To increase Hotmail Account Limit to 250mb
Follow these steps..!!
Login ur hotmail account and go to options. (登陸hotmail後點選項,位在右上方help的旁邊)
Go to "Personal"
Click "My Profile"
Change Country to "United States" (國家修改為美國)
Wait for browser to load United states settings.
Change the state to "Florida"(佛羅里達州) and zip code(郵遞區號) "33332"
Click "update" (點選更新)
Click "Continue" (點選繼續)
Go to "Language" and make sure its "English" (請將顯示語言改成英語)
Paste the following link in the same browser and hit go. (將以下連接拷貝直接貼上瀏覽網址)http://by17fd.bay17.hotmail.msn.com/cgi-bin/Accountclose
Wait until the Screen says you're Hotmail is Closed and scheduled to be deleted.
Click "Close Account". (Your account won't be deleted after one day, you should login again right after confirmed account deletion) 此舉會將您的帳號刪除,但是並不會馬上刪除,只要重新登陸就可以再重新用了,且所有帳號裡面的郵件與訊息將完整保留)。
Go back to login page and relogin to ur hotmail account..!! 重新在瀏覽網址的地方輸入www.hotmail.com 重新登陸。重新開啟帳戶系統會問一些過去初申請時的問題,可以不選直接按繼續。問卷的最一頁(應該是第三頁),將會詢問你是否要申請2GB的付費帳號或者是繼續使用免費250MB帳號(連結在下方),請直接按下面的連結。
Your account size will now increase to 25 MB which a month later becomes 250 mb.
Good Luck..!! 你的帳號將會從2MB直接升級到25MB,並在30天內會升級到250MB。