史發展

回顧RC-135型飛機的發展,美國波音公司(Boeing)於1950年代初期以B707型噴射客機為基礎,自費研發成為717型(Model 717)軍用機,也就是後來的C-135系列,可說是美國空軍用途最廣泛、最多樣化的空中載臺之一。



(三)目前使用的RC-135S、U、V、W四型:特殊的RC-135T型祕密電子偵察機,是以KC-135R型的機體改良而成,加裝長形機鼻及航電裝備等,僅有一架完成。至於RC-135X型眼鏡蛇眼式(Cobra Eye),是由RC-135S型的機體改良,同樣用於追蹤彈道飛彈的重返大氣載具,也只完成一架。除了以上的各早期型及已除役的機種之外,美國空軍目前仍在使用中的RC-135機型,則包括RC-135S、U、V及W型。
作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-4-8 12:45

  RC-135S型眼鏡蛇球式(Cobra Ball)電子偵察機,主要執行長距離追蹤彈道飛彈的任務,最初共完成三架。利用機上的各型感測裝備,RC-135S型可在敵人的彈道飛彈發射後,迅速估計發射地點、攔截點及攻擊目標等資訊,以提供指揮高層進行防禦、反擊的參考。


(二)RC-135S型的改良計畫:近年來,RC-135S型偵察機也進行一連串的改良計畫,其中加裝的雷射測距及中頻紅外線(MWIR) 感測裝置,可用於支援美國飛彈防禦系統的研發。中頻紅外線陣列(MIRA)光電監視系統,包括可見光、紅外線感測器及長程雷射測距系統等,主要用於戰區飛彈防禦任務(TMD)。新型全天候追蹤雷達則使RC-135S型可在各種天候狀況下,偵測及以三度空間方式追蹤、標定飛彈、巡弋飛彈或飛機。至於將原有的TF33型噴射發動機換裝為CFM56型,將能提高燃油效率,增加飛行高度,並降低飛機的操作、維修成本。而在駕駛座艙的現代化方面,加裝了新型羅盤、雷達、多功能顯示器、全球衛星定位系統、飛行管理系統及Mode S敵我識別裝置等。其他的性能提升計畫,還有共同任務架構、自動化任務管理系統、整合式空中通訊/資料鏈(ACO/DLO)操控檯,以及改良通用指導警告系統(AWS)等。

(三)RC-135U型的執行任務:RC-135U型Combat Sent式電子情報監偵機,主要是執行蒐集戰略電子偵察資訊的任務,可在全球各地針對外國軍方的各型地面、艦載及空用雷達訊號,進行定位、識別等工作。RC-135U型基本上是由RC-135C型改良而成,外觀特徵包括在機首下方、翼端裝有特殊的天線陣列,以及空用側視雷達的大型機體側面整流罩,加長的機尾等等。

機艙內裝置的各項電子偵測設備,大量採用現有商規(COTS)的軟、硬體,以降低採購、操作成本。這些電子裝備能利用人工或自動方式,分析感測器所獲得的電子訊號。而藉由自動電子發射源定位系統 (AEELS)的協助,機上的電戰官及情報專家,將能同時定位、識別、分析大量的電子訊號。


作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-4-8 12:46


鉚釘接頭式電子偵察機最遠能在距離目標240公里之外,攔截、蒐集相關的電子情報(ELINT)及通訊情報(COMINT)。RC-135V/W型電子偵查機自1981年開始服役,通常與空中預警管制機、E-8型連星式(Joint Stars)共同執行任務,曾支援過美軍在越南、格瑞納達、巴拿馬、海地、波士尼亞、阿富汗,以及第一、二次波斯灣戰爭等作戰任務。

(二)RC-135V與RC-135W的差異:RC-135V型與RC-135W型在外觀上極為類似,不過RC-135V型是以RC-135C型及RC-135U型的機體改良,由LTV公司負責,加裝了長形機鼻、空用側視雷達、機身下方天線等。 RC-135W型的裝備與RC-135U型相同,但是RC-135M型的機體改良,由E系統公司負責,共完成6架。

(三)RC-135V/W機型上裝有各種的電子偵測裝備,可偵測、識別、定位各電磁波譜的訊號,可說是RC-135系列不斷改裝、性能提升的最終機型。機上另外裝有UHF、VHF、HF保密無線電、SATCOM衛星通訊裝置,以及戰術數位資訊資料鏈(TA DIL/A)、戰術資訊廣播系統等。

作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-4-8 12:47




作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-4-8 12:49
アメリカ空軍 135シリーズ 偵察機






RC-135D 「リベット・ブラス」
KC-135AII 3機を1965、1966年に改造したSIGINT機で、1967年1月にコードネームを「オフィス・ボーイ」から「リベット・ブラス」に変更した。
1975年までエイルスンAFBからのSIGINTミッション「バーニング・キャンディ作戦」に従事したが、1960年代後半には嘉手納に派遣され東南アジアにおけるSIGINT 「コンバット・アップル作戦」も実施した。

RC-135E 「リサ・アン」または「リベット・アンバー」

RC-135M 「リベット・コード」
1967年5月には横田の3AD(第3航空師団)Det.1に配備され、戦略SIGINT 「バーニング・コード」を開始した。
作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-4-8 12:50
RC-135S 「ワンダ・ベル」、「リベット・ボール」、「コブラ・ボール」
例代S型クラッシュの直後、C-135B 2機(61-2663、61-2664)のRC-135S「コブラ・ボール」へのコンバートが開始され、1969年10月エイルスンに配備された。


RC-135U 「コンバット・セント」

RC-135V 「リベット・ジョイント」

RC-135W 「リベット・ジョイント」

RC-135X 「コブラアイ」




WC-135W 「コンスタントフェニックス」

歡迎光臨 鐵之狂傲 (https://gamez.com.tw/)