Challenge | Conditions and Criteria |
Chameleon | Collect the following Disguises (see Items): Gardener, Mansion Interior Guard, Mansion Exterior Guard, Chef 收集以下人員制服:園丁,大樓內部警衛,大樓外部警衛,廚師 |
Evidence Collector | Collect the evidence in Cliffside and Mansion Ground Floor 收集2個證據:1在懸崖邊的保安監控室,2在大樓首層大廳的桌子上 |
Infiltrator | Complete the chapter without being spotted. Gardens, Greenhouse, Cliffside, Mansion Ground Floor 不被發現地完成本章節 |
Suit Only | Complete the chapter without using a disguise. Gardens, Greenhouse, Cliffside, Mansion Ground Floor, Mansion Second Floor 不更換制服地完成本章節 |
Modern Art | Accidental kill in the Gardens. The large metal sculpture in the center where the two guards are talking can have its base stem shot to destabilize it, causing it to fall. 在花園裡製造意外殺死。花園裡兩個警衛交談時,可射擊中間的大型金屬雕塑底部的支撐柱子使其倒塌 |
Geronimo | Guard sent flying out of a window (defenestration). Pull out the guard at the cliffside section, the one getting the good news about his "cancer" not being cancer. The new diagnosis does not protect him from terminal falls. 讓警衛飛出視窗。將那個在視窗講電話的警衛拽出視窗 |
Extra Spice | Chef drugged. The sleeping pills are in the upstairs restroom; the pills may be poured into the stew the cook is preparing. 藥倒廚師。上樓去安眠藥,放到廚師正在煮東西的鍋裡,然後等待 |
Damn Good Coffee | Head of Security drugged. The sleeping pills are in the upstairs restroom; the pills are poured into the coffee cup at the bar by the fireplace. 藥倒警衛頭子。將安眠藥放到大廳旁,吧檯的咖啡杯裡,等他睡了,取走鑰匙牌 |
Play It Again | Accident kill using the piano's cover. For this, you may want the cook's disguise, and leave the two enemies by the kitchen alone, so they can finish their A.I. route. One of them goes to the piano. 利用射擊鋼琴蓋的撐桿製造意外殺人。不要理廚房裡的兩個警衛,讓他們繼續巡邏,其中一個會去到鋼琴那 |
The Price of Treason | Clear mission 完成任務 |
Well Played | Knockout the Head of Security with sleeping pills, get the key card, and assassinate your target without causing further casualties (essentially a Silent Assassin run). 藥倒警衛頭子取得鑰匙牌,不驚動任何人地刺殺目標(僅指進入大樓面對廚房的這個場景) |
Item | Location |
Disguise - Chef | Find him in the kitchen 廚師制服 |
Disguise - Gardener | Refer to the tutorial, or any of the shady looking guys in big hats, sandals, and hippy t-shirts 園丁制服 |
Disguise - Mansion Exterior Guard | Guards in the green jumpsuits. You cannot take their disguises until the Instinct tutorial. 大樓外警衛制服 |
Disguise - Mansion Interior Guard | Guards in the slacks and white shirts. All the enemies in the scoring section have this disguise. 大樓內警衛制服 |
JAGD P22G | Handgun carried by the guards. 警衛的槍 |
Axe | Found in the garden 斧頭,在一開始轉左的區域,在一個斷樹上 |
Book | Found in the garden 網球場下方的花園,從左側走,就會發現 |
Coffee Mug | At the cliffside 咖啡杯,在懸崖場景 |
Brick | Found in the garden 磚頭,在一開始轉左的區域 |
Fire Poker | Fireplace, in the mansion. 火鉗,大樓大廳內,吧檯附近的火爐 |
Hammer | Found in the garden 鎚子,花園裡,砸死人的雕像旁 |
Keycard | Dispose of the Head of Security 鑰匙牌,警衛頭子身上 |
Filet Knife | In the Instinct tutorial section before the greenhouse. 摺疊刀,進入溫室前的場景,在桌子上的西瓜果碟那 |
Knife | Found in the kitchen 刀,廚房裡 |
Sleeping Pills | Found in the second floor bathroom, mansion interior (scoring section) 安眠藥,大樓2樓的淋浴間 |
Statue Bust | On the shelf outside the bathroom 雕像,淋浴間門口右側 |
Wrench | Where 47 first enters the mansion grounds, the tutorial guides you to one. 扳手,在一開始轉左的區域 |
Challenge | Conditions and Criteria |
Chameleon | Collect the following Disguises (see Items): Chicago Police Officer, Market Vendor, Dealer, Chicago SWAT Officer 收集這四種制服: 警察、商販、毒販、特警隊 |
Evidence Collector | Collect the evidence. 證據,在亭子裡,投毒前順手收了 |
Infiltrator | Complete the chapter without being spotted. |
Suit Only | Complete the chapter without using a disguise. |
Kaboom | Messy but effective. Kill the target with a remote explosive. 使用遙控引爆殺死目標 |
A Killing View | Target eliminated with a sniper rifle, from the dealer's apartment. 使用狙擊槍殺死目標,在市場右側二樓,毒販的窩裡 |
Controlled Detonation | Kill only the target. Use the remote explosive near the King's car to kill only him. The cop in the body dump will be unharmed. 把爆炸物放在King的跑車旁,殺死(並只殺死)他 |
Man Down | Kill the target by pushing him down a hole. The "hole" is the cargo floor opening near where the King eats his free poisoned sushi. 把目標推進坑裡,在市場左側盡頭 |
Drop Dead | Accidental kill by dropping the suspended cargo on the target. Do it where he stops to publicly urinate by the level exit. 製造意外令貨物砸死目標 |
Two for the Price of One | Get the Kazo TRG sniper rifle from the dealer's apartment and kill both the dealer and the King in one shot. You may need to be discovered to get the perfect lined up shot (just reload after the challenge is earned) 用狙擊槍一槍幹掉毒販和King |
Clean Sweep | Evidence recovered. 47 remains undetected. 找到證據並不被發現 |
Don't Do Drugs | Poison the target's drugs. Use the Fugu Fish and poison the stash in the dealer's apartment. 取河豚毒素,然後直奔樓梯底的角落裡,往**裡投毒,然後等(king會跟着販子上樓high一下,任務就完成了) |
Hot Coffee | Place Fugu Fish poison into the King's coffee at the pagoda. 去賣魚攤取河豚毒,到亭子裡的咖啡投毒 |
Let's Do Lunch | Place Fugu Fish poison in the King's sushi, near where you can push him down the cargo hole. 把河豚魚毒素放到King的壽司裡,毒死他 |
Master Poisoner | Complete Hot Coffee, Don't Do Drugs and Let's Do Lunch 完成以上3個投毒 |
Quid Pro Quo | Clear mission 完成任務 |
Veiled Death Part 1 | Subdue/stealth kill any policeman, take his uniform then subdue/stealth kill the dealer while wearing the policeman's uniform. Easiest outfit to get would be the guard who is near Kings car. Works at his appartment or when the dealer goes to get his drugs in the stairwell. 殺死一個警察換上制服,然後殺掉販子。最可行的路線是出口旁的3個警察,其中兩個會離開,儘快幹掉,換衣服,然後跟隨販子到樓梯底,幹掉 |
Veiled Death Part 2 | Poison/stealth kill the target wearing the dealer's disguise (needs confirmation on whether it has to happen in dealer's apartment) 緊接着Part 1,換上販子的衣服,先去取河豚毒,然後去亭子裡跟king碰頭,帶他上2樓,要比king走得快,到左邊視窗的桌子上投毒,等他掛掉 |
Item | Location |
Disguise - Dealer | The King's drug dealer can be found roaming between his apartment, the pagoda, and the back alley where he hides a second stash of drugs. 毒販的衣服 |
Disguise - Market Vendor | The various stall owners and food vendors have this disguise. There's a bag with the disguise near where the King eats his sushi. 隨便那個攤販的衣服,建議走到盡頭的那個攤子,沒其他人 |
Disguise - Chicago Policeman | There's more police in this stage than there are in all six Police Academy movies. 警察制服 |
Disguise - Chicago SWAT Officer | These enemies only appear if 47 becomes a mass murderer. You can cause a ruckus, drag off a SWAT and take the disguise, then reload the checkpoint afterward. 特警制服,只有當47化身殺人狂魔時才出現,幹掉一個換上制服,然後重新reload這個check point就是了 |
Swiss 3000 | Fictional handgun. The dealer may have this weapon, or you can find it by the illegal police stash near the King's sportscar. 毒販的槍 |
Z&M Model 60 | Fictional S&W Model 60 Revolver used by the fictional Chicago Police Department. 警察的左輪 |
HX UMP | Fictional H&K UMP. Find it by the illegal police stash near the King's sportscar. 衝鋒槍,在king的跑車附近的壞警察的藏匿處 |
Kazo TRG | Sniper rifle found in the dealer's apartment. 狙擊槍,販子的窩裡 |
Axe | Item found in one of the stalls. 斧頭,過了牌坊,往前走,整個市場的右前方角落裡 |
Brick | A common junk item on the street. 磚頭,過了歡舞學院的牌子,一個牌坊前,右側樹下 |
Filet Knife | A cutting tool found in the stall next to the unused merchant disguise. 摺疊刀,市場左側走到盡頭的2個攤子中,右側的攤子 |
Gasoline Can | Found near one of the stalls. 汽油罐,進入龍門,向右轉,面對白色歡舞學院的牌子的左邊的箱子上 |
Knife | Found in the stall next to the fugu fish. 刀,開始沒多久,剛進了龍門,左手一堆人群,背後的角落裡,藥箱對面 |
Bottle | Empty bottles are plentiful. 瓶子 |
Remote Explosive | Find it by the illegal police stash near the King's sportscar. 遙控炸彈,在king的跑車附近的壞警察的藏匿處 |
Fugu Fish | Find it in a stall near the pagoda; the stall has both a man and a women market vendor. The fugu fish is behind the woman market vendor (get it while her back is turned). 河豚,在賣魚攤,趁着那個女的轉身去幹別的,過去取,注意攤檔外的警察的視線 |
Challenge | Conditions and Criteria |
Chameleon | Collect the following Disguises (see Items): Electrician, Janitor, Hope Goon 收集這3種制服:電工、保安、惡棍 |
Evidence Collector | Collect the evidence in Terminus Hotel and Upper Floors 收集2個證據:第一個在一樓大堂前台工作室內,第二個在宴會廳有鋼琴一側的偏廳內 |
Infiltrator | Complete the chapter without being spotted. Terminus Hotel and Upper Floors. |
Suit Only | Complete the chapter without using a disguise. Terminus Hotel and Upper Floors. |
Housekeeping | Eliminate 10 enemies and remain unseen. You can do this using the Upper Floor's restroom and a radio. Simply hide the bodies in the stall; you don't recover your points, but you can restart a checkpoint after completing a challenge. 連續幹掉10個敵人並不被發現 |
Don't Disturb | Reach room 899 without pacifying or killing anyone. 不觸動任何人到達899號房間 |
Hall Pass | Visit all areas of the chapter without being spotted. You can try the janitor disguise, which conveys the same neutral status as 47's suit in the Upper Floors. 這個琢磨了我好久。一開始直奔酒店,左拐進洗手間,爬過通風管進入洗衣間,從盡頭爬下地下室,在這個房子裡稍等一下,有個Janitor走過,跟隨並幹掉,換上制服,左電梯上7樓,開收音機引開刷卡器旁的保安,爬出視窗,然後上8樓,右拐推保安出視窗,爬出去窗外,過對面,進入899房,目標達成 |
An Evening in Paradise | Find a movie reel and play it in the projector in Upper Floors. A movie reel can be found in the janitorial closet next to the restroom or in the ballroom. 找一個電影膠捲並播放,可以在7樓洗手間旁的雜物房裡,或者8樓宴會廳裡找到 |
Inside Path | Go up to the 8th floor from the 7th floor using a specific path. Lure the enemy by keycard stairs away and go through the window on 7F. Use the ledge on 8F to reach room 899. Playing the movie does draw away a lot of the enemies near the exit. 用特定方式從7樓上去8樓:將刷卡器旁的警衛引誘開,從7樓視窗出去,爬上8樓,過了熊雕像往右,將保安推出視窗,爬出去,過去對面就是899門口。播電影可以引走很多敵人 |
The Man From South Dakota | Clear mission |
The Electrician Part 1 | A tool of many uses. Use the screwdriver in an Electrician's garb to stealth kill someone and remain unseen. 穿電工制服,用螺絲刀殺人並不被發現 |
The Electrician Part 2 | They never knew what hit them. Use the screwdriver in an Electrician's garb. You must throw the screwdriver and kill five enemies and remain unseen. Only enemies, not tradesmen. 穿電工制服,用螺絲刀飛刀(注意是飛刀,不是普通的捅死)殺5人並不被發現 |
