標題: 最高指揮官-快捷鍵 [列印本頁] 作者: 無限想念 時間: 07-2-26 08:00 標題: 最高指揮官-快捷鍵 會員:boltgun
Game Commands/Controls
R Repair
E Reclaim
P Patrol
A Attack
C Capture
S Stop
D Dive
F Ferry
I Guard / Assist
U Unload
Z Unit Pause
Ctrl-K Suicide Selected Units
N Nuke
LeftBracket Cycle Fire State
M Move
T Track Unit
Ctrl-Shift-A Select all Air units
Ctrl-Alt-S Select all Naval Units
Ctrl-L Select all Land Units
Ctrl-B Select all Engineers
Alt-Period Select nearest idle Engineer
Shift-Period Cycle through idle Engineers
Alt-Comma Select Commander
Ctrl-X Select All Units and buildings
Ctrl-C Select all units and buildings on screen
Ctrl-Period Select all engineers on screen
Ctrl-H Select all factories on screen
H Select nearest factory
Ctrl-D Select nearest Land factory
Ctrl-A Select nearest Air factory
Ctrl-S Select nearest Naval factory
Arrow keys Move camera
Q Zoom In
W Zoom Out
Shift-Q Zoom In Fast
Shift-W Zoom Out Fast
T Track unit
Ctrl-E Toggle Defense Overlay
Ctrl-R Toggle Economy Overlay
Ctrl-T Toggle Intel Overlay
V Restore default camera view
Ctrl-M Go to Commander
Comma Go to Commander
Period Go to Idle Engineer
UI 這個有必要說明一下
Esc Open the Escape menu
Ctrl+Alt+F1 Toggles the UI on / off 大家看到全屏的截圖就是這個模式下的沒有菜單
Alt-L Toggles life bars on / off 是否顯示生命
Ctrl-W Toggle Military Overlay
Ctrl-E Toggle Defense Overlay
Ctrl-R Toggle Economy Overlay
Ctrl-T Toggle Intel Overlay
Ctrl-N Rename Unit
Home Split screen on
End Split screen off
Shift+Pageup Scroll Up through chat history (by page)
Shift + Pagedown Scroll Down through chat history (by page)
Shift-Pageup Scroll Up through chat history (by line)
Shift-Pagedown Scroll down through chat history (by line)
Alt-UpArrow Rotate layout 這個和下面一個分別是菜單的排放位置..分別可以 左 右
Alt-DownArrow Rotate layout 和下面..預設是下面
F2 Toggle Scores
Tab Toggle Objectives
F3 Toggle Transmission Log
F4 Toggle Diplomacy window
F11 Toggle Connectivity Window
Pause Pause game
Ctrl-F Screen Shot 這個不好用..按了以後跳出選擇存放的位置..我的電腦容易搞死了
Ctrl-Alt-F Dump Frames 同上
NumMinus Decrease game speed 遊戲加速
NumPlus Increase game speed 遊戲減速
NumStar Reset game speed 恢復預設遊戲速度
Num0 Set input focus to primary monitor
Num1 Set input focus to secondary monitor