
標題: 《台灣租艦》- LST-1179 新港級(Newport)戰車登陸艦 [列印本頁]

作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-12-12 22:15
標題: 《台灣租艦》- LST-1179 新港級(Newport)戰車登陸艦
LST-1179 Newport-class
LST-1179 新港級戰車登陸艦


The Newport-class Tank Landing Ships are larger and faster than earlier LSTs, and represent a complete departure from the previous concept of Amphibious Tank Landing Ships. The traditional bow doors, which have characterized LST's construction since the first vessels of this type were built during World War II, were replaced by a 40-ton bow ramp supported by two distinctive derrick arms. The hull form necessary for the attainment of the 20-knot speeds of contemporary amphibious squadrons would not permit bow doors.

The conventional flat bottom hull was redesigned to include a destroyer-type bow enabling the ships to attain speeds in excess of 20 knots. This feature enables her to operate with modern high-speed amphibious forces. A stern gate also makes possible off-loading amphibious vehicles directly into the water.

The Tank Landing Ship (LST) mission is to load and transport cargo, vehicles of all types, and troops to a combat area. These ships can launch amphibious vehicles via a stern gate as well as land vehicles to a beach or causeway over a bowramp. Troops and equipment can also be transported via helicopter. Two ten-ton booms offload cargo to boats or a pier. Frederick's lift capacity includes 29 tanks and over 350 troops and their equipment.
作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-12-12 22:16

The USS FREDERICK was part of the 13 ship amphibious task force that departed on 1 December 1990 for the Persian Gulf in support of Operation Desert Shield. Upon arriving in the Gulf of Oman, the Frederick along with various amphibious ships from the Atlantic and Pacific Fleets conducted amphibious exercises in preparation for an amphibious landing, if needed, in Kuwait. Upon commencement of Operation Desert Storm, USS FREDERICK and various elements of COMPHIBGRU TWO and COMPHIBGRU THREE headed into the Persian Gulf and conducted one of the greatest mock amphibious invasions in modern warfare. That operation pinned down 15 Iraqi Divisions, thus ensuring a quick and decisive victory for the allied forces. The Frederick was also involved in the only actual amphibious landing of the Gulf War. In 1994, Frederick deployed to Somalia in support of humanitary aid operations.

In 1993, as part of its Bottom-Up Review, the Department of Defense examined the amount of amphibious lift that would be required to fight two nearly simultaneous major regional conflicts. It concluded that the Navy should maintain enough lift to transport the personnel, aircraft, landing ships, vehicles, and supplies for 2.5 marine expeditionary brigades or MEB's.
作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-12-12 22:16

In a legislative proposal dated April 15, 1994, the administration proposed the transfer of 15 Newport-class tank landing ships to a number of foreign countries. Two LST's would be sold to Australia; one LST would be provided on a grant basis to Morocco; two LST's would be leased to Spain; two LST's would be leased to Chile; one LST would be leased to Argentina; one LST would be leased to Brazil; two LST's would be leased to Venezuela; one LST would be leased to Malaysia; and three LST's would be leased to Taiwan.

The 15 LST's in the administration proposal were among a total of 20 that were commissioned between 1969 and 1972. These ships constituted a significant part of the US amphibious shipping fleet as they transport tanks, other heavy vehicles, engineering equipment, and supplies. The LST's were relatively young in terms of their age and have impressive capabilities, as demonstrated by the interest of foreign navies in them. The administration's proposal to transfer 15 LST's to foreign countries would have reduced the amount of lift available to transport vehicles to only 73 percent of the 2.5 MEB goal in fiscal year 1994.
作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-12-12 22:17

In response to the Congressional concern, the Navy proposed a new concept for maintaining 2.5 MEB's worth of vehicle space in the amphibious shipping fleet. In this concept two LST's were retained in a reserve status that would enable them to be available for active service in a few days. Four more LST's were stored in a nesting arrangement in which several months could be required to make them available for an emergency. The Navy's plan for these six LST's was intended to maintain the necessary amphibious lift capability. Subsequently the Congress in July 1994 authorized the five most pressing LST transfers for Australia, Brazil, Morocco, and Spain. In these cases, foreign crews were already training in the United States.