Item | Location |
Disguise - Janitor | The custodians in the lower floor wear this. No janitors are in the upper floors, but this disguise is considered "neutral" in most areas on 7F. 酒店保安制服,不帶帽,偏白色衣服短袖,穿雨靴,背後有Terminus標記的保安制服,低樓層才有,樓上沒有 |
Disguise - Electrician | The guys in the orange safety vests in the lower floor. 電工制服,穿橙色外殼的 |
Disguise - Hope Goon | The enemies wear this disguise. 惡棍的衣服,穿紫色衣服 |
Worn Z&M Model 60 | Revolver used by enemies. 敵人用的左輪槍 |
Mustang Snub | 47's substitute for his Silver Ballers. 另一種左輪 |
Worn M590 12GA | Shotgun found in the hotel. 酒店裡找到的散彈槍 |
Fire Extinguisher | Plentiful in a hotel. 滅火器,進入酒店正門,左邊小客廳就有 |
Iron | Found in the landlady's room 熨斗,在女房東的房子裡 |
Gasoline Can | Found in the basement 油罐,樓上那只巨熊旁的房間裡 |
Knife | Found in the basement 刀,在地下室 |
Movie Reel | Found in the closet by the restroom in the upper floors or the room near the banquet hall with the piano on 8F. 電影膠捲,7樓廁所旁的雜物房有,8樓宴會廳也有 |
Measuring Tape | Found at the crime scene on 7F. Functions like fiber wire. 捲尺,在7樓犯罪現場 |
Plunger | In the restroom on 7F. 活塞,通廁所的,在7樓洗手間 |
Radio | By the laundry chute on 7F 收音機,7樓走廊 |
Scissors | In the projector room. 剪刀,在投影室 |
Screwdriver | Found in various spots. The toolbox near the elevator in the basement has one. 螺絲刀,從地下室的上電梯時,旁邊的工具箱裡有 |
Statue Bust | On the floor in the landlady's room, between the Iron and the open window 雕像,在女房東的房子的地板上,在熨斗和視窗之間 |
Vase | Hallway in the upper floors 花瓶,7樓走廊 |
Keycard | Dropped by the maid who visits the janitor closet on 7F. 鑰匙牌,在7樓,女傭身上 |
Bottle | Empty bottles are found on the street. 瓶子 |
Brick | One is found in the back alley to the side of the hotel. 磚頭,在面對酒店正門的左側的小巷裡 |
Wrench | A few exist, but one is found by the electrician's van on the street. 扳手,面對酒店正門,右前方的箱子附近 |
Challenge | Conditions and Criteria |
Chameleon | Collect the following Disguises (see Items): Chicago SWAT Officer, Chicago Policeman 取得以下2種制服:特警隊警官制服,芝加哥警察制服 |
Evidence Collector | Collect the evidence in Library, Shangri-La, and Train Station. 收集3個證據:1.圖書館問詢處,雕像附近;,房中的櫃檯處,有兩個警察在詢問的; 3.火車站,在問詢台,穿過門出去站台之前 |
Infiltrator | Complete the chapter without being spotted. Burning Hotel, The Library, Rooftops, Shangri-La, Train Station |
Suit Only | Complete the chapter without using a disguise. Burning Hotel, The Library, Rooftops, Shangri-La, Train Station |
Picking on the New Guy | Use the rookie as a human shield. 拿菜鳥來當人肉盾牌。在圖書館,到達出口前的樓梯底的大廳處,會有幾個警察頭子會面,在右側外圍會有個警察傻傻地修理他的手電,就是他了 |
Death from Above | Accidental kill with a library chandelier 利用圖書館弔燈製造意外殺人 |
Fields of Joy | Unseen for the whole chapter 整個章節不被看見 |
Bong Hits | Take a Bong from Shangri-La, then melee an enemy with the item. Since the bong is breakable, find another bong and repeat the process. 在香格里拉取得水煙筒,用來毆死敵人,水煙筒會損壞,再找一個,繼續直到提示挑戰完成,期間即使被發現然後restart也需要重新計算,所以很輕鬆 |
Business is Booming | Open the safe in Shangri-La. The combination is on a Notebook in the same room as the safe, by the air vent. 打開香格里拉的保險箱,密碼在同一個房間的筆記型電腦,必須引警察進來,讓他取保險箱裡的錢,他會把其他人叫進來,你可以趁機溜走 |
In Stereo | Start the tape deck player in the disco room in Shangri-La. 開啟香格里拉的舞廳裡的磁帶播放機,引走電梯前的警察 |
The Tables Have Turned | Clear mission |
Silence Please Part 1 | he boy in blue met Little Boy Blue (Subdue a police officer and hide the body) 暗殺一個警官並藏屍 |
Silence Please Part 2 | The boy in blue met Little Boy Blue (Subdue and hide 7 police officers - continuous; does not reset upon discovery) 連續暗殺7個警官並藏屍,在圖書館很容易做到 |
Item | Location |
Disguise - Chicago SWAT | Either as back up, or from the preset ones at the Train Station. 特警隊制服 |
Disguise - Chicago Policeman | Uniforms everywhere, and not enough body dumps to place the corpses. 警察制服 |
Z&M Model 60 | Revolver used by the CPD. 警察用的左輪 |
Aries 24-7 | Automatic pistol used by the CPD 警察用的自動手槍 |
HX UMP | PDW used by the SWAT units 特警用的衝鋒槍 |
Police M590 12GA | Shotgun used by SWAT. One is also found at the start of the Train Station, by the counter with the evidence. 特警用的散彈槍 |
Bong | A pot used for inhaling marijuana. Found in Shangri-La in limited quantities. 用來吸食大麻的水煙筒 |
Power Cord | An extension cord, found in the Library near where 47 drops down. Functions as a strangle cord. 分機綫,在圖書館,47下來的地方附近,勒人用的 |
Folding Knife | 47 defaults with this. 摺疊刀 |
Hammer | One of many junk objects in the chapter.(many located in the library) 鎚子,圖書館裡很多 |
Knife | Found in Shangri-La 刀,在香格里拉 |
Metal Pipe | Found under a firehose reel in the train station part after leaving the elevator and in a room beside the swat team. 金屬管,在火車站離開電梯後,轉入左側房間,在消防喉的下面 |
Notebook & Remote Explosives | Item with a safe combination. The safe contains the Remote Explosives. Found in Shangri-La 筆記型電腦和遙控炸彈,在香格里拉,保險箱裡 |
Radio | Plays a noise that attracts enemies. Found in the safe room in Shangri-la. 收音機,在香格里拉的保管室裡 |
Scissors | One of many junk objects in the chapter. 剪刀,到處都有 |
Statue Bust | Found in the Library 雕像,在圖書館 |
Screwdriver | One of many junk objects in the chapter. 螺絲刀,到處都有 |
Vase | Library 花瓶,在香格里拉,剛開始第二個房間的柜子上,有三個人在的 |
Wrench | The Burning Hotel (on the rooftop) has one. 扳手,在酒店屋頂 |
Bottle | One of many junk objects in the chapter. 瓶子,到處都有 |
Challenge | Conditions and Criteria |
Chameleon | Collect the following Disguises (see Items): Strip Club Bouncer, Store Clerk, Chicago Police Officer, Chipmunk Costume 收集4種制服:夜總會保鏢,商店職員,警察,花慄鼠戲服 |
Evidence Collector | Collect the evidence in Courtyard, The Vixen Club, Derelict Store, Convenience Store, Loading Area, Chinese New Year 收集以下6個證據: 1在天井,警察巡邏車的引擎蓋上; 2在Vixen Club,在收錢女孩和保鏢的樓上的辦公室裡; 3在廢棄建築,就是47扔下Amanda的屍體分散警察注意力後爬下去的地方; 4在便利店,收銀台; 5在卸貨區,在角落的辦公室裡; 6唐人街。在你完成X Marks the Spot挑戰的地方,弔著的貨物掉下來的地方的牆角 |
Infiltrator | Complete the chapter without being spotted. Courtyard, The Vixen Club, Dressing Rooms, Derelict Store, Convenience Store, Loading Area, Chinese New Year |
Suit Only | Complete the chapter without using a disguise. Courtyard, The Vixen Club, Dressing Rooms, Derelict Store, Convenience Store, Loading Area, Chinese New Year |
Private Dance | Kill target. Hide the body. Escape the Vixen Club unseen. Shooting Dom with the silenced JAGD P22G after his lap dance is best. You need a keycard and the silenced JAGD for this. 殺死目標並藏屍,不被發現逃離Vixen Club。等Dom看完艷舞,他會獨自留下打電話,用消音的JAGD P22G幹掉他。你要用到鑰匙牌和消音手槍 |
Dominated | Garrote target. Hide the body. Escape the Vixen Club unseen. Killing Dom in the bathroom is probably one of the better methods, although you can try and get away with it in the private booths area. 勒死目標並藏屍,不被發現逃離。最好的辦法是在洗手間 |
Schadenfreude | Use the disco ball to crush Dom in the Vixen Club. The damaged ball can be dislodged using the switch past the keycard door where the bachelor party is being held in the private corner booth. 利用disco的雷射反射球砸死目標 |
Fire Sale | Turn off the sprinklers and start the firewords in the Convenience Store. 在便利店,關閉灑水器,點燃倉庫裡的煙花 |
Two Rights Make a Right | Save the market vendor before he is killed by the target in the alley. 在巷子裡,商販被目標殺死前,救下他(似乎是必須在目標找到商販前幹掉他,任何手段) |
Moment of Bliss | Electrocute the target by rewiring the loose power cable. Throw the switch only when the target is urinating. 當目標小便時,用電弄死他。在King的跑車那個位置 |
Fire Him | Sabotage the fuel pump in the fireworks area and the target dies after an elasped time. 破壞煙花區的油泵,目標過一陣就會掛掉(在出口前的右側) |
X Marks the Spot | Kill the henchman who urinates by dropping the hanging cargo load in the alley where the target kills the market vendor. Eventually, another target will go to where 47 started this section; there is a second cargo load there. 目標帶著攤販去後巷時,利用弔著的貨物壓死他 |
Lieutenant Bad | Eliminated by proxy. Steal Birdie's file and the corrupt cop will kill your target for you in the police impound. 借刀殺人,從第二關毒販取貨的那個樓梯底,有個通風管,爬過去,轉右,蹲着偷取Birdie的檔案,靜靜離開。壞警察會被激怒然後殺了目標 |
Cleaning Up in Chinatown | Lieutenant Bad, Fire Him, X Marks the Spot, Moment of Bliss all cleared 完成以上4個挑戰 |
Damage Control | Clear mission |
Swordplay Part 1 | Stealth kill one of Wade's henchmen using the katana. The katana is found from the stall run by the market vendor who is shot by the target in the alley. 用武士刀殺死1個Wade的隨從。武士刀可以在進入King的停車點前的小攤上找到 |
Swordplay Part 2 | Stealth kill all of Wade's henchmen using the katana. The katana is found from the stall run by the market vendor who is shot by the target in the alley. 用武士刀殺死所有Wade的爪牙。我的順序:1.爪牙拷問商販的地方,2.出口附近的油泵,3.第二關販子取貨的樓梯底 |
Swordplay Part 3 | Stealth kill all of Wade's henchmen using the katana while wearing the Chipmunk costume. The katana is found from the stall run by the market vendor who is shot by the target in the alley. The chipmunk costume is found on street level; from the top of the stairs of the police impound, turn left. The disguise is in that "empty" room. 穿著花慄鼠裝,用武士刀殺死所有Wade的爪牙。我的順序:潛入拘留處,讓過目標1,上一樓幹掉一個警察並換花慄鼠裝,去取刀,回頭到樓梯底幹掉目標1,然後去拷問商販處幹掉目標2,最後去油泵處搞定目標3,離開 |
Item | Location |
Disguise - Store Clerk | The market vendors are the "clerks" here. 商販制服 |
Disguise - Chicago Policemen | The enemies in this level. 警察制服 |
Disguise - Chipmunk Costume | Chinese New Year map. The chipmunk costume is found on street level; from the top of the stairs of the police impound, turn left. The disguise is in that "empty" room. 花慄鼠裝,在唐人街,從警察拘留處的樓梯上一樓,轉左,服裝在地上 |
Disguise - Strip Club Bouncer | Vixen Club and Dressing Rooms. The enemies in those levels. 夜總會保鏢制服 |
Silenced JAGD P22G | There are two of these handguns in the Vixen Club. 帶消音的手槍,在Vixen Club |
HX UMP | Used by the Chicago PD 警察的衝鋒槍 |
Police M590 12GA | Shotgun used by police; one is found by a police cruiser in Courtyard. 警察的散彈槍 |
Bottle | Empty bottles abound. 瓶子 |
Knife | The stalls in the Convenience Store and Chinese New Year maps have some here and there. 刀,便利店裡 |
Cleaver | The stalls in the Convenience Store and Chinese New Year maps have some here and there. 切肉刀,便利店 |
