標題: 求救... [列印本頁] 作者: 安潔珞 時間: 04-10-29 17:50 標題: 求救... OS: Windows XP 5.1 (Build: 2600)
CPU: GenuineIntel Unknown processor @ 1619 MHz with 511MB RAM
Video: No Video
Please enable Direct3D acceleration. You can do this by starting dxdiag and enabling Direct3D Acceleration in the Display1/2 tab after installing DirectX 8.1b (or later) and the latest drivers for your graphics card.
剛看到在VIDEO的部份是NO VIDEO.......也很可能是顯示卡的驅動程式沒裝或安裝不正確所導致的....
請在檢查一下唷~~~~~~~~作者: DrKnow 時間: 04-10-29 18:49 標題: 回覆: 求救... [QUOTE=安潔珞]
Please enable Direct3D acceleration. You can do this by starting dxdiag and enabling Direct3D Acceleration in the Display1/2 tab after installing DirectX 8.1b (or later) and the latest drivers for your graphics card.
請開啟您的3D 加速. 你可以從 dxdiag 開始並開啟Direct3D 加速.... (抱歉 我英文不好)