
標題: 《頭號護衛》CG-47 提康德羅加級(Ticonderoga)飛彈巡洋艦 [列印本頁]

作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-9-15 10:18
標題: 《頭號護衛》CG-47 提康德羅加級(Ticonderoga)飛彈巡洋艦
CG-47 Ticonderoga
CG-47 提康德羅加級飛彈巡洋艦

Modern US Navy guided missile cruisers perform primarily in a Battle Force role. Due to their extensive combat capability, these ships have been designated as Battle Force Capable (BFC) units. Their primary armament is the Vertical Launching System (VLS) employs both the long range surface-to-surface Tomahawk Cruise Missile and the Standard Surface-to-Air Missile. These multi-mission ships are capable of sustained combat operations in any combination of Anti-Air, Anti-Submarine, Anti- Surface, and Strike warfare environments. They are built to be employed in support of Carrier Battle Groups, Amphibious Assault Groups, as well as interdiction and escort missions.

The Ticonderoga class, using the highly successful Spruance hull, was initially designated as a Guided Missile Destroyer (DDG), but was redesignated as a Guided Missile Cruiser (CG) on January 1, 1980. The Ticonderoga class were the first surface combatant ships equipped with the AEGIS Weapons System, the most sophisticated air defense system in the world. Technological advances in the Standard Missile coupled with the AEGIS combat system in Ticonderoga class cruisers and the upgrading of older cruisers have increased the AAW capability of surface combatants. The heart of the AEGIS system is the SPY-1A radar, which automatically detects and tracks air contacts to beyond 200 miles. The AEGIS Weapons System is designed to defeat attacking missiles and provide quick reaction, high firepower, and jamming resistance to deal with the Anti-Air Warfare threat expected to be faced by the Battle Group.

Twenty-two TICONDEROGA-class AEGIS cruisers, starting with CG-52, have vertical launch systems (VLS) which permit them to carry and launch significant numbers of TOMAHAWK precision strike cruise missiles against targets of military importance deep in enemy territory. This land attack capability, coupled to their AEGIS anti-air missile systems, AN/SQQ-89 Undersea Warfare system and sophisticated C4ISR suite, make these ships the most powerful surface combatants in service with any navy.
作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-9-15 10:19

A new modernization plan for surface combatants would decommission some ships early, but would boost the firepower of the remaining force by adding the Vertical Launch System (VLS). The five TICONDEROGA-class cruisers in the fleet without VLS would receive the system: USS TICONDEROGA (CG 47), USS YORKTOWN (CG 48), USS VINCENNES (CG 49), USS VALLEY FORCE (CG 50) and USS THOMAS GATES (CG 51).

The Ticonderoga class also brings a multi-warfare capability to the Fleet which significantly strengthens Battle Group operation effectiveness, defense, and survivability. The cruisers are equipped with Tomahawk ASM/LAM giving them additional long range strike mission capability. The addition of Tomahawk ASM/LAM in the CG-47 class has vastly complicated unit target planning for any potential enemy and returned an offensive strike role to the surface forces that seemed to have been lost to air power at Pearl Harbor. Two five-inch gun mounts are used against threatening ships and boats, low-flying aircraft, or to bombard shore targets. In addition, the ships carry a strong Anti-Submarine Warfare Suite and the Navy's latest Electronic Warfare Suite is also aboard. The cruisers have the most advanced underwater surveillance system available today. The Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) equipment consists of a hull-mounted SONAR, an Acoustic Array SONAR which is towed like a tail behind the ship, and a helicopter that can locate ships or submarines over 100 miles away.

The "Tico" cruisers, using the SPRUANCE Class hull, measure 567 feet from bow to stern. Their beam is 55 feet, and displacement is 9,600 tons. Four powerful gas turbine engines propel the ships to speeds greater than 30 knots, and two controllable-reversible pitch propellers assist in rapid acceleration and maneuverability.

Authorized in Fiscal Year 1978, TICONDEROGA's keel laying ceremony occurred on 27 January 1980. The first five Ticonderoga-class cruisers⑳iconderoga (CG-47) through Thomas S. Gates (CG-51) ave an early, less capable version of the Aegis combat system and do not have VLS or the capability to launch Tomahawk cruise missiles. Also, the first two ships of the class have two SH-2F helicopters instead of the SH-60B helicopter employed on later cruisers. The guided missile cruiser Port Royal (CG 73) was comissioned on Saturday, July 9, 1994. Port Royal was the last of 27 Ticonderoga class Aegis guided missile cruisers scheduled to be built. These new cruisers have replaced older, less capable ships that are being taken out of service as part of the Navy's overall plan to recapitalize the fleet.
作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-9-15 10:19

These ships were built in sections, called modules, which allowed improved access to all areas of the ship during construction. The modules were then moved together to form the hull of the ship, and the deckhouse sections were then lifted aboard. For launching, the ship was moved several hundred yards across land to the floating dry dock, which was used to actually launch the ship.

