HyperSnap 7 是多用途的且極易使用。您可以快速地自訂選單和工具列以滿足您的需要。指派您自己的鍵盤快速鍵,建立便捷工具列,甚至用語音命令控制 HyperSnap!
2012.02.22 HyperSnap 7.13.02 released
* Text drawing mode modified - now leaves the new text item just created "selected" with resizing handles visible and active. If you move mouse over this item, you may move and resize it at once, double-click to edit again etc. If you move mouse over image space empty of other drawn object, the mouse cursor is still in new test creation mode as before. Some users were confused and thought they can no longer resize text items created, this should make it much easier.
* Some small bug fixes - e.g. arrow head size was not always shown correctly under certain zoom levels etc. Homepage - www.hyperionics.com