Fire Extinguisher | The item which almost never gets used in interior settings. 滅火器 |
Gasoline Can | A junk item found in the Courtyard. 油罐,在天井 |
Katana | Chinese New Year. The katana is found from the stall run by the market vendor who is shot by the target in the alley. 武士刀,在進入King的停車點前,路口旁的攤檔上,有Tattoo霓虹燈的那個 |
Keycard | Various NPCs drop keycards when subdued or slain in the Vixen Club; there is one keycard left out in the open, and that's the security office about the cover charge / coat check girl at the club. 鑰匙牌,在Vixen Club,很多人身上都有 |
Metal Pipe | Found here and there in the Courtyard. 金屬管,本關一開始,轉身,轉左 |
Birdie's File | Found in the police impound in Chinese New Year。 Birdie的檔案,在警察拘留處 |
Rat Poison | A stall in Chinese New Year has this item. Used to poison another dish of sushi eaten by the target who smokes. 鼠藥,用來投入目標的壽司。就在武士刀的對面的攤子 |
Sledgehammer | Found in Derelict Building 大鎚,在廢棄的建築裡 |
Challenge | Conditions and Criteria |
Chameleon | Collect the following Disguises (see Items): Henchman, Rosewood Security Guard 收集制服:爪牙的制服,保安的制服 |
Evidence Collector | Collect the evidence in Orphanage Halls and Central Heating 收集2個證據:1孤兒院大堂,電梯附近的桌面; 2中央暖氣房,在某個箱子上,需引誘開敵人 |
Infiltrator | Complete the chapter without being spotted. Victoria's Ward, Orphanage Halls, Central Heating |
Suit Only | Complete the chapter without using a disguise. Victoria's Ward, Orphanage Halls, Central Heating |
Good Samaritan | Save the imprisoned guard by taking out his torturers. 幹掉拷問者,就出被囚的保安 |
Out of Fuse | Collect all four fuses without being spotted 收集四個保險絲 |
Playing with Balls | Hide enemy bodies in the 1F ball pen in the Orphanage's nursery. 將5個敵人的屍體藏在一樓的娛樂室的波波池裡 |
Face Off | Kill Wade without being spotted. 47 entering point-shoot mode counts as being spotted. 不被發現地幹掉Wade,可以打開火爐的開關,用火噴死他 |
The Mercenary | Clear mission |
Subtle Injection Part 1 | Find the syringe in the infirmary or medicine room and throw the item like a knife for condition. Must be three kills in one quick string (no checkpoint restarts or too much time passed); note that a blood pool is created when someone is stealth-killed in this manner. 在實驗室取得注射器,當做武器連殺3人,時間不能用得太長 |
Subtle Injection Part 2 | Find the syringe in the infirmary or medicine room and throw the item like a knife for condition. Must be four kills in one quick string (no checkpoint restarts or too much time passed); note that a blood pool is created when someone is stealth-killed in this manner. 在實驗室取得注射器,當做武器連殺4人,時間不能用得太長 |
Subtle Injection Part 3 | Find the syringe in the infirmary or medicine room and throw the item like a knife for condition. Must be five kills in one quick string (no checkpoint restarts or too much time passed); note that a blood pool is created when someone is stealth-killed in this manner. 在實驗室取得注射器,當做武器連殺5人,時間不能用得太長 |
Item | Location |
Disguise - Henchman | Wade's Joker-esque henchmen wear these stupid disguises. Wade的爪牙的制服 |
Disguise - Rosewood Security | The rent-a-cop being tortured in Orphanage Halls has this disguise. Wearing it, 47 will be attacked immediately by other enemies. 孤兒院那個被拷打的保安的制服 |
SA .44 Auto | After killing Wade, he will drop this weapon. 幹掉Wade之後掉落的武器。先從右側管道爬過去,然後不要動火爐的開關,直接過去用槍,打死後要快速過去取槍,只有兩三秒時間 |
Aries 24-7 | The handguns carried by enemies in this chapter. 敵人的武器 |
Aries Charging Ram | A powerful revolver firing +P ammunition. Used by some enemies in this chapter, but one can be found on the long counter of the Orphanage's information desk on the first floor. 一種強力彈葯,部分敵人有,一樓的問詢台有 |
Zug TMP | PDWs used by enemies in this chapter. 敵人的自動武器 |
M590 12GA | Shotgun found in the Orphanage's chapel and by any back-up enemies who spawn to an alert. 敵人用的散彈槍 |
Book | Several of these are placed around the Orphanage level. 書,孤兒院裡 |
Bottle | Central Heating has an abundance of discarded bottles. 瓶子 |
Fire Axe | Found in the Orphanage hallways.消防用斧,孤兒院走廊 |
Fire Extinguisher | Found in the Orphanage. 滅火器,孤兒院 |
Gasoline Can | Found in the Oprhanage and Central Heating. 汽油罐,孤兒院和中央暖氣房 |
Knife | Found in Central Heating 刀,中央暖氣系統 |
Toy Robot | An item in the Oprhanage. 玩具機器人,孤兒院 |
Syringe | The infirmaries of the Orphanage has some. 注射器,孤兒院實驗室 |
Fuse | Large fuses used to power potent devices. 保險絲 |
Challenge | Conditions and Criteria |
Chameleon | Collect the following Disguises (see Items): Hope Police Officer, Truck Driver, Hope Bouncer 收集制服:警察,貨車司機,保安 |
Evidence Collector | Collect the evidence 收集證據,在Great Balls of Fire的辦公室裡 |
Infiltrator | Complete the chapter without being spotted. |
Suit Only | Complete the chapter without using a disguise. |
Chew the Fat | Get to the Bartender without starging a barfight. 不引發打鬥地找到酒保 |
Clear the Air | Start a bar fight, get to the bartender, but do not participate in the barfight. 引發打鬥,找到酒保,但不參與打鬥 |
Ali | Knock out all the bouncers in the bar. You can do this during the barfight. 在打鬥中擊倒所有保安。注意是穿短袖的保安,其他的儘量別打,不夠血要記得去藥箱 |
Duck and Cover | Do not get hit in the barfight. Completing Clear the Air will meet this challenge. 打鬥中不被擊中,即不參與打鬥 |
Just Passing Through | Clear mission |
Item | Location |
Disguise - Truck Driver | The red shirt enemies in this chapter. 貨車司機制服,紅色衣服 |
Disguise - Hope Police Officer | The policmen in desert tan. 警察制服 |
Disguise - Hope Bar Bouncer | The guys with the roadije t-shirts. 酒吧保安,短袖衣服 |
JAGD P22G | Handgun used by the Hope Police Department 警察配槍 |
Worn Z&M Model 60 | Some enemies use this weapon. 左輪 |
Mustang Snub | Some enemies use this weapon. 另一種左輪 |
HX UMP | Kane (from Kane and Lynch) has this weapon. Have 47 take him out by the jukebox to collect this item. 衝鋒槍,只有Kane和Lynch有這種槍 |
Police M590 12GA | Found in the bar office with the evidence. 散彈槍,在酒吧裡,跟證據一起 |
Bottle (Steak Sauce) | The red bottle is steak sauce (or ketchup) and found in the back of the bar on the tables across from the bartender. 紅色瓶子 |
Baseball Bat | The restroom has a stall with this item. 棒球棍,在洗手間 |
Bill Spike | On the counter top of the bar. 釘座,吧檯上插賬單用的 |
Keycard | The left staircase has this item which allows access to the bar's security office. 鑰匙牌,左邊樓梯扶手上 |
Metal Pipe | Found in the bar 金屬管,酒吧裡 |
Glass | On one of the pool tables in the back, there is a mug of beer that 47 can take. Doing so starts a barfight, if none is in progress already. 玻璃杯,右側的第一張桌球枱上 |
Plunger | In the bathroom 通廁所用的活塞,廁所裡 |
Tomahawk | On the dart board next to the bartender's counter. 戰斧,在飛鏢靶附近,吧檯旁 |
Bottle | Empty beer bottles are found in abundance 普通瓶子,青色 |
Hula Girl | A toy doll found in the front of the bar, where the bouncers stop 47 from proceeding further. 玩具娃娃,一開始左側的門旁 |
Challenge | Conditions and Criteria |
Chameleon | Collect the following Disguises (see Items): Hope Policeman 收集制服:警察制服 |
Evidence Collector | Collect the evidence 收集證據:在靶場中央的秘密倉庫裡,從坑道過去,需要鑰匙牌 |
Infiltrator | Complete the chapter without being spotted. |
Suit Only | Complete the chapter without using a disguise. |
Depends on the Girl | Lose the shooting contest 輸掉射擊比試 |
Bullseye | Win the shooting contest by scoring over 471 points 贏得射擊比賽,獲得471環以上 |
Assassins Signature | Win the shooting contest by scoring over 471 points using 47's Silverballers 用47的標準配槍贏得比賽,獲得471環以上 |
Ultramax | Win the shooting contest by scoring over 471 points using the Ultramax weapon. 用Ultramax贏得射擊比賽,獲得471環以上 |
It Wouldn't Be Stealing | Do not enter the contest, collect the Silverballers and clear the mission 不參加比賽,直接取回自己的雙槍,完成任務 |
Shiver Me Timbers | Fire the cannon on the gun range by shooting the fuse. 射擊大炮的火繩,激發大炮 |
Duck Hunting | Destroy 10 duck targets in the indoor gun range. 打掉10個鴨子靶 |
Choosing Weapons | Clear mission |
Up Your Arsenal Part 1 | Stick to your guns. All of time.用開局附加的手槍贏得比賽 |
Up Your Arsenal Part 2 | Stick to your guns. All of time.用Ultramax贏得比賽 |
Up Your Arsenal Part 3 | Use all the guns in the level to win the contest. (Needs to be confirmed) 用狙擊槍贏得比賽。記住開始比賽時必須是拿着狙擊,比賽結束時也是,中間可以用手槍。Part 1/2/3都要獨立完成,就是完成了1要restart,再重新做2 |
Item | Location |
Disguise - Hope Policeman | The cops in the store are prime targets. You may have to massacre a few people to get the disguise. 警察制服 |
Worn Z&M Model 60 | Used by a few enemies here. 左輪 |
SA .44 Auto | 47 uses Wade's weapon for protection by default. 本關47的預設配槍 |
Silver Baller | 47's weapons are the main goal of clearing this level. 47的慣用的雙槍 |
Swiss 3000 | Check the gun store's shelves 手槍,在槍店的架子 |
Ultramax | Get the keycard and enter the secret survival bunker on the gun range for this item. 輕機槍,取鑰匙牌進入秘密倉庫取得 |
Pink Aries Charging Ram | The cowgirl who challenges 47 to a shooting contest has this item. There is also another one lying around in the restricted offices of the owner. 女牛仔用的左輪槍,還有一把在禁止進入的辦公室內 |
HX AP-15 | Check the gun store's shelves 自動步槍,槍店架子上 |
HX UMP | Check the gun store's shelves 衝鋒槍,槍店架子上 |
M590 12GA | Lynch (from Kane and Lynch) has this weapon on the gun range. Have 47 take him out to collect the item. 散彈槍,幹掉Lynch可得到 |
Kazo TRG | The sniper rifle is in the gun range trench that stretches out from the bunker entrance. 狙擊槍,坑道盡頭 |
Gasoline Can | Many are found in the secret survival bunker. 汽油罐,秘密倉庫內 |
Baseball Bat | Found in the gun store 槍店內,棒球棍 |
Keycard | On the back counter of the store's cashier area. 鑰匙牌,在收銀區後面的櫃檯 |
Metal Pipe | Found around the range and in the store. 金屬棍,店內 |
Key | The safe in the owner's range office has this item, which opens the case to 47's Silverballers. 店主的辦公室裡的保險箱內,用來取得47的配槍 |
Notebook | Item with the safe combination holding the Silverball case Key. One is carried by the store owner, the other is in the survival bunker. 筆記型電腦,一個店主帶著,另一個在倉庫,用於取得鑰匙 |
Radio | Found in the store 收音機,店內 |
Challenge | Conditions and Criteria |
Chameleon | Collect the following Disguises (see Items): Barber, Hope Plumber, Hope Police Officer, Mechanic 收集制服:理髮師,水管工,警察,機械師 |