During their construction, hundreds of subassemblies were built and outfitted with piping sections, ventilation ducting, and other shipboard hardware. These subassemblies were then joined to form modules, which were then outfitted with larger equipment items, such as propulsion and power generation machinery and electrical panels. This represents an advancement from traditional shipbuilding in which these systems are installed in tight quarters below decks after the hull is completed. At Ingalls, four of these pre-outfitted hull and superstructure modules are joined together to form the ship shortly before it is moved to the water's edge and launched.

At the shipyards, this modular process is supported by an extensive Computer- Aided Design (CAD)/Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) program that has significantly enhanced the efficiency of detail design, and has reduced the number of manual steps involved in converting design drawings to ship components. The three-dimensional CAD system is linked with an integrated CAM production network of computers throughout the shipyard. The CAD system directs the operation of numerically-controlled manufacturing equipment used to cut steel plates, cut and bend pipe, and form sheet metal assemblies.

Launching involved movement over land via a wheel- on-rail transfer system onto the shipyard launch and recovery dry dock, which is was ballasted down in order for the ship to float free and moved to an outfitting berth in preparation for the traditional christening ceremony. Upon completion of post-launch outfitting, the cruisers went through an extensive dockside and at-sea testing period to ensure the ship and crew were ready to safely go to sea.

The Smart Ship Project was initiated by an October 1995 brief from the Naval Research Advisory Committee (NRAC) panel on reduced manning to the Chief of Naval Operations. Their report stated that the major obstacle to reduced crew size and decreased life cycle costs aboard Navy ships was culture and tradition rather than the lack of proven technology and know-how. The challenge was to demonstrate in an operational ship that reductions in workload and crew requirements were possible while maintaining mission readiness and safety. The Commander, Naval Surface Force, US Atlantic Fleet (COMNAVSURFLANT) was designated as Executive Agent for the Smart Ship Project and nominated USS YORKTOWN (CG 48) as the ship in which to implement ideas to demonstrate the concept.
作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-9-15 10:21

Integrated Bridge System (IBS): automated piloting, ship旧 course and track analysis with radar and chart overlay, including collision avoidance.

Integrated Condition Assessment System (ICAS): automated condition-based maintenance recorder for main propulsion and auxiliary equipment; digital information maintained on fiber optic LAN.

Damage Control Quarters (DCQ): automated damage control management system providing information and communication throughout the ship on the fiber optic LAN.

Machinery Control System (MCS): automated digital propulsion and electrical plant control using signals passed via the fiber optic LAN.

Fuel Control System (FCS): automated digital control of ship fuel transfer system.

Wireless Internal Communication System (WICS): individual ship company personal communications or near the ship.

Fiber Optic Ship Wide Area Network (FO SWAN): fiber optic LAN hosting the above listed core technologies (vice the WICS) utilizing asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) and being IT 21 compliant

All approved Smart Ship initiatives were implemented aboard YORKTOWN prior to her deployment in December 1996. Huge chunks of the ship were torn up and thrown away and replaced by computer consoles and miles of fiber optic cable.
作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-9-15 10:22

A local area network was installed, bringing greater versatility in communications and training. Smart Ship Inovations allowed the bridge team to go from 13 personnel on watch at a time down to 3.

作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-9-15 10:23

Smart Ship inovations allowed the Engineering team more flexablility in the operation of the engineering plant. It has also allowed the engineering Central Control Station to go from 11 people on watch at one time down to 4.

作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-9-15 10:24

With all policy and procedure, technology, and maintenance initiatives implemented, crew reductions enabled by the decrease in workload were 44 enlisted personnel and 4 officers The Smart Ship Project demonstrated that shipboard workload reductions are possible while maintaining combat readiness and safety with significant net positive return on investment. Expenditures on available technology and implementation of policy and procedure changes make crew size reductions achievable. The required expenditures for such changes are offset by large potential savings, both shipboard and ashore, and in operations and maintenance costs aboard ship. Technology, taken as a single package as installed in YORKTOWN, returns the investment in seventeen years. However, some of the individual technologies demonstrate a more positive return-on-investment.

