The Armored Ground Mobility System (AGMS) will enhance force protection and projection, increase load bearing capacity, and improve fire on the move stability and gunner protection for a non-turreted wheeled vehicle. Additionally, AGMS assets will be employed in high threat environments to support logistic operations, e.g., casualty evacuation and resupply. The AGMS is a wheeled, non-turreted vehicle whose primary requirements are: ballistic protection for 7.62 armor piercing wrap around protection for a crew of seven, C130 air transportable, underbody 4 lb mine protection under all wheels and centerline.
The vehicle will be required to operate on JP8, capable of being towed, and mounting a tow pintle. The vehicle will be required to operate both on-road/off-road conditions. The mobility requirements consist of 30% primary roads, 30% secondary roads, and 40% cross country.
The only firm quantity for this procurement is for 3 vehicles, the maximum quantity is 50 vehicles. Funds are not presently available for this program.作者: 克里斯Chris 時間: 07-11-20 21:37
The AGMS will provide protection for the crew and passengers against mine blasts of up to 4 lbs. (12 lbs. desired) TNT when detonated under any tire. The crew/passenger compartment shall remain unaltered and the crew/passengers shall be 0 percent incapacitated following a TNT detonation under any wheel. The AGMS shall be equipped with body armor that provides all-aspect ballistic protection for the engine and crew compartments. The body armor shall afford protection against multiple hits at a 6 inch spacing from a 7.62x51mm AP round (12.7x99mm AP round desired) impacting at a 30 degree obliquity (0 degree obliquity desired). The impact velocity shall be equivalent to the velocity of the round at a distance of 10 meters from the muzzle.
The AGMS is be a wheeled vehicle capable of transporting a crew of seven (nine desired). The crew will consist of a primary driver and navigator/weapon operator/alternate driver in the front seats plus five (seven desired) passengers in the rear seating area. Crew seating will accommodate personnel wearing helmets, NVGs, body armor, and individual equipment.作者: 克里斯Chris 時間: 07-11-20 21:38
The AGMS will be equipped with a weapon mount that is a roof mounted traversing ring. The traversing ring shall allow the gunner to rotate the weapon throughout a 360 degree range without interfering with crew operations. The weapon mount will accommodate the MK-64 gun mount when used with either the M2 50-caliber machine gun or MK-19 grenade machine gun.
The AGMS, at GVW, will be capable of maintaining a minimum speed of 60 MPH (80 MPH desired) indefinitely in high gear on flat hard surfaced roads. The AGMS, at GVW, will operate on internally carried fuel for a distance of at least 180 miles at an average speed of 30 to 40 mph on flat hard surface roads. The AGMS will be equipped with an engine that can operate on diesel and JP8 fuels. The AGMS, at GVW, will be air transportable by C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 aircraft. The capability to externally transport the AGMS, at CW, by CH-47 helicopter is desired. The capability for the AGMS, at GVW but excluding personnel, to be Low Velocity Air Drop (LVAD) deployed from C-130, C-141, and C-17 aircraft is desired.作者: 克里斯Chris 時間: 07-11-20 21:41
「潘德II」的車長和車重雖然比「潘德I」增加了不少,但仍能用C一130「大力士」運輸機進行空運。此外,為了降低總壽命成本,「潘德II」的6 X 6和8 X 8兩種車型之間有90%的零部件可以通用。作者: 克里斯Chris 時間: 07-11-20 21:55
「潘德ll」的動力裝置功率比「潘德l」有較大提高。其6 X 6和8 X 8車型均採用了康明斯lSLe HPCR系列6缸直列渦輪增壓中冷柴油機,最大功率分別為298千瓦和335千瓦。傳動裝置採用的是帶液力變矩器和液力減速器的ZF 6HP 602C全自動變速箱,共有6個前進檔和6個倒檔。
「潘德II」裝甲車的6 X 6和8 X 8車型均採用了米其林365/80 R20XZL輪胎,並且安裝有中央輪胎充氣系統(CTIS)。這樣不僅使駕駛員能根據地形的變化來調節車輛在行進間的輪胎壓力;而且在輪胎壓力使用不當時,能防止輪胎受到損壞。為了防止因輪胎扎破而影響車輛行駛,「潘德II」還在輪胎上裝有哈欽森公司的實心橡膠洩氣保用內胎。
一般在公路行駛時採用6 X 4或8 X 4驅動型式,在越野行駛時為提高牽引力更換為6 X 6或8 X 8驅動型式。各驅動橋差速器和中央差速器均能閉鎖,第一和第二車橋有轉向助力裝置。全輪驅動的實現和差速器的閉鎖,都是由斯泰爾一戴姆勒一普赫公司的計算機化自動傳動管理系統(ADM)來控制的。
「潘德II」偵察及火力支援車有兩類口徑火炮可選。其中6 X 6車型可安裝90毫米高膛壓火炮,而更大、更重的8 X 8車型則可安裝威力強大的105毫米火炮。
目前,「潘德II」型6 X 6偵察及火力支援車選擇的90毫米炮有美國梅卡公司的科納戈(KENERGA)90毫米46倍口徑高膛壓火炮(安裝於梅卡雙人炮塔)或柯克裡爾公司的MK8型90毫米48倍口徑火炮(安裝於CMILCTS雙人炮塔)。這兩型90毫米火炮均可發射尾翼穩定脫殼穿甲彈、多用途榴彈、破甲彈、碎甲彈等,可有效對付戰場上的多種裝甲目標(包括部分第三代主戰坦克)、防禦工事和有生力量。
「潘德II」裝甲車推出後,很快以其優異的技術性能和靈活的銷售策略贏得了許多國家的青睞。繼老東家奧地利採購199輛6 X 6車型後,葡萄牙政府在2005年2月與通用動力歐洲地面作戰系統分部簽訂了一項購買260輛「潘德II」型8 X8裝甲車(包括變型車)的合同(其中240輛裝備葡陸軍,其餘20輛裝備給葡海軍陸戰隊)。