Evidence Collector | Collect the evidence in Streets of Hope and Barbershop. 收集2個證據:1在機械師/車庫二樓,某個桌面上; 2理髮店,電視機上 |
Infiltrator | Complete the chapter without being spotted. Streets of Hope and Barbershop. |
Suit Only | Complete the chapter without using a disguise. Streets of Hope and Barbershop. |
Oil is Thicker Than Blood. | Streets of Hope. Kill the target who hangs out on the porch in front of the scrap yard by pushing him into the vat of oil. 大街場景,將目標推進堆放場門口邊的油桶淹死(似乎是3個目標都要藏屍油桶) |
Get the Mechanic | Streets of Hope. Kill the target who walks through the scrap yard by crushing him underneath a raised car. 47 needs to take out the nearby NPCs so only the target will be lured under the car for crushing. 令目標被吊起的汽車壓死。你需要清除附近的敵人只留下目標,然後引誘他到車下(拍旁邊的汽車引發警報) |
Kill Me, I'm the Cook | Any level. Use a stove to kill a target. The best candidate is the one who hangs out in the room above the convenience store. To detonate a stove, turn on the gas, then shoot the stovetop with a firearm. 利用火爐殺死目標。最佳地點是便利店上方的房間。開啟煤氣,然後跑到街道上用槍射擊屋內點燃 |
Pump It Up | Streets of Hope. Accidental kill with the gas pump at the mechanics' shop. Sabotage the fuel pump in front of mechanic shop then wait for the target who goes from the Convenience Store to the garage to get in position. Shooting the spilled gasoline with a firearm will be enough to set off a catastrrophic series of explosions. 在機械師商店利用氣泵殺人。破壞機械師商店前的油泵,等待目標從便利店去車庫時路過,射擊漏出的汽油就會引發一系列的爆炸 |
Shocking | Streets of Hope. Accidental kill with electricity. Sabotage the power cable by the transformer near the scrapyard's metal gate leading to the level's exit and throwing the timed switch as the target nears the gate. 用電殺人。破壞廢品堆放場的金屬大門旁的變壓器,趁目標用手開大門時打開開關 |
Gotta Go | Barbershop. Accidental kill with electricity while the target urinates. Use the nearby wrench to loosen the wire, then power on the fusebox next to the wire. The execution will be automatically done. 理髮店場景,趁目標小便時用電殺死他。用扳手弄鬆電線,然後打開保險盒的電源,等待 |
Well Done | Barbershop. Accidental kill with fire. You want to take the Hope Policeman garb at the entry to the building's larder/cellar. Once you do, you can move to the storeroom undetected, take the lighter fluid (red bottle) and replace the bottle of hot suace (yellow bottle) in the larder/cellar. Don't loosen the wires for the "Gotta Go" challenge, or the cook (Mason) will kill himself before the goon who grabs the hot sauce bottle comes back. 理髮店場景,用火殺人。在地下室取得警察制服,然後不被發現地去一樓儲存室,取紅色瓶子的打火機液體,回去地下室更換掉黃色瓶子裡的東西。不要去弄鬆電線,否則目標會先電死 |
Shave and a Haircut | Pacify Lenny in a barber's garb. 穿著理髮師服裝逮住Lenny |
Accidents Happen | Clear Get the Mechanic, Kill Me I'm the Cook, Pump It Up, Shocking, Gotta Go, Well Done (all six) challenges. 完成以上6個挑戰 |
The Weakest Link | Clear mission. |
Safety Distance Part 1 | Snipe a target (Tyler) from the garage balcony into the convenience store's 2nd floor to kill target Take the plumber's garb and dispose of the target who comes up to the garage's balcony so you can snipe the conveinence store target in peace. 在車庫的陽台上,狙掉便利店二樓的目標。你可以穿水管工的衣服,幹掉上來車庫陽台的目標,再蛋定地射擊 |
Safety Distance Part 2 | Snipe a target (Landon) from the convenience store's second floor to kill the target in the mechanic's garage second story balcony. 從便利店二樓,狙掉車庫二樓陽台的目標 |
Safety Distance Part 3 | Snipe a target (Gavin) from the donut shop's second floor to snipe at the target on the scrapyard's entrance porch. 在炸面圈店二樓,狙掉廢品堆放場門口的目標 |
Item | Location |
Disguise - Mechanic | The mechanics who work in the garage. A white bag with this disguise is found at the keycard locked room at the entrance of the scrapyard. 機械師服裝 |
Disguise - Hope Plumber | The one plumber who goes between his truck and the second story bathroom in the mechanic garage. 水管工服裝,那個在修理廠靠近路邊那輛小貨車旁蹲着自己修理的人 |
Disguise - Barber | Barbershop. The costume is in a white bag in the barbershop. 理髮師服裝,就在理髮室靠牆的桌面上 |
Disguise - Hope Policeman | The enemies in the chapter. 警察制服 |
Z&M Model 60 | Revolvers used by police. 警用左輪 |
HX UMP | Weapons used by police back-up; 47 needs to commit mass murder to spawn those enemies. 來支援的警察的自動武器,你要大開殺戒才能見到 |
M590 12GA | Shotgun found in the room above the convenience store. 散彈槍,便利店樓上 |
Ilyon R700 | Sniper rifle found in the room above the donut shop. Not silenced. 狙擊槍,炸面圈店樓上 |
Axe | Found near the keycard locked door at the scrapyard entrance. 斧頭,堆放場門口,需鑰匙牌開啟的門的附近 |
Baseball Bat | Found in the Barbershop. 棒球棍,理髮店 |
Bill Spike | Found in the donut shop's first floor. 插賬單的釘座,炸面圈店一樓櫃檯 |
Bottle | Abundantly everywhere 瓶子 |
Brick | Found in the Streets of Hope. 磚頭 |
Crowbar | On a set of two oil drums and a crate near the electrified fence. 撬棍,在電圍欄附近,有兩個油桶和一個板條箱那 |
Dog's Bone | Found in the scrapyard 狗骨, 堆放場的狗籠旁 |
Hammer | Found in the garage 鎚子,在車庫 |
Knife | Found in both levels. 刀 |
Metal Pipe | Junk found around the levels 金屬管 |
Notebook | unknown 筆記型電腦,未知位置,搜了很多網站,沒人找到過,說是bug |
Lighter Fuel | Found in the larder at the Barbershop. Swapped with the Hot Sauce. 打火機油,在理髮店的儲物室 |
Sleeping Pills | Found in the top floor of the Barbershop 安眠藥,理髮店的頂樓 |
Police Baton | Found in the donut shop's first floor. 警棍,炸面圈店的一樓櫃檯上 |
Radio | Convenience store in Streets of Hope 收音機,便利店 |
Remote Explosive | Room above the convenience store. 遙控炸彈,便利店樓上 |
Screwdriver | Various spots. 螺絲刀 |
Sledgehammer | In the middle of the scrapyard, leaning on a crate 大鎚,堆放場中間,一個板條箱上 |
Wrench | Various spots 扳手 |
Gasoline Can | Various spots 汽油罐 |
Keycard | Mechanic garage, first floor. The bigger garage has the keycard on one side, resting atop a toolcart. 鑰匙牌,車庫一樓,在較大的車庫,在工具架上 |
Item | Location |
Swiss Derringer | Kill Lenny and take it from his crippled wimp carcass. 殺死Lenny後取得 |
Aries Charging Ram | From Wade's car. Wade的車內 |
STG 58 | From Wade's car.Wade的車內 |
M590 12GA | From Wade's car.Wade的車內 |
Ilyon R700 | From Wade's car.Wade的車內 |
Bong | There is a grave marked with a cow's skull. The bong is there. 水煙筒 |
Dog's Bone | Several locations: Lenny's grave, the dog carcass, and the grave with the bong. 狗骨 |
Fire Poker | Detonate the dynamite in the wrecked stagecoach, the poker spawns amidst the debris 火鉗,引爆殘破的公車,火鉗在其殘骸裡 |
Tomahawk | Embedded in the twisted tree that Lenny goes to after he leaves wrecked stagecoach.戰斧,嵌在一棵扭曲的樹上,Lenny離開破爛公車後去到的地方 |
Wrench | Put the car behind 47. Put Lenny's grave ahead of you. There is a small pile of rocks just past Lenny's grave (proabably off-center to the left a bit) that has this item.扳手,背對汽車,面對Lenny的墳墓,有一堆石頭在遠處稍偏左的地方 |
Challenge | Conditions and Criteria |
Chameleon | Collect the following Disguises (see Items): Arms Dealer, Factory Guard, Truck Driver, Chipmunk Costume 收集制服:軍火商,工廠警衛,貨車司機,花慄鼠戲服 |
Evidence Collector | Collect the evidence in Dead End, Old Mill, Descent, Factory Compound 收集4個證據:1Dead End場景,走到盡頭的建築,出口所在,閉路電視旁的電台處; 2上樓後,一個大油罐旁的類似老式電視機的東西那;3Descent場景,過了礦洞,用鑰匙牌開的鐵欄之後的那個房間裡,有兩個警衛在交談的;4Factory Compound場景,大堂的問訊台上 |
Infiltrator | Complete the chapter without being spotted. Dead End, Old Mill, Descent, Factory Compound |
Suit Only | Complete the chapter without using a disguise. Dead End, Old Mill, Descent, Factory Compound |
Sore Loser | Eliminate the guards playing the videogame and destroy the game console (shoot the TV below it). Descent場景,幹掉2個在玩電子遊戲的警衛,然後破壞遊戲機(射擊電視機) |
Cliffhanger | Send a guard flying by yanking them out the window (defenestration). 讓2個警衛飛出窗外(似乎屍體也算) |
New Toys | Use a Proximity Mine to kill five enemies (all at once or piecemeal). 用地雷幹掉5個敵人(一次性或逐個) |
Seal the Deal | Enter the lobby unseen 不被發現地進入大堂 |
Packing Heat | Enter the storage rooms in Dead End and Factory Compound. A keycard is required. One can be found in one of the shacks in Dead End, but there is one in each of the other levels. 分別進入Dead End和Factory Compound的儲物室。需要鑰匙牌,其中一個在Dead End的一個棚子裡,其它樓層各有一個 |
Infiltration | Clear mission |
Under the Bridge Part 1 | Factory Compound. Snipe an enemy at the bridge with no suspicion or alarm raised using the Kazo TRG 在Factory Compound場景,用狙擊槍幹掉1個橋上的敵人,不引發任何警報或懷疑 |
Under the Bridge Part 2 | Factory Compound. Snipe three enemies at the bridge with no suspicion or alarm raised using the Kazo TRG and within 10 seconds. 在Factory Compound場景,10秒內用狙擊槍幹掉3個橋上的敵人,不引發任何警報或懷疑(有一定的時間限制,開始到右側的崗樓上,等2個哨都在左邊的時候,迅速爆頭,必須爆頭而且屍體掉下懸崖才算,然後自己迅速奔到左側的懸崖大樹下,等待最後一個哨放棄警戒回歸崗位,再次爆頭,搞定) |
Under the Bridge Part 3 | Factory Compound. Snipe three enemies (do it again) at the bridge with no suspicion or alarm raised using the Kazo TRG 在Factory Compound場景,用狙擊槍幹掉3個橋上的敵人,不引發任何警報或懷疑(時間更短,但無需保證屍體掉下懸崖,按Part 2的順序殺,無需換射擊位置) |
Item | Location |
Disguise - Factory Guard | The enemies who wear desert tan body armor and BDUs 工廠警衛制服,穿沙漠迷彩防彈衣的 |
Disguise - Truck Driver | The red shirt enemies at the Factory Compound 貨車司機制服,紅色衣服 |
Disguise - Chipmunk Costume | The second storeroom locked by the keycard lock in the Factory Compound map. 花慄鼠戲服,Factory Compound場景,過橋後最左側的儲物室,需鑰匙牌進入的 |
Disguise - Arms Dealer | Unique disguise at the Factory Compound map. The NPC is by the red sports car.軍火商制服,在紅色跑車旁 |
Aries 24-7 | Handgun used by enemies. 手槍 |
STG 58 Elite | Assault rifle used by enemies. 自動步槍 |
AH 74U | Submachinegun used by enemies 衝鋒槍 |
Kazo TRG | Sniper rifle found at the mouth of the mine exit in Factory Compound and in the rooftop room of the factory building. 狙擊槍,在Factory Compound裡的礦坑出口,和工廠建築的屋頂的房間 |
Hammer | Junk object found in various spots. 鎚子,多處有 |
Bottle | Found in abundance. 瓶子,很多 |
Wrench | Found here and there. 扳手,到處是 |
Proximity Mine (type 1) | This proximity mine is the deployable ones from the storage rooms and Descent. 地雷一型,在儲物室和樓下 |
Proximity Mine (type 2) | This mine is on display in the lobby of the Factory Compound. It is a live piece of ordinance. 地雷二型,在大廳展示 |
Gasoline Can | Found here and there 汽油罐,到處有 |
