原文:(来自Lineage 2 Compendium网站)
Human Fighter Luck 1 P If you are dead at LV4 or under, you will loseExperience, but maintain items.
Human Fighter Mortal Blow 5 A Wounds opponent in vital spot. Available with daggersonly.
Human Fighter Power Strike 5 A Gathers power to hit hard. Available with swords andblunts only.
Human Fighter Powershot 5 A Cause great damage from far distance with bow.
Human Fighter Armor Mastery 5 P Defense power increases.
Human Fighter Rest in Peace 5 P Recovers HP fast when sitting.
Human Fighter Weapon Mastery 5 P Attack power increases.
Human Fighter Mortal Blow II 10 A Wounds opponent in vital spot. Available with daggersonly.
Human Fighter Power Strike II 10 A Gathers power to hit hard. Available with swords andblunts only.
Human Fighter Powershot II 10 A Cause great damage from far distance with bow.
Human Fighter Armor Mastery II 10 P Defense power increases.
Human Fighter Weapon Mastery II 10 P Attack power increases.
Human Fighter Mortal Blow III 15 A Wounds opponent in vital spot. Available with daggersonly.
Human Fighter Power Strike III 15 A Gathers power to hit hard. Available with swords andblunts only.
Human Fighter Powershot III 15 A Cause great damage from far distance with bow.
Human Fighter Armor Mastery III 15 P Defense power increases.
Human Fighter Weapon Mastery III 15 P Attack power increases.
Human Fighter Drain Energy 20 A Absorbs HP. Knight
Human Fighter Bow Mastery 20 P Increases attack power when using bow weapons. Rogue
Human Fighter Dagger Mastery 20 P Increases attack power when using dagger. Rogue
Human Fighter Heavy Armor Mastery 20 P Increases defense and evasion when wearing heavyequipment. Knight, Warrior
Human Fighter Light Armor Mastery 20 P Increases defense and evasion when wearing lightequipment. Rogue, Warrior
Human Fighter Polearm Mastery 20 P Increases attack power when using polearm. Warrior
Human Fighter Sword/Blunt Mastery 20 P Increases attack power when using sword/blunt weapons. Knight, Warrior