『伊索寓言』中,有一個獅子的故事,分別有英、法兩國的版本。法國的是,從前有一隻獅子、狼、狐狸、狗一起生活,牠們協定凡捕捉的獅物,都要平分為四份。後來狼捕捉到一隻鹿回來,狐狸分成四份,由獅子分配。獅子說:「按照協定,第一份應該是歸我。第二份也應該歸我,因為我是百獸之王。第三份都應該歸我,因為我都比你們強大。第四份.......。」由於獅子想不到藉口,乾脆直接說,誰敢動我就殺了牠。法國詩人把寓言故事改為詩,法國人因此有一句成語『La part du lion』,提醒世人,在強權別妄想得到公平。
Let that be realized . No survival for the Zone , no survival for all that the Zone has stood for , no survial for the urge , the im-pulse of the ages , that mankind shall move forward toward his goal .
Zone take up my task in buoyancy and hope . WE feel sure that our cause will not be suffered to fail among men .
I feel entitled at this juncture , at this time , to claim the aid of all and to say . "Come then , let us go forward together with our united stength ."