Axe | Embedded in a stump at the start of Dead End 斧頭,在Dead End一開始處,一個樹樁上 |
Dummy Arm | Found in a storage room. Check both. 假肢,在儲物室 |
Key Card | Found Dead End, Old Mill and Factory Compound 鑰匙牌 |
Knife | Factory Compound. Right outside the bathroom to the right of the bridge where you can see a trucker. Also in the same room where the Remote Explosive can be found. 刀,Factory Compound場景,洗手間外,橋的右前方的房間裡 |
Metal Pipe | Junk item found here and there. 金屬管,到處有 |
Radio | On a table in Descent 收音機,樓下一張桌子上 |
Remote Explosive | Factory Compound. In a room accessible from the roof where a single guard patrols 遙控炸彈,Factory Compound場景,從屋頂進入的房間裡,由一個警衛把守的 |
Screwdriver | Item found here and there. 螺絲刀,到處有 |
Challenge | Conditions and Criteria |
Chameleon | Collect the following Disguises (see Items): Factory Guard, Researcher, Scientist 收集制服:工廠警衛,研究員,科學家 |
Evidence Collector | Collect the evidence in Test Facility, Decontamination, R&D 收集3個證據:1.Test Facility場景,在樓上,Green博士的控制台的房間裡,背對控制台,證據在你左前方一張辦公桌上; 2.Decontamination場景,在更衣室旁的有兩個視窗的房間的茶幾上; 3.Silo場景,最底層,一個白色的小茶幾上 |
Infiltrator | Complete the chapter without being spotted. Test Facility, Decontamination, R&D |
Suit Only | Complete the chapter without using a disguise. Test Facility, Decontamination, R&D |
Good Test Results | Test Facility. Activate the minefield test prematurely to kill Dr. Green when he goes down into the test area. It's recommended to get the checkpoint in the back, steal a uniform (the factory guard disguise is better) or time the enemy movement so Green is in the killzone before you hit the switch in the control room. Test Facility場景,趁Green博士進入測試區時,提前引爆地雷殺死他。建議去存檔點,偷一套制服,又或者計算好目標移動時間,進去控制室打開開關 |
The Abyss Gazes Back | Test Facility. Destroy the glass floor of the main test chamber to cause Dr. Green to fall to his death. Remote mines are in the locked room on the bottom floor in the corridor where the STG 58 was, but three shots from a silenced Silver Baller will break the glass floor as well. Test Facility場景,破壞主實驗室的玻璃地板,一開始的電梯側門蹲着,用手槍射3發破壞玻璃地板就行了,很容易 |
The Common Good | Test Facility. Sabotage the prox mine Dr. Green examines with a proximity sensor disabler. One of the best indirect methods to kill target and escape. Test Facility場景,去2樓先爬窗過去警衛室取架子的Proximity Detector,然後回來破壞桌面上Green博士用儀器測試的地雷,你就可以慢慢往出口走了,等一會兒他就會掛,最好的非直接傷害和逃離方式 |
Scientific Thoroughness | Clear the Good Test Results, Abyss Gazes Back, and Common Good challenges. 完成以上3個挑戰 |
Happy Birthday | Decon. Carl's colleagues eliminated, Carl is left alive. This will negate the Infiltrator challenge. Take out the cake stripper, then have 47 hide in the cake. Use the automatic point shoot when all five men are in the room. Place enough shots to kill all four guards but leave Carl the scientist alive. You may reload a checkpoint after this is completed. Decon場景,幹掉Carl的同事們,只留下Carl活着。幹掉脫衣舞女,自己躲進蛋糕裡,然後看準時間開啟子彈時間幹掉4個警衛,留下Carl(那個科學家) |
In the Right Space | Silo. Locate the "Test Chamber" room where explosives are used in a vacuum. The best costume for this is a scientist garb (to bypass the guards). Use the bomb chamber's opacity to hide from view and lure the panel scientist away with the robot arm in the corner. When Valentine steps into the chamber, close it and kill him. Silo場景,找到叫Test Chamber的測試爆炸物的房間,最好穿科學家服裝進房間,先後幹掉控制台的研究員--警衛--另一個研究員,藏屍,等Valentine進入測試室,按開關走人 |
The Shock Doctrine | Silo. Dr. Valentine (the black scientist) can be electrocuted in the taser/shock test-lab labeled the "Special Weapons" room. The safety code is in the lab down the stairs from the taser room; the panel to operate the mega-taser when Valentine is the PC facing the firing area; Valetine will always "turn off" the machine (even if it was off already) before stepping into the test floor, so 47 needs to manually turn it back on to fry him. Silo場景,在Special Weapons房間裡,電死Valentine博士(黑人科學家)。先在電擊炮室相連的實驗室裡取得控制密碼,才可啟動開關;控制台就是面對測試區的電腦那 |
Eureka | Silo. Swap the fuel for hair restorer in R&D. The fuel is in the darkened Chemical Lab that is below the active (lit up) Chem Lab between Special Weapons and Test Chamber labs. Simply place the fluid in the green fluid beaker and watch the Doc set himself on fire. Silo場景,去沒人的那個Chemical Lab雜物房取打火機油,用燃料換掉放在有人的Chemical Lab桌面上的生發劑,就是綠色的大燒杯,等待 |
Doctor in the House | Clear the In the Right Space, Shock Doctrine, Eureka challenges. 完成以上3個挑戰 |
Strap Him In | Silo. Dr. Ashford has a solitary examination room under the stairs which lead to bottom of the silo. When Ashford sits in the chair, hit the control panel and chew him up. You may need a scientist or guard disguise to get this close without sounding an alarm. Silo場景,Ashford博士在樓底有個獨立實驗室,趁Ashford坐在椅子上時,打開控制台的開關,絞碎他。你需要科學家或警衛制服,靠近目標並避免察覺 |
Unseen | Silo. Kill Dr. Ashfrod when the steam in the silo is obscuring everyone's view. Dispose of his body after killing him, and remain undetected. Silo場景,在水蒸氣迷糊視線時,幹掉Ashford。記得處理掉屍體避免被發覺 |
Experimenting | Complete the Strap Him In and Unseen challenges 完成以上2個挑戰 |
Research and Hidings | Pacify seven researchers (guys in blue Dexter Industries uniforms) and hide them in a closet or enclosed dump. 47 must remain unseen at all times (meaning any suspicion will negate the counter). Restarting from a checkpoint also resets the counter to zero. The subdual technique is not the problem but being detected is. If you are curious, the syringe's melee attack counts as a "knock out" for this challenge (even though you are credited with a silent kill), so if you grab a syringe, you can go back up the silo's upper area (Valentine's workshops) to knock out the researchers and the guards who remain. 制服7名研究員(穿藍色制服)並藏屍,期間不能被發覺,不能restart。他妹的,寡人悟到啦!!!這個挑戰實在太2了,必須先去底層取得注射器,否則沒法玩。建議一路殺去底層先取注射器和研究院制服,回去前面存一下檔,再restart開始玩這個挑戰: 1.總共需要15分,用針筒近身殺人得一分,空手勒暈也得1分,空手擰斷脖子沒分,用繩索殺人沒分 2.藏屍得一分,扔到樓下不得分。注意了:如果你殺了頭4個,且馬上藏屍,得到8分後,就無法再得分了,不知道算不算是個bug 3.總結:先殺夠7人不藏屍,清理掉樓梯的警衛,再從容搬屍進各個房間的柜子裡 提示:博士也算一個研究員;當兩個研究員間距離太近,會被發覺,即使馬上把另一個也殺了,不知道算不算unseen;拿到14分後,要等到任務完成才把最後一分加給你,整個任務期間不能被發現(我拿夠分後,換警衛服裝,從左邊走到盡頭打開蒸汽閥,霧中殺死一個警衛和博士,安全逃離的)。另外,我沒去動Chemical Lab裡面的兩個,太近了,而且也夠數了,不需要他們兩個 |
Ground Zero | Clear mission |
Reap What You Sow Part 1 | Dump a yellow scientist body into the pig swill in the back of the test chamber. 47 must remain undetected for this to count and Dr. Green also counts for this condition. Test Facility場景,將1個黃色科學家屍體扔進測試場盡頭的扔死豬屍塊的懸崖裡,不能被發現,Green博士也算是一個 |
Reap What You Sow Part 2 | Dump five yellow scientist bodies into the pig swill in the back of the test chamber. 47 must remain undetected for this to count and Dr. Green also counts for this condition. Test Facility場景,將5個黃色科學家屍體扔進測試場盡頭的扔死豬屍塊的懸崖裡,不能被發現,Green博士也算是一個 |
Item | Location |
Disguise - Scientist | The NPCs in the yellow RACAL suits 科學家制服,黃色 |
Disguise - Researcher | The NPCs in the blue smocks 研究員制服,藍色 |
Disguise - Factory Guard | The guys with guns. 工廠警衛,帶槍的 |
AH 74U | Submachine gun used by enemies. 衝鋒槍 |
STG 58 | One assault rifle is leaning against a box with ammo in Test Facility in the hallway leading to the remote explosives. 自動步槍,在測試建築的走廊(取遙控炸彈的路),靠在一個箱子上 |
STG 58 Elite | Assault rifle used by enemies. 敵人用的自動步槍 |
Bong | The party room for Carl in Decon. 水煙筒,在Silo場景,與Chamical Lab想通的雜物房裡 |
Book | Check the conference room in R&D 書,在R&D的會議室 |
Bottle | Party room in Decon 瓶子,在Decon場景的舞廳 |
Coffee Mug | Conference room in R&D 咖啡杯,在R&D的會議室 |
Dummy Arm | R&D 假肢,在R&D |
Proximity Detector | Test facility. Item used to assassinate a target. 接近探測器,在測試建築 |
Fire Extinguisher | Plentiful. 滅火器,多得是 |
Hammer | Found here and there. 鎚子,到處是 |
Gasoline Can | Found here and there. 汽油桶 ,第一個場景,在靠近上二樓的樓梯前的那個靶場,木板樹的後面 |
Keycard | Found in the security room at the start of Test Facility. Other keycards are found later, but you only need one. 鑰匙牌 |
Knife | Party room in Decon 刀,在Decon場景的舞廳 |
Folding Knife | Shelving at the bottom of the Testing Facility, to the left of the elevator. 摺疊刀,在測試建築的底部,電梯的左側 |
Proximity Mine | In the Testing Facility 地雷,在測試建築 |
Fire Paste | R&D checmical labs 打火機油,R&D的Chemical Lab裡面 |
Safety Code | R&D Special Weapons labs 安全碼,R&D的Special Weapons實驗室 |
Stolen Files | In the Testing Facility security chamber. Needed to enter the facility, so you won't miss it. 被偷竊的文檔,在測試建築的保安室,需要它才能進入建築,所以你不會錯過的 |
Plunger | Decon lockerroom. 活塞,在Decon場景的更衣室 |
Radio | Decon party room. 收音機,在Decon場景的舞廳 |
Remote Explosive | In the locked room of the Testing Facility. 遙控炸彈,在Testing Facility場景,在被鎖住的房間裡 |
Screwdriver | Found here and there. 螺絲刀,到處是 |
Syringe | R&D. Bottom of the silo, on a medical tray near Dr. Ashgrove's solitary lab. 注射器,在R&D,建築的底部,在Ashgrove博士的獨立實驗室附近,一個醫療托架上 |
Wrench | Found here and there. 扳手,到處是 |
Challenge | Conditions and Criteria |
Chameleon | Collect the following Disguises (see Items): Factory Guard, The Patriot, Patriot's Entourage 收集制服:工廠警衛制服,Patriot的衣服,Patriot的隨從制服 |
Evidence Collector | Collect the evidence in Patriot's Hangar and The Arena 收集2個證據 |
Evidence 1 | Patriot's Hangar. In the corner of the hangar, where the guard is leaning against one of the boxes. A remote explosive is nearby. 第一個場景,在倉庫的角落,有個警衛依靠着的箱子,有個遙控炸彈在附近 |
Evidence 2 | In the Patriot's entourage's VIP box on the second floor. Check near beer keg. 在2樓的Patriot的隨從的VIP房,小熊木桶附近 |
Infiltrator | Complete the chapter without being spotted. Patriot's Hangar and The Arena |
Suit Only | Complete the chapter without using a disguise. Patriot's Hangar and The Arena |
Lost and Found | Find the keycard. It's in the small maze of boxes near the corner of the hangar where the evidence is. 找到鑰匙牌,在證據附近的那堆凌亂的小箱子那 |
A Real Patriot | Take the Patriot's disguise, hide his body, and enter the arena unseen. 換上Patriot的衣服,藏屍,進入角鬥場並不被發現 |
Blood Sport | Enter the cage and fight Sanchez as the Patriot 代替Patriot進入籠子,與Sanchez搏鬥 |
Untouchable | Enter the cage and fight Sanchez as the Patriot without missing a single Quick Time Event. 代替Patriot進入籠子,與Sanchez搏鬥,且無懈可擊地贏得比賽 |
