Citizens of the united states, you need to understand what the bill ACTA is and why it's so dangerous.
Here are some things you need to know about ACTA. It isn't the european SOPA.
It's nearly global, and will apply to every country that signs the treaty. ACTA is far more aggressive.
ACTA will not simply affect websites and have them blocked out of the internet - its measures go as far as surveillance of anything you share through private channels.
ACTA doesn't have a campaign against it that is as wide spread and organized as the SOPA one.
This is dangerous, and there's less time between now and the final signing of the bill.
It has effects on healthcare, trade, and even tourism.
ACTA has to be stopped. Let's start spreading the word and organizing a good, solid response to it.
We are legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. We are anonymous. Expect us.
Citizens of the united states, you need to understand what the bill ACTA is and why it's so dangerous.
Here are some things you need to know about ACTA. It isn't the european SOPA.
It's nearly global, and will apply to every country that signs the treaty. ACTA is far more aggressive.
ACTA will not simply affect websites and have them blocked out of the internet - its measures go as far as surveillance of anything you share through private channels.
ACTA doesn't have a campaign against it that is as wide spread and organized as the SOPA one.
This is dangerous, and there's less time between now and the final signing of the bill.
It has effects on healthcare, trade, and even tourism.
ACTA has to be stopped. Let's start spreading the word and organizing a good, solid response to it.
ACTA法案絕對不能通過! 讓我們把此法案的危險性分享到全世界,並成立一個既良好又考靠的反ACTA抗議。
We are legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. We are anonymous. Expect us.