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[QUOTE=artifact]第一個打你的人會是我.... = =+[/QUOTE]
你敢?= =+

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Wallock 大巫師
3 個職業技能 + 4 個火系能力球
職業技能 應該是與魔攻 and 魔力有關吧 =_=

Grazier 飼養者 (爆)
3 個職業技能 + 1 個召喚能力球 + 2 個暗系能力球 + 1 個地系能力球 (抗性次序第2的應該是地系沒錯)
職業技能 其中一個有關易奈娜 另一個有關帕衣門 (也許是強化召喚獸? 不過沒小黑)
估計贈送的 是會奏音樂的輔助系召喚 XD
贈送地系能力球 是否意味著可以使用高級魔法? = ="

Dark Priest 暗祭司
3 個職業技能 + 火/地/風系能力球 各2個
藍色盾的職業技能 估計是 HP及FP 回復/最大值上升
第二個職業技能 - - 看起來像電系魔法 XD

Assasin 暗殺客/刺客
2 個職業技能 (1個主動使用; 1個特殊) + 40 級的投擲刀
巡察系所轉職的暗殺者 似乎是偏向使用「投擲系武器」的職業 (以遠攻PT計算) ^^

另外 B 族的 Wizard & Astraler 與 C 族的 Wallock & DarkPriest 基本上是一樣

Holy Chandra 聖斬德拉
3 個職業技能 + 3 個神聖系能力球
還真吝嗇阿.... 至少也再送些藥水嘛 = ="
     Spell Breaker! [color=silver]↑猜到是甚麼咒文的話 送你香屁一個↑[/color]

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- 守‧羽 ::

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Wallock 大巫師
3 個職業技能 + 4 個火系能力球
職業技能 應該是與魔攻 and 魔力有關吧 =_=

Grazier 飼養者 (爆)
3 個職業技能 + 1 個召喚能力球 + 2 個暗系能力球 + 1 個地系能力球 (抗性次序第2的應該是地系沒錯)
職業技能 其中一個有關易奈娜 另一個有關帕衣門 (也許是強化召喚獸? 不過沒小黑...『刪除過多引言』[/QUOTE]

@@a First, I apologise that I can't type chinese in the school.. orz.. Besides.. shouldn't wallock be warlock?? Nevermind... Where did you get all these information???? What about Black Knight, Guardian, Shield Miler etc??

Abracadabra is a word used as an incantation, considered by some to be the phrase that is pronounced most universally in other languages without translation. One hypothesis about the source of the word is Aramaic: Avrah KaDabra which means I will create as I speak. Another possible source is the Hebrew Aberah KeDaber which also means I will create as I speak. Due to its universality, it has been speculated by Bible-believers that the word predates the confusion of langauges granted at the Tower of Babel in biblical times.

The word is now commonly used as an incantation by magicians. In ancient times, however, it was taken much more seriously as an incantation to be used as a cure against fevers and inflammations. The first known mention was in De Medicina Praecepta by Serenus Sammonicus, physican to the Roman emperorCaracalla, who prescribed that the sufferer from the disease wear an amulet containing the word written in the form of an inverted cone:

This, he explained, diminishes the hold of the spirit of the disease over the patient. Other Roman emperors, including Geta and Alexander Severus, were followers of the medical teachings of Serenus Sammonicus and are likely to have used the incantation as well.

There is also the view that Abracadabra derives from the Hebrew, ha-brachah, meaning "the blessing" (used in this sense as a euphemism for "the curse") and dabra, an Aramaic form of the Hebrew word dever, meaning "pestilence." They point to a similar kabbalistic cure for blindness, in which the name of Shabriri, the demon of blindness, is similarly diminished. Other scholars are skeptical of this origin and claim that the idea of diminishing the power of demons was common throughout the ancient world, and that Abracadabra was simply the name of one such demon.

Some point to the Hebrew words ab ("father"), ben ("son"), and ruach hacadosch ("holy spirit").

Some have argued that the term may come from the Arabic Abra Kadabra, meaning 'let the things be destroyed' or from the Aramaic abhadda kedhabhra, meaning 'disappear like this word'. Rather than being used as a curse, the Aramaic phrase is believed to have been used as a means of treating illness.

It has also been claimed that the word comes from Abraxas, a Gnostic word for God (the source of 365 emanations, apparently the Greek letters for Abraxas add up to 365 when deciphered according to numerological methods). It has also been claimed to come from Abracalan (or Aracalan), said to have been both a Syrian god and a Jewish magical symbol.
:: 自分が分るくせに、やはりあなたを愛するよ ::

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- 守‧羽 ::

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沒什麼 ^^" 只是 ABRACADABRA 的解釋吧了 -.-"
唔... 那是一句咒語, 意思就像... 嗯... 我說的時候便創造 (中文不懂譯 ~"~)
其餘的, 只是其歷史 ^^"

王於開始的哪幾句, 是問大大在哪看見那些資料的~
不過我現在已找到了~ ^0^

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倒大楣了....... 沒錯是 Warlock 啦!
我腦海只記得日文的寫法... 所以我都慣性的打出 Wallock 沒留意... 失禮a~!

我的資料當然是在前面那一頁找的 +_+
因為我是練召喚師系的, 所以只有隨便的說了幾句有關法師系的啦 ^^

另外 ABRACADABRA 我知道本來是指神秘的守護符咒、咒文
不過我說的 Abracadabra 其實是....RO賢者的隨機技能()
....別踹我 =3=
I will create as I speak
沒錯 我是創造者...... (踹飛)

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- 守‧羽 ::

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[QUOTE=Hayth]倒大楣了....... 沒錯是 Warlock 啦!
我腦海只記得日文的寫法... 所以我都慣性的打出 Wallock 沒留意... 失禮a~!

我的資料當然是在前面那一頁找的 +_+
因為我是練召喚師系的, 所以只有隨便的說了幾句有關法師系的啦 ^^

另外 ABRACADABRA 我知道本來是指神秘的守護符咒、咒文
不過我說的 Abracadabra 其實是....RO賢者的...『刪除過多引言』[/QUOTE]

原來 warlock 在日文是 wallock...嗎?

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