
標題: 『每日軍事武器鑑賞』- T-34C 渦輪旋槳教練機 [列印本頁]

作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-5-3 18:42
標題: 『每日軍事武器鑑賞』- T-34C 渦輪旋槳教練機
T-34C Turbo Mentor
The T-34C aircraft is an unpressurized two-place, tandem cockpit low-wing single-engine monoplane manufactured by Raytheon Aircraft Company (Formally Beech Aircraft), Wichita, Kansas. The aircraft is powered by a Model PT6A-25 turbo-prop engine manufactured by Pratt & Whitney Aircraft of Canada. The primary mission of the T-34C is to provide primary flight training for student pilots attached to the Chief of Naval Air Training. As a secondary mission, approximately 10% of the aircraft provide pilot proficiency and other aircraft support services to AIRLANT, AIRPAC, and NAVAIR "satellite sites" operated throughout CONUS.

The T-34C aircraft was procured as a commercial-derivative aircraft certified under an FAA Type Certificate. Throughout its life, the aircraft has been operated and commercially supported by the Navy using FAA processes, procedures and certifications. It continues to be maintained commercially at all levels of maintenance, and relies on COTS/NDI components and equipment to support airworthiness. Aircraft modification efforts are "turnkey" projects (procurement and installation) implemented as part of competitively awarded maintenance contracts. Where extensive integration efforts are required, the non-recurring engineering phase, including test and certification, is typically performed by Raytheon Aircraft Company under a sole-source engineering contract with the Navy.
作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-5-3 18:42
WingSpan35 ft. 5 in. (10 meters)
Length28 ft. 8 in. (9 meters)
Height9 ft. 11 in. (3 meters)
Weight4,425 lbs. loaded (appx 3,000 Lb empty)
EngineModel PT6A-25 turbo-prop engine (Pratt & Whitney Aircraft of Canada)
Maximum speed280 Knots (322 mph)
Range600 nautical miles
Service Ceiling25,000 ft.
Cost$1 million
CrewTwo (Instructor and Pilot)

作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-5-3 18:43

作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-5-3 18:44
T-34這型教練機原先分別有A跟B型各400餘架服役於美國空軍和海軍,這兩型T-34都是用活塞引擎的機種,在1973年由美國海軍提出改良需求後由Beech公司改裝並配上P&W PT6A-25的渦輪引擎而定名為T-34C.在這個最大動力達715hp的引擎推動下,T-34C可以達到

最大平飛速率: 400 KM/H

海平面爬昇率: 540 m/分

實用昇限: 9150 m

最大航程: 1310 KM



尖端科技特刊 Y2K國軍武器報告書(上)

中國的空軍畫冊 民國78年8月出刊

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