In the Fall 1998 USS THOMAS S. GATES (CG 51) was scheduled as the first installation ship in the US Navy's Integrated Ship Controls (ISC) Program. This upgrade program will install innovative labor and cost savings initiatives on USS THOMAS S. GATES, USS TICONDEROGA (CG 47), USS VINCENNES (CG 49) and USS VALLEY FORGE (CG 50). Many of the technologies to be installed are the result of the initiatives proven sucessful on YORKTOWN. The upgrade program also includes options to install systems on the remaining 22 CG 47 Class AEGIS Cruisers. Modernization of the machinery control system for CG 47 Class ships is required in order to overcome impending obsolescence, reduce operating and support costs, and facilitate workload reductions. This will be accomplished with the installation of commercial off-the-shelf/non-developmental items (COTS/NDI).

The Aegis Cruiser force will remain on the front line into the 21st century, with upgrades as part of the Cruiser Conversion program. This conversion program will ensure the relevance of these ships in the future. Without this program, their future is tenuous. In the program, the modernized combat system will address the growing theater ballistic missile threat by incorporation of area and theater-wide TBMD capability. Additionally, introduction of two five inch 62 caliber guns with extended range guided munitions in 22 of these ships will help meet the USMC requirements for fire support. They will continue to receive upgrades to their command and control suites to ensure they remain full participants in the joint battlespace. This conversion program takes advantage of the sizable investment ($22B) already made in these ships, and keeping them ready to meet the challenge over 40 years of service life. It is important to note that the first five AEGIS cruisers (CG47 ? CG51) are not part of the Cruiser Conversion program because of affordability.
作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-9-15 10:24
BuildersIngalls Shipbuilding: CG-47-50, CG 52-57, 59,62, 65-66, 68-69, 71-73
Bath Iron Works: CG-51,58,60-61,63-64,67,70
Propulsion4 General Electric LM-2500 Gas Turbine Engines (80,000 Shaft Horsepower)
2 Controllable-Reversible Pitch Propellers
2 Rudders
LengthOverall Length: 567 ft
Waterline Length: 529 ft
BeamExtreme Beam: 55 ft
Waterline Beam: 55 ft
DraftMaximum Navigational Draft: 33 ft
Draft Limit: 23 ft
DisplacementLight Displacement: 7103 tons
Full Displacement: 9957 tons
Dead Weight: 2854 tons
Speed30 plus knots
AircraftTwo SH-2 Seasprite (LAMPS) in CG 47-48
Two SH-60 Sea Hawk (LAMPS III)
Armament1 MK 7 MOD 3 AEGIS Weapons System
2 MK26 missile launcher (CG 47 thru CG 51) or
2 MK41 vertical launching system (CG 52 thru CG 73)
0 VLS Cells
127 VLS Cells
Standard Missile (MR)
Anti-Submarine Rocket(ASROC)
Tomahawk ASM/LAM
2 Harpoon Missile Quad-Canister Launchers
2 MK 32 MOD 14 Torpedo Tubes - 6 MK-46 torpedoes
2 MK 45 5"/54-Caliber Lightweight Gun Mounts
1 MK 15 MOD 2 Close-in-Weapons Systems (CIWS) (2 Mounts)
1 MK 36 MOD 2 Super Rapid-Blooming Off-Board Chaff System
2 50-Caliber Machine Guns

作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-9-15 10:25
Combat Systems
Earlier Ships
1 AN/SPY-1A Radar (Four Arrays)(CG47-59)
1 AN/SPS-49 Air Search Radar
1 AN/SPS-55 Surface Search Radar
1 AN/SPQ-9 Gun Fire Control Radar
4 AN/SPG-62 Illuminators
1 AN/SQS-53A Hull Mounted SONAR (CG47-55)
1 AN/SLQ-32(V)3 Electronic Warfare Suite
Later Ships
1 AN/SPY-1B(V) Multi-Function Radar (CG59-73)
1 AN/SPS-49(V)8 Air Search Radar
1 AN/SPS-55 Surface Search Radar
1 AN/SPS-64(V)9 Navigation Radar
1 AN/SPQ-9 Gun Fire Control Radar
4 AN/SPG-62 Illuminators
1 AN/SQS-53C Hull Mounted SONAR (CG68-73)
1 AN/SQR-19B Towed Array SONAR (TACTAS)
1 AN/SLQ-32A(V)3 Electronic Warfare Suite
Crew24 Officers, 340 Enlisted
Unit Operating Cost
Annual Average
$28,000,000 [source: [FY1996 VAMOSC]