The two remaining ships of this class, USS Frederick (LST-1184) and USS La Moure County (LST-1194) are now assigned to the Naval Reserve Forces as the only remaining ships of this 20-ship class. These ships will serve with the Reserve until about 2004, when sufficient numbers of new LPD 17-class multi-purpose amphibious ships will be available bringing the Active forces back up to a 2.5 Marine Expeditionary Brigade lift capability. Naval Reserve Force Active (NRFA) ships have a reduced or skeletonized crew of active duty personnel assigned to provide training of assigned reservists for limited operations and maintenance. Under mobilization reservists assigned to a particular ship are activated, complementing the active duty personnel.
作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-12-12 22:17

The Frederick was transferred to the Naval Reserve Force in January 1995 and changed homeport to Pearl Harbor, HI. As the only amphibious ship in Pearl Harbor, she conducts bilateral exercises with South East Asian armed forces, continuous training exercises with the United States Marine Corps's and is on standby to conduct humanitarian assistance / disaster relief missions, throughout the Pacific.

The LaMoure County was participating in an annual maritime exercise called UNITAS -- Spanish for Unity -- when it grounded on rocks 12 September 2000, sustaining irreparable damage. The ship was maneuvering in a pre-dawn fog, preparing to off-load some of the 240 troops aboard, when the accident happened. The ship's hull scraped along a rocky bottom, opening up three forward compartments where fuel and Marines are housed.

One hole measured 45 feet long. The Atlantic Fleet commander recommended that the ship be decommissioned, rather than repaired or towed back to the Little Creek Naval Amphibious Base. The ship is to be sunk during a gunnery exercise in 2001 during the annual UNITAS exercise.
作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-12-12 22:17
DisplacementLight Displacement: 5190 tons
Full Displacement: 8792 tons
Dead Weight: 3602 tons
LengthOverall Length: 522 ft
Waterline Length: 500 ft
BeamExtreme Beam: 70 ft
Waterline Beam: 70 ft
DraftMaximum Navigational Draft: 19 ft
Draft Limit: 19 ft
Speed20 knots
Power PlantSix diesels, 16,000 brake horsepower,
two shafts, Twin Controllable Pitch Screws
BOW THRUSTER - Single Screw, Controllable Pitch
Armament4 - three-inch/50-caliber guns
Phalanx close-in weapons systems to be fitted
VEHICLE STOWAGE 19,000 Square Feet (1,767 Square Meters)
lift capacity includes 29 tanks
Complementship's company -- 14 Officers, 210 Enlisted
360-400 troops
Unit Operating Cost
Annual Average
$12,500,000 [source: [FY1996 VAMOSC]

作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-12-12 22:18
Newport LST-1179PNSYLittle Creek29 Dec 196407 Jun 196901 Oct 1992
Manitowac LST-1180PNSYLittle Creek29 Dec 196524 Jan 197030 Jun 1993
Sumter LST-1181PNSYLittle Creek29 Dec 196520 Jun 197030 Sep 1993
Fresno LST-1182NASSCOSan Diego15 Jul 196622 Nov 196908 Apr 1993
Peoria LST-1183NASSCOSan Diego15 Jul 196621 Feb 197028 Jan 1994
Frederick LST-1184NASSCOPearl Harbor15 Jul 196611 Apr 19702004

