原文由Katliang 於 07-7-31 10:40 PM 發表
everyone made fun of her and called her a freak.
原文由GT. 於 07-8-1 12:59 AM 發表
But the girl didn't care aout that.
She thought shw was lucky that could use ten fingers to pick her nose.= =
原文由killboykakaxi91 於 07-8-1 11:07 AM 發表
Wrong spelling~
She thought 'she' was lucky that could use ten fingers to pick her nose.= =
One day,she saw another man which has ten toes each feet
原文由傲月光希 於 07-8-1 01:27 PM 發表
All of a sudden,she thought she fell in love with that man.(What's this!?)
Good game to play^^
原文由killboykakaxi91 於 07-8-1 01:44 PM 發表
She walked to the ten toe man,her heart beats so fast,her face became red
原文由傲月光希 於 07-8-1 02:00 PM 發表
More than one verb appear in one sentence without any conjunction.
Finally,she made her mind to say hello to this one she loved at her first sig ...
原文由killboykakaxi91 於 07-8-1 02:06 PM 發表
Girl:"Excuse me...,ma....may i ......know....your name?"
原文由傲月光希 於 07-8-1 02:10 PM 發表
The man saw the girl and thought she seemed to be nervous.Then He replied to the girl courteously.
原文由killboykakaxi91 於 07-8-1 02:14 PM 發表
Man:''My name is Toes,nice to meet you."
P.S Are we the only two playing this game?
Really fun tho~
原文由傲月光希 於 07-8-1 02:24 PM 發表
Then she said "I...I am glad to...to know you.I am a little speechless."Next,she happily shaked hands with the man.
I think so,too.= =
原文由killboykakaxi91 於 07-8-1 02:29 PM 發表
When the man saw her hand,he was shocked.
He said:"You've got ten fingers!"
原文由傲月光希 於 07-8-1 02:38 PM 發表
After she heard what the man said,she became Q-ized with comic white-circle eyes(plz imagine in your brain).
She replied afraidly with a 90-degree bow,"Umm...,well...,I am sorry for scaring you ...
原文由Katliang 於 07-8-1 09:07 PM 發表
"Yes, I noticed. However, I do not think people should be scared of other people just because they are unique."
I choose n ...
原文由killboykakaxi91 於 07-8-1 11:02 PM 發表
"Yeah...I know that...I'm just surprised...you've got ten fingers
I've got ten toes...."
I choose not to cut in much, so everyone else can play more.
However, please watch the grammer errors and spelling errors.
PS. "Q-ized" .... =.= not a word.... but amusing ^^
原文由Katliang 於 07-8-2 01:28 AM 發表
"My name is fingers (XDDDDDDD). Nice to meet you"
原文由傲月光希 於 07-8-2 01:46 AM 發表
"It's a good name to you.",Toe said.
"Really?AH...I mean,thank you.Um...may I...may I...",Fingers said without a complete sentence.
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