治療輕度傷害-藥水 | Cure light wounds (potion) | 050 金 |
治療中度傷害-藥水 | Cure moderate wounds (potion) | 300 金 |
治療嚴重傷害-藥水 | Cure serious wounds (potion) | 750 金 |
忍受元素傷害-藥水 | Endure elements (potion) | 050 金 |
躲避動物藥水-藥水 | Hide from animals (potion) | 050 金 |
躲避死靈藥水-藥水 | Hide from undead (potion) | 050 金 |
跳躍術藥水-藥水 | Jump (potion) | 050 金 |
法師護甲-藥水 | Mage armor (potion) | 050 金 |
魔爪-藥水 | Magic fang (potion) | 050 金 |
高等魔爪+1-藥水 | Greater magic fang +1 (potion) | 750 金 |
魔石術-抹油 | Magic stone (oil) | 050 金 |
魔化武器-抹油 | Magic weapon (oil) | 050 金 |
高等魔法武器+1-抹油 | Greater magic weapon +1 (oil) | 750 金 |
行動無蹤-藥水 | Pass without trace (potion) | 050 金 |
防護(陣營)-藥水 | Protection from (alignment) (potion) | 050 金 |
移除恐懼-藥水 | Remove fear (potion) | 050 金 |
聖域術-藥水 | Sanctuary (potion) | 050 金 |
虔誠護盾+2-藥水 | Shield of faith +2 (potion) | 050 金 |
虔誠護盾+3-藥水 | Shield of faith +3 (potion) | 300 金 |
虔誠護盾+4-藥水 | Shield of faith +4 (potion) | 600 金 |
橡棍術-抹油 | Shillelagh (oil) | 050 金 |
祝福武器-抹油 | Bless weapon (oil) | 100 金 |
變巨術-藥水 | Enlarge person (potion) | 250 金 |
縮小術-藥水 | Reduce person (potion) | 250 金 |
援助術-藥水 | Aid (potion) | 300 金 |
樹膚術+2-藥水 | Barkskin +2 (potion) | 300 金 |
樹膚術+3-藥水 | Barkskin +3 (potion) | 600 金 |
堅韌術-藥水 | Bear's endurance (potion) | 300 金 |
朦朧術-藥水 | Blur (potion) | 300 金 |
蠻力術-藥水 | Bull's strength (potion) | 300 金 |
輕靈術-藥水 | Cat's grace (potion) | 300 金 |
黑暗術-抹油 | Darkness (oil) | 300 金 |
黑暗視覺-藥水 | Darkvision (potion) | 300 金 |
減緩毒性-藥水 | Delay poison (potion) | 300 金 |
耀眼術-藥水 | Eagle's splendor (potion) | 300 金 |
巧智術-藥水 | Fox's cunning (potion) | 300 金 |
隱形-藥水或抹油 | Invisibility (potion or oil) | 300 金 |
次級復原術-藥水 | Restoration,lesser (potion) | 300 金 |
浮空術-藥水或抹油 | Levitate (potion or oil) | 300 金 |
誤導-藥水 | Misdirection (potion) | 300 金 |
睿智術-藥水 | Owl's wisdom (potion) | 300 金 |
防護箭矢10/魔法-藥水 | Protection from arrows 10/magic (potion) | 300 金 |
移除痲痺-藥水 | Remove paralysis (potion) | 300 金 |
抵抗能量傷害10-藥水 | Resist energy (type) 10 (potion) | 300 金 |
抵抗能量傷害20-藥水 | Resist energy (type) 20 (potion) | 700 金 |
蛛行術-藥水 | Spider climb (potion) | 300 金 |
隱暱陣營-藥水 | Undetectable alignment (potion) | 300 金 |
晝明術-抹油 | Daylight (oil) | 750 金 |
移位術-藥水 | Displacement (potion) | 750 金 |
火燄箭-抹油 | Flame arrow (oil) | 750 金 |
飛行術-藥水 | Fly (potion) | 750 金 |
氣化形體-藥水 | Gaseous form (potion) | 750 金 |
加速術-藥水 | Haste (potion) | 750 金 |
英勇術-藥水 | Heroism (potion) | 750 金 |
歡迎光臨 鐵之狂傲 (https://gamez.com.tw/) |