(06) 小室哲哉 song+nation 音樂聯合國--東洋群星慈善獻唱
01. a song is born / 濱崎步 & KEIKO (globe)
02. the meaning of peace / 倖田未來 & BoA
03. lovin'it / 安室奈美惠 & Verbal (m-flo)
04. in case of me / 持田香織 (Every Little Thing)
05. again / 伴都美子 (Do As Infinity)
06. My Planet / hitomi
07. do over again / HΛLNA (HΛL)
08. One Nation / TRF
09. get into you suddenly / BALANCe
10. Lights brought the future / KEIKO (globe)