Each atom
Sings to me
"Set me free
From chains of the physical."
O free me, O free me
The mirror melts
I'm somewhere else
Inside eternity
Where you on
Outstretched wings
Sing within
The Garden of Everything
Where memories
Call to me
Backward dreams?
Or phantom reality?
Call to me, they call to me
And so here we are
Lovers of Lost Dimensions
Burning supernovas of all sound and sight
Every touch, a temptation
And for every sense, a sensation
Eyes of pure
Deep azure
Quite unbelievable
The sun's daughter
You've been made
Not to fade
Quite inconceivable
Each atom sings to me
"Set me free
From chains of the physical."
O free me, O free me
A love like ours
A starry flower
Through seasons and centuries
As rivers reach the sea
You'll reach me
With songs of your symmetry
A small boat
There will float
To far off coasts
The Isle of Infinity
Come with me, O come with me
Here we'll see
Love's lost tree
Made out of miracles
Emotions, crystal leaves
To cover me
And you in eternity
Each atom sings to us
Through the blood
"Love is a miracle"
Sings softly, it sings softly
And so here we are
Lovers of Lost Dimensions
Burning supernovas of all sound and sight
Every touch, a temptation
And for every sense, a sensation
And so here we are
Twin stars of brilliant brightness
Lanterns lit by life for all the depths of night
And every day will return us
To arms of the ever eternal
And so here we are
So far from earthy orbits
Burning supernovas of all sound and sight
Where every day will return us
To arms of the ever eternal作者: 亡靈騎士 時間: 04-12-2 13:04 標題: 回覆: [HP]Rahxephon~多元變奏曲 THE GARDEN OF EVERYTHING 請問一下?這個是影像嘛?還是純歌?作者: yakumo 時間: 04-12-2 13:11 標題: 回覆: [HP]Rahxephon~多元變奏曲 THE GARDEN OF EVERYTHING 用這個上傳還滿簡單的,要不要也試試看?
只是要注意檔案大小。 http://www.ezshare.de/upload/ezshare.html作者: bcmorn 時間: 04-12-2 16:32 標題: 回覆: [HP]Rahxephon~多元變奏曲 THE GARDEN OF EVERYTHING 是劇場版的歌嗎
感謝~作者: 千歲 時間: 04-12-2 16:39 標題: 回覆: [HP]Rahxephon~多元變奏曲 THE GARDEN OF EVERYTHING [QUOTE=yakumo]用這個上傳還滿簡單的,要不要也試試看?
只是要注意檔案大小。 http://www.ezshare.de/upload/ezshare.html[/QUOTE]
感謝這位大大~剛才已經稍微看過了,只是因為是英文,所以需要再多花點時間研究^^作者: yakumo 時間: 04-12-2 17:12 標題: 回覆: [HP]Rahxephon~多元變奏曲 THE GARDEN OF EVERYTHING [QUOTE=千歲]感謝這位大大~剛才已經稍微看過了,只是因為是英文,所以需要再多花點時間研究^^[/QUOTE]
簡單,中間只有兩個按鈕,按瀏覽,在選取你要上傳的檔案,再按旁邊的upload,就開始上傳了,傳完了他會給你一個網址,就是你的檔案連結位置。作者: claireyu 時間: 04-12-2 22:51 標題: 回覆: [HP]Rahxephon~多元變奏曲 THE GARDEN OF EVERYTHING 這套動畫我正在連載