Once enemies, the four dominant races are today capable of coexisting, sometimes in close cooperation. The majority of the kingdoms are dominated by a race, but certain ones are comprised of a combination of different races more or less accustomed to living together.
一旦有了敵人 , 至今有能力共存的是四個支配性的種族, 有時親密的合作。王國大半被種族支配着,但是特定的一些由或多或少的生活在一起的不同的種族聯合組成。
The humans are similar to those of our world. All of them are as skilled with magic as with arms and adapt faster to their environment and to knowledge than the others.
人類與我們的世界的類似。 和其他種族相比,他們全部以熟練的掌握著魔法或者武器的使用去更快的適應和瞭解環境。
The elves are smaller and frailer than the humans. Inherently magical, they are particularly gifted not only with the ability to cast magic spells but are also formidable archers.
The Trolls are large and strong creatures with projecting jaws and pronounced builds. They are without contest the best and most powerful combatants of
巨魔是有着突出的下顎跟顯著體格的高大強壯的類似人的物種,他們是不用爭論的Nelwë. 的最好和最有力的爭鬥者。
The goblins have a greenish hue and are quite small. Their apparent weakness is nevertheless compensated by an incredible dexterity and great intelligence. They are without any doubt the best technicians of
妖精有一種呈綠色的色調並且相當小。他們的弱點明顯,然而補償則是讓人難以置信的靈敏和偉大的智力。 他們勿庸置疑的是Nelwë 的最好的技師。