看起來很好玩~作者: 捌神庵 時間: 04-11-21 18:45 標題: 回覆: 【網頁對戰】Dark Throne [QUOTE=伊斯德˙古斯]我已經加好會員了!!
[/QUOTE]But I Don't Know How To Play .
Who Can Help Me ?作者: frog-褐樹蛙 時間: 04-11-21 19:45 標題: 回覆: 【網頁對戰】Dark Throne 看不懂英文低我~~!放棄了@@..作者: 芒果 時間: 04-11-21 19:57 標題: 回覆: 【網頁對戰】Dark Throne 誰能救救我啊~~~~~~@@我是撤徹底底的英文大白吃耶,我只會第一步,第二不完全不會耶,~~~~~~@@作者: Dragonssss 時間: 04-11-21 23:31 標題: 回覆: 【網頁對戰】Dark Throne you are right, I can't type english!
I can teach you how to play but someone need to change to chinese for me作者: andrew112 時間: 04-11-27 23:39 標題: 回覆: 【網頁對戰】Dark Throne http://www.darkthrone.com/recruit.dt?uid=V30379X30379Q30277W30328S30243
上一上吧,這是我的link作者: 狙擊手-阿倫 時間: 04-11-28 07:43 標題: 回覆: Dark Throne 第二步驟怎用
第二步驟地三個是啥阿作者: Dragonssss 時間: 04-11-28 12:56 標題: 回覆: Dark Throne http://www.darkthrone.com/index.dt
Ok try again!作者: ~星緣~ 時間: 04-11-28 19:38 標題: 回覆: Dark Throne 只看的懂一點點英文低我~~!放棄了@@..作者: alex0000 時間: 04-12-10 00:58 標題: 回覆: Dark Throne http://www.darkthrone.com/recrui ... 2W30328H30311N30226
你把連結貼上來我也會幫點的!作者: 黑田一真 時間: 04-12-10 08:40 標題: 回覆: Dark Throne 點我.....
幫點拜託~謝謝~我會把你的連結加到我的最愛每天點~XD作者: 狙擊手-阿倫 時間: 04-12-10 10:57 標題: 回覆: Dark Throne 請問第二步驟怎麼用阿
Date of birth must contain only numbers.
Invalid date of birth.那這個又是啥東西阿作者: ~蟲蟲~ 時間: 04-12-11 01:47 標題: 回覆: Dark Throne 第四步不是叫你點廣場啦
是要你打勾 確定你都看了規則
有空的人麻煩幫點唷~作者: Dragonssss 時間: 04-12-12 08:12 標題: 回覆: Dark Throne I say again my is phoneix!
if you have any problem you can massege me!
I will answer all the question.作者: 黑田一真 時間: 04-12-12 13:41 標題: 回覆: Dark Throne [QUOTE=Dragonssss]I say again my is phoneix!
if you have any problem you can massege me!
I will answer all the question.[/QUOTE]
hi~i started playing this game no longer before i replied this message.
i hope we can have fun in this game since it's a english game concerns me that ppl don't understand the game very well. you did a great job here helping ppl so thank you for that~
by the way my name in the game is kazuma~ : )作者: negi210 時間: 04-12-12 16:57 標題: 回覆: Dark Throne 請問一下
第2步驟 last是什麼啊作者: alex0000 時間: 04-12-19 03:47 標題: 回覆: Dark Throne 自己也可以點自己喔~~作者: Dragonssss 時間: 05-1-3 03:16 標題: 回覆: Dark Throne Do someone still playing?
If someone are still palying, can you leave your imformation.
Like mine:
Army size:615作者: Dragonssss 時間: 05-1-4 06:39 標題: 回覆: Dark Throne Does someone still playing?