原文由羽~風之翼 於 07-10-16 03:44 PM 發表
Well, my teacher hand back my test and I failed T.T...
Ho~I don't like my teacher...
OK, back to the main point...
My teacher said that the test was too terrible...
So she wants to have another test o ...
原文由霹靂無敵貓 於 07-10-16 18:15 發表
Is reducing adj clauses to adj phrases your question?
I guess that I still remember it.
First of all, If the verb in the clause is active verb, yuo can just take out the sub in the clause and chan ...
原文由幻影神兵 於 07-10-16 16:51 發表
Don't feel frustration, you would pass next time.
I forgot how to use transitional words....=.="
Maybe I should get some tip ...
But I hope this web could help you.
http://www.mun.ca/writ ...
原文由Katliang 於 07-10-16 19:43 發表
can we have like a sample of your writing and then we can give you more suggestions?
歡迎光臨 鐵之狂傲 (https://gamez.com.tw/) |