作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-9-15 10:26
NameNumberBuilder HomeportOrderedCommissionedDecommissioned
Ticonderoga CG 47 Ingalls Pascagoula22 Sep 197822 Jan 1983 2018
YorktownCG 48 Ingalls Pascagoula28 Apr 198004 Jul 1984 2019
VincennesCG 49 Ingalls San Diego28 Aug 198106 Jul 1985 2020
Valley Forge CG 50 Ingalls San Diego28 Aug 198118 Jan 1986 2021
Thomas S. GatesCG 51 BathNorfolk20 May 198222 Aug 1987 2022
Bunker HillCG 52 Ingalls Yokosuka15 Jan 198220 Sep 1986 2021
Mobile BayCG 53 Ingalls Yokosuka15 Jan 198221 Feb 1987 2022
Antietam CG 54 Ingalls San Diego20 Jun 198306 Jun 1987 2022
Leyte Gulf CG 55 Ingalls Mayport20 Jun 198326 Sep 1987 2022
San Jacinto CG 56 Ingalls Norfolk20 Jun 198323 Jan 1988 2023
Lake ChamplainCG 57 Ingalls San Diego16 Dec 198312 Aug 1988 2023
Philippine SeaCG 58 BathMayport27 Dec 198318 Mar 1989 2024
Princeton CG 59 Ingalls San Diego16 Dec 198311 Feb 1989 2024

作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-9-15 10:28
NormandyCG 60 BathNorfolk26 Nov 198409 Dec 1989 2024
MontereyCG 61 BathNorfolk26 Nov 198416 Jun 1990 2025
Chancellorsville CG 62 Ingalls Yokosuka26 Nov 198404 Nov 1989 2024
Cowpens CG 63 BathSan Diego08 Jan 198609 Mar 1991 2026
GettysburgCG 64 BathMayport08 Jan 198622 Jun 1991 2026
ChosinCG 65 Ingalls Pearl Harbor08 Jan 198612 Jan 1991 2026
Hue City CG 66 Ingalls Mayport16 Apr 198714 Sep 1991 2026
Shiloh CG 67 BathSan Diego16 Apr 198718 Jul 1992 2027
AnzioCG 68 Ingalls Norfolk 16 Apr 198702 May 1992 2027
VicksburgCG 69 Ingalls Mayport25 Feb 198814 Nov 1992 2027
Lake ErieCG 70 BathPearl Harbor25 Feb 198824 Jul 1993 2028
Cape St. GeorgeCG 71 Ingalls Norfolk25 Feb 198812 Jun 1993 2028
Vella Gulf CG 72 Ingalls Norfolk25 Feb 198818 Sep 1993 2028
Port RoyalCG 73 Ingalls Pearl Harbor25 Feb 198809 Jul 1994 2029

作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-9-15 10:29
Ticonderoga 電腦繪圖 與 艦載裝置示意圖:

作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-9-15 10:30
Ticonderoga 詳細示意圖:

作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-9-15 10:31
Ticonderoga 圖集:

作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-9-15 10:31

作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-9-15 10:32

作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-9-15 10:32

作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-9-15 10:32

作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-9-15 10:35



──by captain Picard

艦名/使用國  提康德羅加級飛彈巡洋艦/美國
(Ticonderoga class)

承造國/承造廠  美國/



──由Bath Iron Works廠承造

尺寸(公尺)  長172.8 寬16.8 吃水6.5  
排水量(ton)  CG-47、48: 滿載9590


動力系統/軸馬力  LM2500燃氣渦輪*4/80000 雙軸CRP 雙舵  
航速(節)  30  
續航力(海浬)  6000(20節)  
偵測/電子戰系統  AN/SPY-1 A/B 3D相位陣列雷達系統*1(固定式陣列天線*4)
AN/SPS-49/(V)8 2D對空搜索雷達*1




MK-36Mod2 干擾彈發射器*2(SRBOC)


