
標題: taking a break [列印本頁]

作者: Katliang    時間: 07-8-13 08:54
標題: taking a break
hi guys, I'm sorry that i have to be away from the board for a week.  My final is coming up, and i really need to focus on the subject.  And after the test I must go back to BC to see my grand parents, therefore I'm taking a week off.  Be good while I'm gone, the other baby sitters will be watching over you my children.  I'll see you all in a week if I'm able to.  Have fun learning English and enjoy the rest of you summers.

kisses, loves, byes ^^
作者: killboykakaxi91    時間: 07-8-13 09:35
Sure~Take your time~
Dont get too tired~
Good luck 4 u~
作者: 麻。    時間: 07-8-13 13:05
Good luck for everything^^

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