作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-12-12 22:18
Schenectady LST-1185NASSCOSan Diego15 Jul 196613 Jun 197015 Dec 1993
Cayuga LST-1186NASSCOSan Diego15 Jul 196608 Aug 197026 Aug 1994
Tuscaloosa LST-1187NASSCOSan Diego15 Jul 196624 Oct 197018 Feb 1994
Saginaw LST-1188NASSCOSan Diego15 Jul 196623 Jan 197128 Jun 1994
San Bernardino LST-1189NASSCOSan Diego15 Jul 196627 Mar 197130 Sep 1995
Boulder County LST-1190 NASSCOLittle Creek 15 Jul 196604 Jun 197128 Feb 1994
Racine LST-1191 NASSCOLong Beach15 Jul 196609 Jul 197102 Oct 1993
Spartanburg County LST-1192NASSCOLittle Creek15 Jul 196601 Sep 197116 Dec 1994
Fairfax County LST-1193NASSCOLittle Creek15 Jul 196616 Oct 197117 Aug 1994

作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-12-12 22:19
La Moure County LST-1194NASSCOLittle Creek15 Jul 196618 Dec 19712004
Barbour County LST-1195NASSCOSan Diego15 Jul 196612 Feb 197230 Mar 1992
Harlan County LST-1196NASSCOLittle Creek15 Jul 196608 Apr 197214 Apr 1995
Barnstable County LST-1197NASSCOLittle Creek15 Jul 196627 May 197229 Jun 1994
Bristol County LST-1198NASSCOSan Diego15 Jul 196605 Aug 197229 Jul 1994

作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-12-12 22:20
Newport 電腦繪圖 與 艦載裝備分析圖表:

作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-12-12 22:20
LST-1179 Newport-class 圖集:

作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-12-12 22:22

台灣 232 中和 / 233 中平艦


此兩艦依國府海軍LST稱為"中"字號之慣例而命名為"中和"(原美軍"LST-1180 Manitowoc")與"中平"(原美軍"LST-1181 Sumter");編號接續老LST最後一艘"中業"之"231"而為"232"與"233";不過兩者之間竟隔了36年(1961至1997).

"新港"級戰車登陸艦"LST-232 中和"與"LST-233 中平"的成軍典禮./全球防衛雜誌



作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-12-12 22:24

滿載排水量8,450噸,全長522.3呎,寬69.5呎,吃水17.5 呎(艦尾);是所有台灣海軍艦艇中艦身最長的一級.


動力系統為六部柴油主機,馬力16,000匹,雙軸推進航速高達20節;另艦艏尚有800匹馬力的輔助推進器. 乘員軍官12人,士官兵174人,可搭載武裝部隊431員. 雖然"新港"級比舊的"中"字號足足大了一倍,但艦長仍是維持舊"中"字號二級艦的中校編階.


LST-233 中平艦高聳的門型吊橋..jpg

LST-233 中平艦側影..jpg

作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-12-12 22:25



作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-12-12 22:25
雖然艦艏不再「開口笑」但艦尾仍然可以打開艙門放下斜板讓兩棲車輛駛入水中,一如從前艦艏開口LST的功能,所以她的使用彈性很大. 後甲板的兩組吊桿可直接從坦克艙裝卸貨物,還有一個面積頗大的直昇機甲板.

上下兩層艏尾貫通的車輛甲板面積達19,000平方呎(超過舊式 LST的14,000平方呎),可載車重為500噸;所以"新港"級可裝載23輛戰車(舊式LST只能裝17輛),亦可搭載一個加強營的陸戰隊進行登陸作戰. 在"中和""中平"的成軍典禮上,海軍便將這些車輛與部隊在新艦前一字擺開,強調其大搭載量.


作者: 克里斯Chris    時間: 07-12-12 22:28

"中和""中平"是第一批,之後還有兩艘(一說有4艘)陸續將抵台;但第三艘由於是最早建造且未經性能提昇的一艘,導至海軍拒絕自美接收,而目前海軍陸戰隊裁減的狀況下,海軍亟思將預算轉往其它較符合現況需要的艦艇如二代飛彈快艇等的建購;"新港"級租購案是否會繼續是個疑問. 這批艦艇依過去慣例待到達美國法定除役年限後最將正式售予我國,四艘不含整修費原議定售價為24億元.






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