Light Rig | Kill the target by lowering the lighting boom from the third level of the arena. 在三樓,利用燈架砸死目標 |
Wing Man | Kill the target with a sniper rifle and remain undetected as the shooter. No other persons can die from the shot. 用狙擊槍殺死目標並不被發現。前提是你在第一場景沒殺死Patroit,進入角鬥場後去左邊的酒吧,趁機上2樓,必須清理掉走廊上3個和武器室2個警衛,然後取槍,進入左側盡頭的那個單獨的上了鎖的房間,從視窗瞄準,趁小個子Patriot的拳頭打到Sanchez身上的時候開槍殺死Sanchez。雖然原文說不能被發現不能傷到無辜,我開槍後穿透殺死了一個觀眾,而且被警衛進入房間發現我,不過成就的視窗已經跳了出來,算成功了 |
My Enemy | Kill target with an explosive. 炸死目標 |
Technical Knockout | Clear Light Rig, Wing Man, and My Enemy challenges. 完成以上3個挑戰 |
How the Might Fell | Clear mission |
Item | Location |
Disguise - Patriot's Entourage | The Patriot's support team can be lured by using the generator behind the Patriot's camper. Patriot的隨從的制服 |
Disguise - Factory Guard | The enemies in the chapter. 工廠警衛 |
Disguise - The Patriot | Lure the Patriot after stealing his teddybear from the chair near where he trains. When his entourage goes looking for the bear, use a lure to single him out. Patriot的衣服 |
STG 58 Elite | Enemy assault rifles 敵人的步槍 |
Zug TMP | In the Arena, check the second level for a room with weapons. The keycard is required. 微沖,在角鬥場2樓的武器室,需鑰匙牌進入 |
Worn M590 12Ga | In the Arena, check the second level for a room with weapons. The keycard is required. 散彈槍,在角鬥場2樓的武器室,需鑰匙牌進入 |
Ilyon R700 | In the Arena, check the second level for a room with weapons. The keycard is required. 狙擊槍,在角鬥場2樓的武器室,需鑰匙牌進入 |
Knife | In the Hangar, Outside the Patriot's trailer. 刀,第一場景,Patroit的拖車外 |
Baseball Bat | In the Hangar, leaning against the chair closest to the picket fence with the pink flamingos 棒球棍,在最靠近粉紅色火烈鳥的籬笆的桌子邊斜靠着 |
Bottle | Plentifully available. 瓶子,很多 |
C4 Brick | In the Arena, check the second level for a room with weapons. The keycard is required. C4炸葯,在角鬥場,在2樓武器室 |
Cleaver | At the foodstand to the right when entering the arena. 切肉刀,在進入角鬥場後右邊的小吃攤 |
Crowbar | In the Arena. On a cardboard box in the middle of the room beyond the leftmost bar. 撬棍,在角鬥場,在最左邊的酒吧邊的房間中央,紙皮箱上 |
Hammer | Found here and there. 鎚子,到處是 |
Gasoline Can | Found in the hangar on an oil drum located behind the Patriot's trailer, and to the west of the guard standing near the Factory Guard disguise 汽油罐,第一場景,在Patroit的拖車後面的一個油罐那,附近有個警衛站在警衛制服附近 |
Keycard | Found in the hangar, in the maze of boxes near the corner where the evidence is found. 鑰匙牌,在證據附近的那堆凌亂的小箱子那 |
Morning Star | In the Arena, check the second level for a room with weapons. The keycard is required. 流星錘,在角鬥場,2樓武器室 |
Metal Pipe | Junk item scattered here and there. 金屬管,到處是 |
Teddy | On the chair near where the Patriot trains. 泰迪熊,在Patroit訓練的地方的附近,一張桌子上 |
Radio | On the table where the Patriot's camper is parked. 收音機,Patroit的拖車附近的桌子上 |
Remote Explosive | In the Arena, check the second level for a room with weapons. The keycard is required. Or in the Hangar, on the floor next to the Factory Guard disguise 在角鬥場,2樓武器室 |
Screwdriver | In the arena. 螺絲刀,在角鬥場 |
Wrench | One is found in the hangar. 扳手 |
Challenge | Conditions and Criteria |
Chameleon | Collect the following Disguises (see Items): Scarecrow, Agency Soldier, Agent 47's Suit 收集制服:稻草人裝,士兵,47自己的西裝 |
Evidence Collector | Collect the evidence in Parking Lot, Reception, Cornfield 收集3個證據 |
Evidence 1 | Parking. In the parking lot by the blue SUV. 第一個場景,在停車場藍色的SUV那 |
Evidence 2 | Reception. On the containers near the gasoline pumps. 第二場景,在油泵附近的箱子上 |
Evidence 3 | Cornfield. Near the camper where Jacqueline Moore steps out of the cornfield and into the clearing. Like other evidence, it's on some Agency containers. 第三場景,在第二個修女(被電死的是第一個)停留的房車前,在幾個箱子上 |
Infiltrator | Complete the chapter without being spotted. Parking Lot, Reception, Cornfield |
Suit Only | Complete the chapter without using a disguise. Parking Lot, Reception, Cornfield |
Intervene | Save the two civilians in Parking Lot and Reception by killing their Agency captors. 殺掉特工,救下第一和第二場景被抓住的市民 |
Black Widower | Parking Lot. Kill the target by poisoning the coffee with rat poison. The rat poison is in the corner of the motel's first floor. The drink to poison is on the far bar on the mini-golf course. 第一場景,用鼠藥投毒進咖啡,毒死目標。鼠藥在旅館一樓的角落,飲品在迷你高爾夫球道盡頭 |
Electro Cute | Cornfield. Electrocute the target by re-wiring the power cable and turning on the generator. 第三場景,電死目標,一開始第一個路口拐 右,第一個房子,旁邊有拖拉機的 |
Skirt Chaser | Black Widower and Electro Cute challenges done. 完成以上2個挑戰 |
Scarecrow | Cornfield. Dress as the Scarecrow, then kill 10 enemies without being spotted. 第三場景,穿上稻草人裝,不被發現地殺10個敵人 |
A Calm Before the Storm | Clear mission |
Angel of Death Part 1 | Kill two targets with one accident. The two Radonic sisters in Reception can be killed with a single gasoline station explosion. 製造一次事故同時殺死2個目標。在接待處的兩個修女可以利用油站爆炸幹掉 |
Angel of Death Part 2 | During your second playthrough of this level, you can complete this challenge by eliminating all agency soldiers and Saints without being seen. Use alot of distractions so that you can sneak up on enemies and kill them without being spotted. 你第二次玩這一關的時候,如果不被發現地幹掉所有特工和修女,即可獲得。多利用工具引誘敵人 |
Angel of Death Part 3 | To complete it, kill all of the Saints using the Fiberwire. This is not difficult since you use the Fiberwire to kill three of them normally. The key to completing this is to lure away the soldiers near the Saints with distractions so you can get in close enough to kill the Saints. The Saints in the reception area are easily lured into areas where you can kill them out of sight. Finally to kill Cain, sneak into the shack and hide in the container. Then, when she comes in to use the sink, climb out and garrote her. 用繩索殺死所有修女。 |
Item | Location |
Disguise - Agent 47's Suit | In the white bag where 47 starts. 47的西服 |
Disguise - Scarecrow | Cornfield. The first shack directly across from where 47 starts. 稻草人裝,第三場景,一開始,橫過馬路,穿越玉米地走到盡頭,左前方(沒人的)房子前的稻草人那 |
Disguise - Agency Soldier | Enemies in this chapter 特工 |
Agency Jagd P22G | One or two enemies carry one. One of them is in the Parking Lot. 手槍,最終撿起手機完成任務前,旁邊的桌子上 |
The Absolver | LaSandra Dixon carries this. Collect it from the target. 最終修女頭目LaSandra Dixon的槍 |
Agency ARZ 160 | Enemy firearms 敵人的步槍 |
Agency Dynamics CPW | Each of the subordinate Saints carry one. 每個修女都帶著 |
Agency SPS 12 | Found in preset areas. One is in Parking, where the civilian is executed. 散彈槍,在停車場,市民被處決的地方 |
Agency Tanto Knife | Parking area where civilian is executed. 刀,在停車場,市民被處決的地方 |
Axe | Found near the Scarecrow shack. 斧頭,在撿起修女手機完成本關前,找找附近一個磚頭砌的矮圍牆前 |
Baseball Bat | Inside Reception. 棒球棍,接待處裡 |
Bill Spike | Counter of Reception. 插賬單的針座,接待處櫃檯 |
Brick | Found in various places. 磚頭,多處 |
Cleaver | In the BBQ area (Reception) 切肉刀,第二場景,燒烤區 |
Crowbar | The small outdoor disposal area in Reception 撬棍,第二場景,戶外垃圾場 |
Dog's Bone | A shed near LaSandra's position in Cornfield. 狗骨,第三場景,一開始,橫過馬路,穿越玉米地走到盡頭,左前方(沒人的)房子前的稻草人旁邊 |
Fire Extinguisher | Several locations. 滅火器,多處 |
Golf Club | Mini-golf course. 高爾夫球杆,在迷你高爾夫球道 |
Hula Girl | One of the bars in Parking. 玩具娃娃,第一場景,其中一家酒吧 |
Iron | Room where 47's starts in. 熨斗,47一開始的房間裡 |
Gasoline Can | Parking and Reception. 汽油罐 |
Metal Pipe | Various spots. 金屬管,第一個場景,剛下2樓的停車場裡,一共有兩輛燃燒的汽車,在其中一輛車屁股頂着的水泥牆中,被鋼筋網圍在裡面 (繞着兩輛車仔細的繞就能看見) |
Rat Poison | Corner of the motel's first floor, on a cleaning cart. 鼠藥,旅館一樓的角落裡,在清潔車上 |
Radio | In the Reception's BBQ area. 收音機,第二場景,燒烤區 |
Remote Explosive | The Agency set-up area behind the big tour bus in Parking 遙控炸彈,第一場景,大型旅遊巴士後面,特工裝備區 |
Wrench | Several spots 扳手,多處 |
Bottle | Numerous. 瓶子,很多 |
Challenge | Conditions and Criteria |
Chameleon | Collect the following Disguises (see Items): Court Security Guard, Court Usher, Tin Foil Hat Man, Judge, Hope Police Officer 收集制服:法庭警衛,法庭引導員,錫紙帽男人, 法官,警察 |
Evidence Collector | Collect the evidence in Courthouse, Holding Cells, Prison 收集3個證據 |
Evidence 1 | Courthouse. In the security room behind the front desk. 第一場景,前台後面的警衛室裡 |
Evidence 2 | Holding Cell. On the table in the room with the exit. 第二場景,在出口的房間的桌面上 |
Evidence 3 | Prison. In the dark storage room past the security gate, but before the fight pit. 第三場景,過了安全門,沒進入打鬥前,黑暗的儲物房裡 |
Infiltrator | Complete the chapter without being spotted. Courthouse, Holding Cells, Prison |
Suit Only | Complete the chapter without using a disguise. Courthouse, Holding Cells, Prison |
Obstruction | Turn off the video evidence in the courtroom. You will have to wait for the video to start first (about 3 minutes after the stage starts). There are two video stations - one in the courtroom's 2F and one in the judge's private chambers. 關掉審判室的電視錄影。你必須開局後等3分鐘,等錄影開始,有2個錄影站點,一個在審判室2樓,一個在法官的私人房間 |
No Collateral Damage | Clear the mission with no casualties. Subdual is okay (as long as you don't have 47 break necks). 不殺任何人完成任務,允許徒手制服 |
Take the Fall | Take the Tin Foil Hat Man disguise and get the judge to sentence 47 to jail. Enter the Holding Cells and walk to your cell. 穿錫紙帽男人的服裝,讓法官判47入獄,進入牢房,自己走進艙室 |
Take Office | Take the judge's disguise and enter the Holding Cells. 穿法官的服裝,進入監獄 |
One Man Riot | Find the glass shiv in the evidence room in Courtroom, then stealth kill 10 enemies. Do not throw the weapon, or the counter may reset. 在審判室的證物房找到玻璃刀,暗殺10個敵人,不要用飛刀,否則重新計數 |
So Close Yet So Far | Clear mission |
Judgment Day Part 1 | While dressed as the judge, you must subdue the court usher in the library, and dump his body in the closet undetected. 穿法官的衣服,制服1個引導員,藏屍到柜子裡並不被發覺 |
Judgment Day Part 2 | Same as part 1, only now you have to subdue 3 ushers and dump their body unseen. 跟Part 1相同,制服3個引導員 |
Judgment Day Part 3 | Once you have a acquired the judge's uniform, exit through the window and go to the side entrance. Head for the bathroom and kill the tinfoil-hat man with the gavel. 取得法官衣服,跳窗出去,去到側門,前往洗手間,用小木槌殺掉錫紙帽男人 |
