名字 | 能力 | 出現地點 |
Apprentice Enchanter Malo | Standard Maximum enchantments: 1 ACT1 主城附魔師,只能附1次,標準附魔,無特殊能力 | Estherian Enclave(after being rescued from the Slavers' Den) |
Rufio the Enchanter | Standard Maximum enchantments: 2 ACT2 主城附魔師, 只能附2次,標準附魔,無特殊能力 | Zeryphesh |
Vaneez the Poisoner | Enchant Items With Poison Armor:
Maximum enchantments: 2 毒素附魔師,只能附兩次 護甲:毒素護甲和毒素傷害反彈 武器:毒素傷害和5秒內毒素傷害輸出 | The Ship Graveyard, The Salt Barrens |
Mooritz of the Desert | Enchant Items With Fire Armor:
Maximum enchantments: 3 火焰類附魔師,可附3次 護甲:火焰傷害反彈和火焰護甲 武器:火焰傷害和5秒內火焰傷害輸出 | The Bone Gallery - Floor 1 The Forsaken Vaults- Floor 2 Ransacked Commons, Floor 1 - Mapworks scroll (level 55-65) Cursed Catacombs, Floor 2 - Mapworks scroll (lvl 48-54) |
Filip the Lucky | Enchant Items With Luck All Items:
Maximum enchantments: 3 幸運屬性附魔師,可附3次 全部物品:金幣尋獲,經驗加成,以及魔法裝備尋獲 | Random Location |
Farquez the Assassin | Enchant Items With Poison Armor:
Maximum enchantments: 3 高檔次毒素附魔師,3次附魔 護甲:毒素護甲和毒素傷害反彈武器:毒素傷害和5秒內毒素傷害輸出 | Crows' Pass The Forsaken Vaults Level 1 |
Garbahd the Enchanter | Armor: 護甲:
Weapons: 武器:
Maximum enchantments: 2 附魔兩次 | Elemental Oasis Level 2, Sundered battlefield |
Jurick the Socketer | Adds Sockets To Items Maximum sockets per item: 2 打孔師 每件物品可打最多兩孔 本身已有兩孔無法再打 只有一孔可再打一孔 |
Borris the Stout | Armor: 護甲
Maximum enchantments: 3 隨機主屬性提高 可附魔3次 (這裡從wiki摘過來就只有說護甲,實際本人測試武器也是可以附魔主屬性的。推薦武器只附魔2種主屬性,提高傷害的主屬性【物理傷害是力量,法術傷害是Focus】和敏捷,之後去別的附魔師那裡附魔,提高爆率或爆傷,比較看臉,難度也大..怕麻煩直接附全主屬性,之後爆傷和爆率靠插石頭) | The Bone GalleryLevel 2 Plunder Cove The Forsaken Vaults Level 1 The Forsaken VaultsLevel 2 Cursed Tombs, Floor 1 - Mapworks scroll (level 48-55) |
Greezo the Enchanter | Armor: 護甲
Maximum enchantments: 3 三次附魔 | The Mapworks |
Telsor of the Storm | Enchants Items With Electricity Maximum enchantments: 3 電擊附魔師 附魔類型等同於其他元素附魔師 | Ruined Temple, Floor 2 The Bone GalleryLevel 1 Cursed Tombs, Floor 2 - Mapworks scroll (level 55-65) Forsaken Valuts - Floor 1 |
Fondo the Master | 這個附魔師 可以提供全類型附魔 Weapon: 武器:
Armor: 護甲:
Maximum enchantments: 3 三次附魔 | The bone gallery foor 2 |
Panosh of the North | Enchant Items With Ice Armor:
Maximum enchantments: 3 冰寒類附魔師 附魔類型等同於其他元素附魔師 除了武器多一個隨機冰凍敵人幾率 | The Frosted Hills Ossean Wastes Ransacked Catacombs - Floor 1 (Maproom Scroll) Infected Hollow - Floor 1 (Maproom Scroll) |
Karkozi the All-Powerful | Standard Maximum enchantments: 4 標準附魔師 但是可附魔四次 出現地點在NG++以後才會出現 | Tarroch's Rift (NG++ only?) The Corrupted Crypt The Bone Gallery - Floor 2 (NG++) |
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