作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-9-15 10:36

聲納  AN/SQS-53A/B/C 艦首聲納*1

射控/作戰系統  神盾(Aegis)作戰系統


乘員  364  
艦載武裝  MK-45 五吋54倍徑砲*2
MK-26 雙臂發射器*2




MK-15 Block1A方陣近迫武器系統(CIWS)*2

(在CG-52~73上的MK-15未來將被MK-31 Block 1 HAS公羊飛彈系統取代)

三聯裝324mm MK-32魚雷發射器*2



艦載機  LAMP-1 SH-2F反潛直昇機*2


LAMPS-3 SH-60B反潛直昇機*2



備註  1983至1994年服役  

提康德羅加級 飛彈巡洋艦首艦.jpg

作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-9-15 10:36


美國海軍原先計畫建造一種改良自 維吉尼亞級 、擁有神盾作戰系統的打擊型核子動力巡洋艦,但是由於太昂貴而作罷。此外還曾提出過將神盾系統裝置於核子動力驅逐艦(DXGN)上,不過也取消了。Litton/Ingalls造船廠曾提出一個名為「海鷹」的高速驅逐艦計畫,建議將神盾系統裝至於這種排水量僅4850ton,但速度高達40節的新式高速船體上。但是後來評估以其高昂的造價換取航速並不划算,而且艦體實在太小,也沒有被採用。最後,美國海軍發現 史普魯恩斯級 (以下簡稱史級)驅逐艦的艦體設計還能再增加1000ton的重量,遂決定以史級艦的艦體設計,發展一種配備神盾系統的軍艦,便能節省成本,建造足夠的數量。此級艦原本規類為飛彈驅逐艦(DDG),但隨即便改規類為飛彈巡洋艦(CG),以避免前一代巡洋艦退役之後,艦隊中無巡洋艦撐場面的窘況。前四艘 提康德羅加級 (以下簡稱提級)已經依照飛彈驅逐艦的編號序列訂為47~50,並不做更改,因此飛彈巡洋艦就從 維吉尼亞級 後面產生了42至46等五個空號。

作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-9-15 10:37

也因此, 柏克級 飛彈驅逐艦的編號就跳過提級造成的空號,從51開始排序。由於以往巡洋艦以城市命名的慣例已經被新出現的 洛杉磯級 核能攻擊潛艦「篡奪」,而新造 尼米茲級 航空母艦又改以政客或將領為命名依據,因此這批新巡洋艦的命名承襲以往航空母艦以戰場、名艦名命名的慣例。首艘本級艦採用的艦名──提康德羅加(Ticonderoga,源於易洛魁族印地安人(Iroquois Indians)的語言)乃是一個位於紐約州東北部的地名。美國獨立戰爭期間,美軍在此地擊敗英軍並攻下山丘上的堡壘,因此提康德羅加便成為一個被美國人紀念的勝利戰地。在1980年代美國海軍的「前進戰略」中,航艦戰鬥群採取前進部署且深入敵境,因此亟需在戰鬥群中部署大批防空能力極強的神盾巡洋艦,以頂住蘇聯海軍猛烈的反艦飛彈飽和攻勢。我國的報章雜誌上,也俗稱提級為「神盾巡洋艦」。

提康德羅加級 從第五艘起換裝MK-41垂直發射系統。.jpg

作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-9-15 10:37

提級的艦體與史級幾乎完全相同,但是加長了將近兩公尺。兩者在外觀上最大的不同,在於提級加高了上層結構以安裝SPY-1A相位陣列雷達。每艘提級艦裝有四面SPY-1A相位陣列天線以涵蓋360度範圍,共分為兩組:朝正前方以及正右方的安裝在前方船樓結構上,而朝正後方的以及正左方的則安裝在尾部機庫結構上方,兩組天線各使用一組並聯式雷達發射機提供射頻能量。此時因為SPY-1這種革命性的相位陣列雷達才剛出道,美國海軍對其可靠度並不放心,故在提級艦上另外安裝一具傳統的SPS-49 2D對空搜索雷達,作為預防SPY-1故障的備份。

由於提級沿用史級的艦體設計但上層結構加高,而且增加許多裝備,導致重心上升,因此頭兩艘提級艦都裝載了1000ton的壓艙物,但是後續各艦則又將之取消。提級艦雖然大量採用自動化現代設備使得人力精簡,但由於艦體小、裝備多,生活空間仍然擁擠。為了避免上重下輕、重心不穩,提級的上層結構以鋁合金材料為主,以減輕重量,但在1975年巡洋艦 貝克那普號 因與航空母艦 甘乃迪號 相撞而引發大火後,世人開始注意鋁合金材料低燃點的問題。為了防止悲劇重演,提級的上層結構與甲板都襯上耐火氈料,重要系統也採重複配置以降低癱瘓的機率。本級艦從 文森尼號(USS Vincenens CG-49) 開始,直昇機甲板加裝RAST輔降系統,以LAMPS-3 SH-60B取代頭兩艘使用的LAMPS-1 SH-2F。