Item | Location |
Disguise - Judge | The lone judge in the courtroom. 法官制服 |
Disguise - Court Security Guard | The uniformed security in the courtroom 法庭警衛 |
Disguise - Court Usher | The orange vested clerks in the courtroom 引導員,橙色外殼 |
Disguise - Hope Police Officer | Police in the prison and holding cells 警察,在監獄和覊留室 |
Disguise - Tin Foil Hat Man | The crazy defendant 那個瘋子被告 |
Zug TMP | The evidence room next to the exit in the Courtroom 微沖,審判室出口旁的證物室 |
Z&M Model 60 | Revolver used by police 左輪,警察的 |
STG 58 Elite | Assault rifle used by back up units 自動步槍,增援部隊用的 |
M590 12Ga | Found in the Courtroom level in two rooms. Also inside the evidence room by the courtroom exit. 散彈槍,證物室有 |
STG 58 | In the Prison safe. Safe code required from rescuing prisoner at the start of the Prison; otherwise safe remains locked. 在監獄保險箱裡,需救下第三場景一開始時的囚犯,獲得密碼才能開啟 |
Baseball Bat | In cell before the Prison exit. 棒球棍,在監獄出口前的艙室 |
Book | Courtroom 2F office room by library 書,審判室2樓的辦公室,圖書館旁 |
Dummy Arm | The evidence room next to the exit in the Courtroom 假肢,在證物室 |
Fire Extinguisher | Various places. 滅火器,多處 |
Wrench | Various places. 扳手,多處 |
Glass Shiv | The evidence room next to the exit in the Courtroom 玻璃刀,證物室 |
Golf Club | In the judge's quarters 高爾夫球杆,在法官的宿舍 |
Hammer | Various places. 鎚子,多處 |
Gavel | Subdue or kill the judge for item. 小木槌,殺或制服法官後獲得 |
Keycard | In the keycard locked room with the policeman. You can lure out the policeman, and then follow him through the opened door to the security room and the keycard. 鑰匙牌,在一個被鎖的房間裡,你可以引誘開警察,跟着他進入警衛室,取得鑰匙牌 |
Knife | At the bottom of the stairs just before the room with the evidence in the level, Holding Cell. 刀,在樓梯底,證物室之前 |
Police Baton | unknown 警棍,未知 |
Sledge Hammer | In Prison. Corner of hallway before the fight pit. 大鎚,第三場景,走廊的角落,進入打鬥點前 |
Radio | In the courtroom room opposite the keycard locked door. 收音機,在需鑰匙牌進入的房門對面的房子裡 |
Screwdriver | By the prison control booth 螺絲刀,在監獄控制室 |
Statue Bust | Courtroom 雕像,在審判室 |
Tomahawk | On a shelf in the storage room with a court security guard outfit out by the parking lot. 戰斧,在儲物室的架子上,附近有警衛制服 |
Vase | Courtroom 花瓶,審判室裡 |
Challenge | Conditions and Criteria |
Chameleon | Collect the following Disguises (see Items): Hope Police Officer, Agency Grunt, Agency Heavy Trooper 收集制服: 警察,普通特工,重裝特工 |
Evidence Collector | Collect the evidence in County Jail, Outgunned, Burn, Hope Fair 收集4個證據 |
Evidence 1 | In the cubicle directly across the aisle from the one cubile where the Silverballers are held as evidence. 在存放47的雙槍的小房間的走廊對面的小房間裡 |
Evidence 2 | At the Agency blockade in front of the county jail, there is a container next to a van with evidence. 在監獄前的路障,有個箱子在一輛小貨車旁,在箱子上 |
Evidence 3 | On a container in the "last" room with Agency Heavy Troopers in Burn. Note that on Hard and Extreme, there are extra Heavy Troopers near the exit, so this description is valid chiefly for Normal. 第三場景,最後一個房間的箱子上,房裡有重裝特工 |
Evidence 4 | On a container at the Agency HQ outside the main street's brewery (which 47 can blow up with gunfire or explosives). Note if the brewery is destroyed, the evidence may occasionally be buried in rubble. 在主幹道的特工總部的一個箱子上,47可以用槍或炸彈引發釀造器爆炸的地方,注意爆炸可能會造成證據被埋在碎石下 |
Infiltrator | Complete the chapter without being spotted. CountyJail, Outgunned, Burn, Hope Fair, Outskirts |
Suit Only | Complete the chapter without using a disguise. CountyJail, Outgunned, Burn, Hope Fair, Outskirts |
Vigilante | Knock out policemen with subdues. 制服警察 |
Misty Eyes | Eliminate enemies in haze without being spotted. 在霧中幹掉敵人,不被發現 |
Heavy Armor | Take an Agency Heavy Trooper as a human shield and kill four enemies. 劫持一個重裝特工為人肉盾牌,殺死4個敵人 |
A Cleansing Fire | Clear mission |
Surgical Precision Part 1 | Eliminate 3 enemies without arousing an alert (headshots). Easily done with point-shooting enemies in the head. Try the four enemies who are watching the tanker truck burn. 不激發警報地爆3個敵人的頭。利用子彈時間應該很容易辦到,可以試試油罐車旁的4個敵人 |
Surgical Precision Part 2 | Eliminate 5 enemies without arousing an alert (headshots). Point-shooting enemies will help you with this challenge. 不激發警報地爆5個敵人的頭,利用子彈時間應該很容易辦到 |
Surgical Precision Part 3 | Eliminate 7 enemies without arousing an alert (headshots). You will need to point-shoot enemies for this one. 不激發警報地爆7個敵人的頭,利用子彈時間 |
Item | Location |
Disguise - Agency Grunt | The guys with the 31 on the back of there shirts in Outgunned. You can find one at the start of Outgunned guy ove to your left. 特工制服,背後有31字樣 |
Disguise - Agency Heavy Trooper | The big blue and black armor wearing troopers. 重裝特工制服,大塊頭,藍黑色防彈衣 |
Disguise - Hope Police Officer | Cops. In Hope, South Dakota. 警察制服 |
Z&M Model 60 | Revolver used by the Hope police department 警察的左輪手槍 |
Silver Baller | 47's custom handguns, both need to be recovered before the mission can be cleared. 47的雙槍 |
JAGD P22G | The Agency Heavy Trooper who is in the tavern at the start of Hope Fair has this handgun when he is subdued or slain. 第四場景開始時,在酒館的重裝特工身上 |
Aries 24-7 | not found 手槍,未知 |
Agency ARZ 160 | Assault rifles are used by the various enemies. 自動步槍 |
STG 58 | Two are found in the CountyJail's offices during 47's escape. 自動步槍,在監獄的辦公室 |
Agency Dynamics CPW | In Outgunned, three of these weapons are scattered over the map. Two are by some Agency equipment vans, and a third is in the corner of the street across from the exit. 微沖,2把在特工裝備車,1把在街道角落 |
Black Kazo TRG | In Hope Fair, the sniper perch has a sniper rifle near the equipment boxes. 狙擊槍,第四場景 |
Agency Tanto Knife | Various spots. 短刀,多處 |
Bottle | Numerous occurences. 瓶子,多處 |
Brick | Several here and there. 磚頭,多處 |
Hammer | Try the starting area in Burn 鎚子,在第三場景一開始的區域找找 |
Cleaver | At the Hope Fair, a few stalls have this. 切肉刀,第四場景,有幾個攤子有 |
Gasoline Can | A few places here and there. 汽油罐,幾處 |
Knife | Hope Fair utensil. 刀,第四場景 |
Proximity Mine | Hope Fair's sniper perch at the bar. 地雷,狙擊手所在的酒吧 |
Plunger | unknown 廁所用的活塞,未知 |
Metal Pipe | unknown 金屬管,未知 |
Police Baton | Country Jail. Check the desk in the cubicle where 47 finds his Silverballers. 警棍,第一場景,47找到自己的雙槍的小房間裡 |
Power Cord | CountyJail. At the spot where the second cop is talking on the phone. 電線,第一場景,第二個警察在講電話的地方 |
Remote Explosive | Sniper perch in Hope Fair. Check the area near the back door. 遙控炸彈,第四場景,狙擊手處,找找後門附近的區域 |
Screwdriver | On a shelf in Burn. 螺絲刀,第三場景,在架子上 |
Evidence 1 | Basement of the shop. Check the desk with the typewriter. 商店的地下室,找一下有打字機的那個桌子 |
Item | Location |
Disguise - Bird Costume | White bag near the basement safe 鳥人裝,地下室保險櫃附近的白色包 |
Disguise - Hot Sauce Factory Chef | Basement mannequin 辣醬工廠廚師制服 |
Disguise - Ice Cream Truck Driver | Basement mannequin 冰激凌貨車司機制服 |
Disguise - Sewer Worker | Basement mannequin 下水道清理工制服 |
Book | In the shop 書,商店裡 |
Fire Extinguisher | In the shop 滅火器,商店裡 |
Iron | In the shop 熨斗,商店裡 |
Measuring Tape | Basement 量尺,地下室 |
Metal Pipe | Basement 金屬管,地下室 |
Scissors | Basement 剪刀,地下室 |
Statue Bust | Basement 雕像,地下室 |
Challenge | Conditions and Criteria |
Chameleon | Collect the following Disguises (see Items): Blackwater Bodyguard, Blackwater Custodian, Plumber, Samurai Costume, Blackwater Recptionist, Blackwater Manager, Blackwater Park Interior Guard, Blackwater Park Exterior Guard, Blackwater Tactical Team 收集9種制服:保鏢,管理員,水管工,武士盔甲,接待員,經理,內部保安,外部保安,特警 |
Evidence Collector | Collect the evidence in Blackwater Park and The Penthouse 收集2個證據 |
Evidence 1 | Blackwater ParkGrounds. The security office next to the flooded garage entrance.在溺水車庫出口的保安室裡 |
Evidence 2 | Penthouse. One of the corners in the Cetacean skeleton room has evidence on the sofa. 在鯨魚骨架下面周圍一個沙發上 |
Infiltrator | Complete the chapter without being spotted.BlackwaterParkand The Penthouse |
Suit Only | Complete the chapter without using a disguise. BlackwaterParkand The Penthouse |
Crash Course | Find the movie in the condo and start it in the projector room. There are two movie reels in the adjacent rooms.找到電影膠片 在一樓攝影機上播放,相連的房間裡有2卷 |
Laundry Day | Hide bodies using the laundry chute在一樓洗衣房 往洗衣通道里扔三個人 |
Horn of Plenty | Complete Savage Sushi, Straight to the Heart, Bones, Fired Up, Mockingbird, Skin Trade challenges. |
You Can Manage | Use the Blackwater Manager disguise (the red bellhop suit) to meet Dexter's security manager (the woman) and enter the lift to Penthouse偽裝成大堂經理(紅色西裝的人) 站到女經理面前 她說完話跟隨她 她會為你視網膜掃瞄打開電梯 進入電梯上頂樓 完成 |
I Got My Eyes on You | Use the security woman's eyes to unlock the elevator retinal scanner and use the lift. 殺死女經理 拖到視網膜掃描器前 舉起屍體掃瞄 |
Hack N Backslash | Override retinal scanner, enter lift to Penthouse. The override terminal is in the security office on the ground floor.在一層關閉視網膜掃描器 進入頂樓 |
Mile High Club | Clear the You Can Manage, I Got My Eyes On You, Hack n Backslash challenges. |
Whaling | Enemies harpooned in Penthouse. The harpoon gun cannot be aimed, only fired by the switch on the weapon.用鯨魚槍殺死一名非目標的敵人 |
Cetacea | Five enemies crushed by whale skeleton in Penthouse. The switch is on the upper floor in the same room. 用鯨魚骨架一口氣殺死5個敵人 |
Hallelujah | Five enemies dumped over the edge of the building (or sent flying).把5個敵人扔下樓 或者推下墜樓 |
Savage Sushi | Target poisoned. The poison is in the laser-protected weapons room near Lenny's bedroom. The sushi is on the tray in the long dining table room.先到滿是紅色雷射的房屋的正中間 找到毒藥 然後放入目標吃的壽司中 目標會走到陽台跳舞墜樓而死 |
Straight to the Heart | Target harpooned. You may need to distract her by turning on the Dexter Factory diorama. The harpoon gun cannot be aimed, only fired by the switch on the weapon.用鯨魚槍找準時機殺死目標 |
Bones | Target crushed by whale skeleton in Penthouse. The switch is on the upper floor in the same room. 用鯨魚骨架砸死目標 控制開關在2樓 |
Fired Up | Target incinerated. Use the gasoline can from the outdoor stove outside Lenny's bedroom to kill the target. Throw the gas can into the working fireplace when Layla stands near the fire.用火燒死目標 做法是 在露天陽台上 找到白色的燒烤爐在爐子底下有汽油桶 在找到室內的唯一個壁爐 旁邊有沙發隱藏在後面 等目標過來後 把汽油桶扔進火堆裡 燃燒一會汽油桶爆炸炸死目標 完成 |
