
標題: 讀書心得 [列印本頁]

作者: 劍武天華    時間: 07-8-28 16:05
標題: 讀書心得
書名:麥田捕手(The Catcher in the Rye)


    The leading character, Holden, was dropped out because his terrible grades. He didn’t want to go home at once. He went back to New York and fooled around, meeting some people he knew. When he met his sister in the dark, he told her that he wanted to find a lonely place to live, not going back forever. But he didn’t because his sister wanted to follow him. At last, He went home and waited for an acknowledgement from another school.


    Holden is about sixty years ago and he is a teenager like me but I don’t like him at first because he always speaks bad language and he is too critic. But afterward I change my opinion to him. Although he sometimes is such a rebel, he is a kind boy actually.

     He hates dissimulation and likes honesty. For example, he dislikes the pretentious accent of priests, but he is willing to donate his money to two affable nuns. He is so compassionate that he worries about the live of the ducks in the winter in certain park. He also respects women. He buys a bawd but just talks with her. He is a terribly dogged person. He doesn’t crack up at all even if he is boxed severely. From some paragraph, I can see his love for his siblings, above all his sister and his dead brother.  

     Most of adult maybe don’t like someone like Holden. I do at first, too. But comparing with some people who are good on their surface but decayed in their heart, no doubt, Holden is far batter. I think whether a man is good or well according as not only his outward behaviors but also his inward bosom. Do you agree with that?


[ 本文最後由 劍武天華 於 07-8-28 04:07 PM 編輯 ]
作者: Katliang    時間: 07-8-29 05:11
不過先跟你說一個蠻重要的東西: 造劇的開頭避免用But

PS 幫忙改的人  +2 聲望
作者: 劍武天華    時間: 07-8-29 21:05
作者: 蒼天的藍耀    時間: 07-8-30 09:18
原文由劍武天華 於 07-8-29 05:05 發表

打一打明明沒有錯 他卻說有錯...
然後改了 交上去..然後word改的錯了 囧...(親身經歷)
文法讀一讀 再多讀英文小說 照理說就會比較少犯錯了...
作者: Katliang    時間: 07-8-30 09:26
word 並不是一個很好用的grammer check 所以以後還是少用一下比較好

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