作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-9-15 10:38

身為航空母艦戰鬥群頭號護衛兵力,配備神盾系統的提級艦提供極佳的防空戰力,使得航艦戰鬥群有充足的力量抵抗前蘇聯來自水面、空中、水下兵力的飛彈攻擊。此外,神盾系統也具有極佳的反潛能力 。自 碉堡山號(USS Bunker Hill CG-52 ) 以後的提級艦都將MK-26雙臂發射器換成MK-41垂直發射器(VLS) (八聯裝發射器十六組,艦身前、後部各裝八組,總載彈量122枚,前、後各有一組八聯裝發射器中相鄰三管的空間被用來安裝一具海上再裝填用起重機) , 使得面對飽和空中攻擊的能力大增,更能發揮神盾系統一次處理大量目標的實力。

陸續完工的二十七艘提級艦,其神盾系統都階段性地進行了版本提升(由於神盾系統各版本的階段性改良已在「神盾作戰系統」一文中介紹,所以本文僅提及少數較重要的版本差異)。CG-47~51使用的神盾系統版本為最早的第一基線(Baseline1),但CG-49~51使用的則有若干改良,包括擴大戰情中心的顯示幕、電子作戰程序自動化、通信系統與國家指揮網路連結、加強作戰操作準則及可靠性、加裝戰術情報系統等。CG-52~58的神盾系統為第二基線(Baseline2),其改良包括新增戰斧巡航飛彈的運用能力、改良SQQ-89等,並開始以MK-41 VLS取代MK-26。CG-59~64的神盾系統為第三基線(Baseline3),新增改良包括換裝新的SPY-1B相位陣列雷達(目前已被升級為SPY-1B(V))、UYQ-21顯示幕以及自動鎖定系統(Autogridlocks System),將艦上雷達連結在一起運作。CG-65~73的神盾系統則為基線四號(Baseline4)將原先UYK-7電腦換裝為UYK-43/44,將速度提升四至六倍。

作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-9-15 10:39


1988年7月3日兩伊戰爭末期,在波斯灣作業的 文森尼號 對一架「具有敵意」的飛機發射標準防空飛彈,結果被擊落的竟然是一架伊朗A-300型客機!!1990年波灣戰爭爆發、歐美各國大舉出兵中東之時,美國海軍便深受伊拉克水雷之苦, 提級艦 普林斯頓號(USS Princeton CG-59) 以及 硫磺島級 直昇機攻擊艦 的黎波里號(USS Tripoli LPH-10) 相繼觸雷,損失總計高達三億美金。

作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-9-15 10:39
Smart Ship

1995年,美國海軍研究委員會(Naval Reserch Advisory Committee,NRAC)建議海軍在艦艇上採用一些新的自動化科技以降低人力需求以及壽命成本,並提高運作效率,這就是smart ship整合式支援系統。於是美國海軍選定提級艦 約克頓號(USS Yorkton CG-48) 進行實驗,安裝以下設備:

整合艦橋控制系統(Intergated Bridge System,IBS) ──具整合化艦橋作業與導航功能,以導航雷達提供資料,具備自動計算航跡與路徑的能力,傳統海圖也被電子海圖取代。

整合船況評估系統(Integrated Condition Assessment System,ICAS) ──提供資料,自動監控船艦作業與狀況,如推力等。

損害管制處(Damage Control Quarters,DCQ) ──提供損害情況,自動統整全艦損害資訊。

機械控制系統(Machinery Control System,MCS) ──自動統整關於推進系統以及發電機組的資訊。

無線內部通訊系統(Wireless Internal Communication System,WICS)

船艦光纖寬頻網路(Fiber Optic Ship Wid Area Network,FO SWAN)

