Specifications說明 |
Primary Function:主功能 | Long-range, multi-role, heavy bomber |
Builder: 建造者 | Rockwell International, North American Aircraft |
Operations Air Frame and Integration:綜合推進力 | Offensive avionics, Boeing Military Airplane; defensive avionics, AIL Division |
Power Plant:發動機 | Four General Electric F-101-GE-102 turbofan engine with afterburner |
Thrust:最大爬升高度 | 30,000-plus pounds (13,500-plus kilograms) with afterburner, per engine |
Length:長度 | 146 feet (44.5 meters) |
Wingspan:翼展 | 137 feet (41.8 meters) extended forward, 79 feet (24.1 meters) swept aft |
Height:高度 | 34 feet (10.4 meters) |
Weight:重量 | Empty, approximately 190,000 pounds (86,183 kilograms) |
Maximum Takeoff Weight:最大的起飛酬載重量
| 477,000 pounds (214,650 kilograms) |
Speed: 速度 | 900-plus mph (Mach 1.2 at sea level) |
Rotate and Takeoff Speeds:瞬間最大推進力
| 210 Gross - 119 Rotate kts / 134 kts Takeoff
390 Gross - 168 kts Rotate / 183 kts Takeoff |
Landing Speeds:著陸速度
| 210 Gross - 145 kts
380 Gross - 195 kts |
Range:範圍 | Intercontinental, unrefueled |
Ceiling:作戰範圍 | Over 30,000 feet (9,000 meters) |
Crew:乘員 | Four (aircraft commander, pilot, offensive systems officer and defensive systems officer) |