Mockingbird | Target sniped off the building with a Kazo TRG. The sniper rifle is in Lenny's bedroom. The window will let you fire on Layla.用狙擊槍殺死目標 做法是偷偷潛入滿是紅色雷射線旁邊的房屋 拿起狙擊槍 站在視窗 等目標站在大樓邊緣抽菸的時候 一槍連人一起被幹下樓 完成 |
Skin Trade | Follow Layla into the panic room (she must enter first). A cut-scene will follow; when you have control again, killing the target satisfies this challenge.用手槍殺死目標 做法是開始的時候剛出來馬上會看到目標和後面的三個守衛 馬上把第三個守衛勒死換裝藏屍(旁邊就有藏屍箱子)尾隨目標 前提別被其他兩個守衛發現 等目標先進入密室後 再進入密室(最後等門關上再推開)觸發動畫 別看太入神準備射擊動畫完成後 快速射殺目標完成 |
Blue Collar | Use the Plumber's disguise, kill the target, and clear the mission while remaining unspotted.穿紅色水管工的衣服 全程不被發現的暗殺目標再通關 完成 (起疑沒有問題 只要不被發現) |
Hit Him Where It Hurts | Clear mission |
Ronin Part 1 | Use a katana while in a Samurai Armor disguise and stealth kill enemies.穿武士服拿日本刀暗殺1名敵人 |
Ronin Part 2 | Use a katana while in a Samurai Armor disguise and stealth kill 7 enemies.穿武士服拿日本刀暗殺7名敵人 |
Ronin Part 3 | Kill your target with a katana while in a Samurai Armor disguise (And hide the body?).穿武士服拿日本刀暗殺目標 |
Item | Location |
Disguise - Blackwater Bodyguard | Penthouse enemy; the female versions cannot have their disguises taken by 47 保鏢 |
Disguise - Blackwater Custodian | The blue overall janitors. 管理員,藍色 |
Disguise - Plumber | The red shirted plumber guy in the cap. Only one of him on the ground floor.水管工,紅色外殼,帶帽 |
Disguise - Samurai Armor | Samurai armor in the penthouse 武士盔甲 |
Disguise - Blackwater Recptionist | Green bellhop 接待員,綠色 |
Disguise - Blackwater Manager | Red bellhop. Disguise used for You Can Manage challenge 經理,紅色 |
Disguise - BlackwaterParkInterior Guard | Blue uniformed rent-a-cops 內部保安,藍色 |
Disguise - BlackwaterParkExterior Guard | Dark blue raincoat wearing rent-a-cops 外部保安,暗藍色 |
Disguise - Blackwater Tactical Team | SWAT armor enemies. 特警 |
Police M590 12GA | Penthouse weapons room, or from the security room in BlackwaterPark's ground floor. 散彈槍,武器室內 |
AH 74U | Penthouse weapons displays 衝鋒槍,武器展示廳 |
Ultramax | Penthouse weapons displays 輕機槍,武器展示廳 |
HX UMP | Penthouse weapons displays or from back up units on the ground level.微沖,,武器展示廳或者增援部隊 |
HX AP-15 | Penthouse weapons displays and the security detail in the penthouse 步槍,武器展示廳 |
SPS12 | Penthouse weapons displays 散彈槍,武器展示廳 |
JAGD P22G | From enemies in the chapter.手槍 |
Layla's JAGD P22G | From Layla Stockton (Tracy Lords) Layla的手槍 |
Black Kazo TRG | From Lenny's room. 狙擊槍,Lenny的房間 |
Proximity Mine | Penthouse weapons displays 地雷,武器展示廳 |
Mace | Penthouse weapons displays 狼牙棒,武器展示廳 |
War Hammer | Penthouse weapons displays 戰錘,武器展示廳 |
Keycard | In Lenny's room, from Layla and a few other guards in the Penthouse 鑰匙牌,Lenny的房間 |
Baseball Bat | Lenny's room 棒球棍,Lenny的房間 |
BattleAxe | Penthouse weapons displays 戰斧,武器展示廳 |
Bong | Lenny's room 水煙筒,Lenny的房間 |
Bottle | Lenny's room 瓶子,Lenny的房間 |
Coffee Mug | From the room with the evidence on the ground floor.咖啡杯,一樓放著證據的那個房間 |
Fire Extinguisher | In the hotel. 滅火器 |
Fire Poker | Penthouse 燒火棍 |
Gasoline Can | Blackwater grounds 汽油罐 |
Katana | Penthouse weapons displays 武士刀,武器展示廳 |
Knife | Shelf in the basement 刀,地下室的架子 |
Morning Star | Penthouse weapons displays 流星錘,武器展示廳 |
U'wa Tribe Poison | Penthouse weapons displays; the laser room.部落毒物,武器展示廳 |
Radio | In Lenny's room 收音機,Lenny的房間 |
Screwdriver | Various spots 螺絲刀,多處 |
Statue Bust | Penthouse 雕像 |
Wrench | Various spots 扳手,多處 |
Movie Reel | Blackwater grounds 電影膠捲 |
Tomahawk | Penthouse weapons displays 戰斧,武器展示廳 |
Challenge | Conditions and Criteria |
Chameleon | Collect the following Disguises (see Items): Blackwater Tactical Team 收集制服:特警 |
Evidence Collector | Collect all the evidence 收集證據 |
Evidence 1 | The evidence is in the keycard locked room. The keycard is in the storeroom you reach by going past the minefield or by Blending past the guards. The locked keycard room is in the second area of the rooftop and has the rest of the items. 在需要刷卡才能進的那個房間裡 桌子上 |
Infiltrator | Complete the chapter without being spotted. |
Suit Only | Complete the chapter without using a disguise. |
All Roads Lead to Dexter | Take all three paths to Dexter: through the minefield, through the air vent (to or from the minefield, it doesn't seem to matter), and trough the front door of the storeroom (Blend past the guards) 通過第一個雷區 上樓梯 翻越樓梯口的箱子 用邊緣過頂樓的雷區 上來後 再上到直升機平台 完成 |
Stay on Target | Clear the mission in 3 minutes or less (there needs to be more than 1 minute and spare change remaining on the timer).不到三分鐘的時間快速完成本關,計時器需剩下一分多鐘的時間 |
Hazardous | One accident. Two kills. This challenge is difficult to do without a checkpoint, since 47 starts with no items nearby he can throw to lure two enemies under the suspended cargo. Consider starting from the checkpoint at the top of the stairs and luring enough enemies under the hanging cargo. 等待兩個敵人都走到貨物下面 射擊貨物的繩子 砸死兩名敵人就完成 |
Axed | Take the fire axe from the evidence room and stealth kill five enemies.取到斧頭 不被發現的砍死5個敵人 |
It's Personal | Target is strangled. Take the "back" route past the minefields to get behind Dexter.勒死目標,繞後路通過雷區,到Dexter背後 |
Face to Face | Clear mission |
Take Em Down Part 1 | Commit 3 headshots.用標記 爆3個敵人頭 |
Take Em Down Part 2 | Dump 6 bodies over the ledge. 把6個人扔下平台 |
Take Em Down Part 3 | 10 unseen kills.不被發現的殺死10個敵人 |
Item | Location |
Disguise - Blackwater Tactical Team | The only enemies in the chapter 特警制服 |
Dexter's Ultramax | Kill Dexter and take his weapon. 目標的輕機槍 |
HX AP-15 | All peon enemies use this weapon 步槍 |
Brick | Near helipad in a barrow on the back side of the helicopter 磚頭,直升機坪附近 |
Coffee Mug | Storeroom with the keycard 咖啡杯,放鑰匙牌的儲藏室裡 |
Crowbar | In a corner of the minefield. Shoot through the 2 lantern cables to reach the item 撬棍,雷場的角落 |
Fire Axe | Evidence room 防火斧,證據所在的房間 |
Hammer | Storeroom with the keycard or evidence room 鎚子,證據所在的房間 |
Metal Pipe | In front of the first straight minefield behind the crates on the left 金屬管,第一條雷區,在左邊的板條箱後 |
Plunger | Room with the evidence. The locker may make it hard to take the item. 通廁所用的活塞,證據所在的房間 |
Screwdriver | On the rooftop by the player checkpoint 螺絲刀,頂樓,存檔點附近 |
Sledgehammer | In the storeroom with the keycard 大鎚,要鑰匙牌打開的儲存室 |
TNT | not found 炸葯,未知 |
Keycard | In the storeroom leading to Blake Dexter's helipad 鑰匙牌,通向直升機坪的儲藏室裡 |
Challenge | Conditions and Criteria |
Chameleon | Collect the following Disguises (see Items): Agency Grunt, Agency Technician, Agency Heavy Trooper 收集制服:特工,技工,重裝兵 |
Evidence Collector | Collect the evidence in Cemetary Entrance, Burnwood Family Tomb, Crematorium 收集3個證據 |
Evidence 1 | Cemetary Entrance. At the crossroads, the evidence sits atop one of the low walls. 第一場景,十字路口,證據在一堵矮牆上 |
Evidence 2 | Burnwood Family Tomb. At the Agency camp in the clearing with the explosives. Look for the PC on one of the containers for the evidence beside it. 第二場景,特工的營帳,找找箱子上的電腦那裡 |
Evidence 3 | Crematorium. Atop the container with the Agency SPS 12 by the stairs to the Timed Explosive you use to kill Benjamin Travis. Watch out for the laser tripmine on the container as you approach it (you can see it in the screenshot) 第三場景,在取得用來弄死目標的定時炸彈旁的樓梯,箱子上,跟散彈槍一起,靠近時留意雷射探測射線 |
Infiltrator | Complete the chapter without being spotted. Cemetary Entrance, Burnwood Family Tomb, Crematorium |
Suit Only | Complete the chapter without using a disguise. Cemetary Entrance, Burnwood Family Tomb, Crematorium |
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing | Get the Agency Technician's disguise (there's a white bag with it in the rear of the Burnwood Family Tomb area), kill the target Jade, hide her body, and do it all without being spotted. 穿上技工制服,幹掉目標Jade,藏屍,不被發現(可能需要Hard以上難度) |
Heart of Stone | Kill the target by sabotaging the coffin suspended by the crane.破壞吊起的水泥板(棺材蓋)弄死目標 |
Crossed Out | Kill the target by caving in the cemetary tunnel with an explosion.炸塌墓園隧道弄死目標 |
Numb | Complete the Heart of Stone and Crossed Out challenges 完成以上2個目標 |
Arm's Length Principle | Use a remote explosive or proximity mine and kill a Praetorian.用遙控炸彈或地雷殺死一個近衛。我是在右側等兩個人靠近樓梯口時射爆旁邊的炸彈 |
Predator | Garrote three Praetorians without being spotted.絞死3個近衛不被發現 |
It Ain't Over Until | Clear mission |
The Higher Ground Part 1 | Get three headshots without arousing an alert or too much supicion with the sniper rifle. 用狙擊槍爆3個頭不激發警報和懷疑 |
The Higher Ground Part 2 | Get five headshots with the sniper rifle, and done in 10 seconds.10秒內用狙擊槍爆5個頭 |
The Higher Ground Part 3 | Get seven headshots without arousing an alert with the sniper rifle.用狙擊槍爆7個頭 |
Item | Location |
Disguise - Agency Grunt | The enemies in black and yellow 特工制服,黃黑色 |
Disguise - Agency Heavy Tooper | The enemies in black armor 重裝兵制服,黑色 |
Disguise - Agency Technician | The one enemy in a blue RACAL suit 技工制服,藍色 |
Agency Swiss 3000 | Only two enemies drop this weapon - a grunt in the Burnwood Family Tomb and Jade. 手槍,只有2個敵人身上有 |
Agency ARZ 160 | Enemies use this weapon 步槍 |
Agency SPS12 | Enemies use this weapon 散彈槍 |
Kazo TRG | 47 starts with this weapon. 狙擊槍 |
Book | Cemetary Entrance. Look for piles of rubble near a gap in the low wall at the right hand side of the map 書,第一場景,靠近出口右側的平台的較低一層斜對著出發地的那頭 |
Brick | Found around the area 磚頭 |
Vase | The starting tomb 花瓶,墓園一開始 |
Dog Bone | Found around the area 狗骨 |
Gasoline Can | Found around the area 汽油罐 |
Remote Explosive | From an Agency stash in the Burnwood Family Tomb 遙控炸彈,第二場景的特工儲藏處 |
Scissors | Burnwood Family Tomb. At the Agency camp 剪刀,第二場景,特工營帳 |
Screwdriver | Burnwood Family Tomb. At the Agency camp 螺絲刀,第二場景,特工營帳 |
Proximity Mine | From an Agency stash in the Burnwood Family Tomb 地雷,第二場景的特工儲藏處 |
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