上述裝備中,多半使用商規電子產品。 約克頓號 在1996年安裝Smart Ship的裝備開始測試,實際驗證的結果非常成功,艦上可以減去4名軍官以及44名士兵,預計每年能節省300萬美元的作業費用(但是 約克頓號 在測試時卻曾遇到Smart Ship的Windows NT4.0/Pentium系統當機,導致該艦失去動力漂流的糗事)。1998年,本級艦 蓋茲號(USS Thomas S.Gates CG-51) 成為第一艘加入整合船艦控制(Integrated Ship Controls,ISC)計畫的驗證艦,此系統就是來自於 約克頓號 的實驗成果。緊接著CG-47、49、50也跟進行改良,其他的提級艦也將進行此方面的改良,而 柏克級 飛彈驅逐艦從 豪伍德號(USS Howard DDG-83) 起便整合了ISC。
作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-9-15 10:41

提康德羅加級 的最後一艘 皇家港號(USS Port Ronal CG-73) 被用於測試艦載反彈道飛彈系統。(見圖)

美國海軍在1960至80年代建造的前一代飛彈巡洋艦已於1990年代除役完畢,因此 提康德羅加級 成為目前美國海軍唯一的現役巡洋艦。為了因應未來的需求,美國海軍將對這批艦艇繼續進行壽命中期性能提升,包括下列要點:




4.區域防空指揮能力(Area Anti-air Defence Control,AADC)


皇家港號(USS Port Ronal CG-73).jpg

作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-9-15 10:41
神盾系統已經展現了在反彈道飛彈上的卓越潛力。1996年台海飛彈危機時,在台海作業的 碉堡山號 使用其未經提升的軟體與雷達,已能監控中共M-9彈道飛彈的軌跡。美國海軍正在進行的海軍戰區飛彈防禦系統研發計畫,便是改良神盾系統以及標準防空飛彈,使其具備TBMD能力。美國海軍在本級艦 伊利湖號(USS Lake Erie CG-70) 與 皇家港號(USS Port Ronal CG-73) 上裝置TBMD系統進行實驗,測試最新發展的標準SM-2Block4A低空層防禦(NAD,神盾系統從Baseline6.3版本起具備此飛彈的操作能力)與SM-3高空層防禦(NTW,神盾系統從Baseline7版本起具備此飛彈的操作能力)飛彈分層攔截來襲的彈道飛彈。

最初美國海軍計畫在2004至2006年針對五艘未配備MK-41的最早期型提級 艦(CG-47~51)進行大規模改良,以MK-41 VLS取代MK-26雙臂發射器,並將神盾系統版本由原先的Baseline1升級為Baseline6.3,增加標準SM-2Block4A防空飛彈與戰斧巡航飛彈的運用能力,不過此計畫並沒有被通過。不過其餘 提級艦的改良將如期進行,預計從2008年以後陸續回廠改良,將神盾系統版本升級為Baseline6.3或Baseline7(目前已知CG-59~64預計在2005年至2008年進行改良,將神盾系統由原來的Baseline3升級為Baseline6.3;CG-52~58則將在2007年至2012年進行改良,將神盾系統由原來的Baseline2升級為Baseline7,並換裝標準SM-3以及海麻雀ESSM防空飛彈)。 除了反彈道飛彈能力之外,以後提級艦也將如同未來美國海軍主要作戰艦艇與飛行器般,增添聯合接戰能力(CEC,神盾系統從Baseline6.3版本起具備此種能力)。

作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-9-15 10:42

事實上,1996年美國海軍進行的首次CEC實驗,就是在 伊利湖號 上進行的(詳見神盾作戰系統一文)。陸攻武器方面,提級艦未來將能使用研發中的ALAM先進陸攻飛彈,並陸續換裝能使用EX-171增程導向陸攻砲彈(ERGM)的MK-45Mod4 62倍徑主砲。未來CG-52~73將以MK-31 Block 1 HAS公羊(RAM)短程反飛彈系統取代MK-15 CIWS並整合至神盾系統內,不過由於重量因素使得這些艦艇無法採用公羊飛彈一般的21聯裝MK-49公羊飛彈發射器,而改以11聯裝的公羊飛彈發射器。除了上述改良之外,未來提級艦也會增添如MK-50先進輕型魚雷、新一代Nulka主動式消耗性誘餌(AED)、SH-60R反潛直昇機等新裝備

在二十一世紀巡洋艦(SC-21)開跑之前,具備神盾系統的 提康德羅加級 仍將憑藉著優異的防空能力,繼續扮演美國航艦的防空守護神。

作者: WAN0731    時間: 08-12-3 09:54
標題: 台灣可不可買呢?
作者: killjack    時間: 08-12-17 23:41
標題: @@...

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